Dream Warrior (Dark-Hunter 16) - Page 20

And she'd given him the first real pleasure he'd had since Zeus pinned him to the floor in the temple hall. For that alone, he'd give her anything she asked. Thank the gods, she had no idea how weak he was right now.

How much power she held over him.

When she didn't protest his desire to go to bed, be closed his eyes and exchanged her clothes for a sleek pink nightgown. It draped like a dream over her slender body, highlighting her curves. Her nipples were hard and more than apparent through the satin.

What he wouldn't give for a taste of them. But he wouldn't take from her. Not without an invitation.

She gasped as the gown appeared and crossed her arms over her chest.

"I won't hurt you," he promised, stamping down the urge to brush his hand inside the deep V of her gown and cup her breast. How could he hurt her after what she'd just done for him? "We're just going to sleep."

She gave him a look that mirrored the suspicion he always held. Ignoring it, he changed his clothes for a pair of dark green flannel pajama bottoms. Normally he slept naked, but he was pretty sure she would protest that.

His patch forgotten, he tucked his wings into the skin of his back as he pulled her toward the bed.

Delphine wasn't sure about this. But she admired the look of his sculpted backside as he moved away from her. He climbed into bed first, then waited for her.

"I've never slept with anyone in my life," he confessed.

"Neither have I." And she noticed he tucked his sword on the other side of his body as if he were afraid he might need it. The only question was, who did he think would attack him? One of the others?

Or her?

"What are you doing?"

"I'm..." A muscle worked in his jaw as he pierced her with a harsh stare. "I'm trusting you."

In that moment, she understood that he was more afraid of her than she was of him. It took a lot of faith to lie down at someone's side and trust them not to hurt you while you slept.

He was extending his hand to her. Deciding to take it, she smiled. "Truce?"


She joined him in bed and rolled onto her side so that her back was facing him.

After a few minutes, she felt his hand in her hair. "What are you doing?"

"Sorry." He immediately put more distance between them.

Tempted to roll over, she refused. She didn't want anything more than this. If she looked at him, he might misread her intentions, and who knew where that might lead.

Jericho lay on his back, watching her from the corner of his eye. It was so hard not to touch her when she was this close to him. The outline of her body under the covers was enough to make his body stir all over again.

The next time he came, he wanted to be inside her for it.

But that wouldn't be tonight. He'd seen the fear in her eyes when he'd pressed her hand against him. More than that, he knew the unspoken truth.

She was a virgin.

Most Oneroi were. At least those who'd been born after Zeus's curse. Since they didn't feel desire or love, they had nothing to motivate them for sex.

The Skoti were a different matter, as he'd seen earlier with Zeth. But Delphine...

She'd never been touched by anyone. He'd been the first to kiss her.

That thought brought a wave of possessive tenderness over him. Turning his head, he looked at her. She was completely relaxed and that tiny little snore started.

Smiling at it, he inched closer to her. The heat from her body warmed him even as the smoothness of her skin beckoned him to touch it. Unable to resist, he brushed his hand down her supple arm while he leaned forward to breathe her scent in. As he pulled back, his breath caught in his throat. The edge of her gown had been pushed back, showing him her bared breast.

Like her, it was beautiful. His body exploded with desire as he ground his teeth, wanting to sample it.

Back off. . .

He'd made her a promise and he wasn't about to break it. Instead, he kissed her lightly on the head. "Good night, Delphine," he whispered, savoring the syllables of her name.

Rolling over, he closed his eyes and forced himself to ignore her.

As if...

But the sound of her breathing did lull him. And as he drifted off to sleep, a part of him imagined what it would be like to spend eternity with her by his side.


At the sound of her name, Delphine jerked up from where she was making a flower garland. She was in a quiet meadow... the one she'd played in as a girl. But now dark clouds were rolling in, blocking out the sun.

"Who's there?" she called.

A shadow of Zeth appeared.

She shot to her feet, ready to battle him. This was how they always attacked. He would bring others into her dream, and they would defeat her.

Zeth was a beautiful god, and his blue eyes normally glowed. But he looked sick now. His long black hair hung lankly around his gaunt face. Those eyes, now black instead of blue, were sunken.

"There's something wrong," he breathed.

"You've destroyed us."

"No, it's more than that. There's something Noir is feeding us. Don't. . ." He faded out, then reappeared. "Don't eat." Then he was gone.

Delphine turned around, looking for others. Was it a trick?

But there was no one else here.

She tried to use her powers. Again, they were worthless to her. It appeared that even in this realm, she was trapped.

Lightning flashed, followed by a tremendous clap of thunder. An angry wind plastered her clothes against her.

Delphine headed toward the woods where her house had once been. She didn't get far.

Azura was there on the pathway, blocking her. "What's the matter, child? Are you afraid?"

"Why are you here?"

Azura smiled, but the gesture didn't reach her cold eyes. "I have a gift for you."

"I don't want your presents."

She tsked. "You'll want this one."

Delphine started running. If she could reach the trees...

She didn't make it.

Azura appeared before her and caught her. Screaming, Delphine tried to fight. It was no use.

Azura threw her to the ground and shoved something in her mouth. "Swallow."

Delphine shook her head, trying to break free. She tried to spit the bitter-tasting gel from her mouth. Nothing worked.

"Swallow!" Azura shouted in a demonic voice.

Delphine choked, but in the end, she couldn't resist the order. The gel went down her throat.

She cried out as it seemed to slither through her.

Azura laughed. "He'll like you even more now." She pulled back and left Delphine on the ground.

Writhing in pain, she wanted to vomit and couldn't. But after a few minutes, the pain lessened.

And an unbearable heat started deep inside her. One that wouldn't let her sleep another minute.

Opening her eyes, she found herself still in bed with Jericho. Darkness enveloped them, and yet she could see the outline of his body perfectly.

Needing a taste of him, she attacked.

Azura laughed as she returned to the war room, where Noir sat feeding one of his ugly black hounds.

He glanced up with a stern frown. "You look pleased."

"I am. I've just guaranteed us a little more time of Cratus being out of our hair."

"Good." He patted the hound on the head. "He's entirely too nosy. I found out from one of my pets that he was downstairs talking to Deimos and Jaden."

She hissed like a cat at the name of Jaden. If there was one creature she hated, he was it. "It seems our little broker hasn't learned his lesson."

"Does he ever?"

She curled her lip. "Such a pity we can't kill him."

"At least he bleeds well. Something the others don't do."

"True." Azura trailed her hand along the back of his chair. "Have you found your Malachai?"

"Only the city. Ma'at and the Atlantean god Aposto-los are guarding him so that I can't find his exact location. But I will tear that city apart until I do."

She paused by his side. "Perhaps you don't have to."

"What do you mean?"

"One of my demons told me that there's a group of gallu looking for a haven."

Noir looked up with interest. "Gallu?" Those were Sumerian demons and some of the most brutal of any demons. Best of all, the blood of a gallu was infectious and could turn their victims into zombies.

"Shall we invite them in?"

Noir smiled. "Absolutely. And I know their first victim."


He nodded and Azura laughed. With Cratus bitten, they would be in complete and utter control of him.

Then, even without the Malachai or their sister Braith, the world would be theirs forever.

Tags: Sherrilyn Kenyon Dark-Hunter Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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