Hot to the Touch - Page 55

No, she didn’t hate all men, only the type she’d always attracted. No, she wasn’t against relationships, just the self-destructive, soul-depleting ones she’d always had.

Not hard to see why.

This man…of course it was ridiculously early. They’d spent only a few weeks together, but the way he spoke to her, the way he respected her talent and seemed to respect her devotion to her career, never harping on all the time she spent away from him. His confidence in her ability to withstand the Raoul copycat restaurant warmed her, even if she didn’t think he was right.

In short, today, she was full of the joyous bloom of love for humanity, for herself, for everyone. Could this last? Of course not. Every couple started out this way, putting best feet forward. Sooner or later the cracks would inevitably show. It was just that for the first time she had real hope the cracks would stay cracks, and not turn into enormous fissures that widened until they swallowed her completely.

Her phone rang. “Gladiolas, Chef Darcy Clark speaking.”


Her professional face melted into a smile that Ace would probably say made her superhuman. “Troy. What’s up?”

“Wondered if there was anything you wanted me to bring tonight.”

“Not a thing. What are you doing?”

“About to go over to the club to work out. Everything going well there today?”

“Very.” She tipped her head back, rested it on the back of her chair. “The staff is confused, though.”

“Why’s that? Because it’s freezing in June?”

“No, but it is. I’m having to delay our usual transition to hot weather food. Last night’s special was called June is the New March.”

“So why is your staff confused?”

Darcy smirked. “They seem to think I’m becoming human.”

“Really.” He sounded distinctly amused. “How strange. Why do you think that is?”

“I have no idea. They’ve certainly never thought I was before.”

“Hmm. Anything new in your life?”

“Well…” She ran her hands over her breasts, imagining Troy’s touch. “I do have this new young lover. Very hot.”

“Mmm. Tell me more. Because I have a really hot lover, too.”

“Ooh.” She brushed her hand between her legs, becoming aroused just talking to him. “Re-e-ally hot?”

“Yes-s-s. Hot to look at. Hot to sleep with. Hot to touch.” His slow, deep voice was turning her into jelly. “Sometimes I’m afraid I’ll get burned.”

Darcy caught her breath. Her hand stilled. She couldn’t tell if he was serious or kidding, but she knew exactly what he meant. “Maybe you should invest in asbestos gloves.”

“I hope I won’t have to, Darcy.”

“Yes.” She wanted to reassure him, tell him in a firm voice that she wouldn’t ever hurt him, but the words wouldn’t come. Who knew what lay ahead? She didn’t want to be hurt, either, but you couldn’t plan for that future, no matter how wonderful the present felt. Just ask her parents.

“Tell me more about your day, Darcy.”

“Let’s see.” She switched gears along with him, enjoying the simple pleasure of sharing life’s more mundane details with him. “I talked to Ace just now about assuming more responsibility once he’s clean. I think he’ll make an effort at least. Actually, no, I think he’ll do it.”

“Good. Good for you, Darcy.” His enthusiasm made her wonder if he was thinking of his brother, Tom, lost to drugs in a way she hoped Ace never would be. “No more harassment from Raoul?”


“I’d say you’re having a good day.”

She pitched her voice seductively low. “I’d say it will get much better when it turns to night.”

“Mmm. You keep saying things like that and I’ll come over right now and take you over your desk.”

“Oooh.” She fanned herself. “You’re right, I’d better be careful. Because that would be entirely wonderful.”

Troy laughed. “See you later, Darcy.”

“Don’t work out too hard. I’ll need those muscles all night long.”

Tags: Isabel Sharpe Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024