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My Kind of Dirty (Dirty Fuckers MC 2)

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Chapter One

Drake looked around the clubhouse at the action going on. He loved watching women in different states of arousal. Well, he loved the club sluts who didn’t have a problem letting go. There was nothing worse than seeing a woman fighting pleasure, and he’d seen a lot of women do that. Cora and James had left the main part of the club to head to the more private back area. He imagined Caleb and Kitty Cat were already creating a Dom/sub scene.

“What the fuck is wrong?” Leo asked.

The seat on his other side was taken up by Paul.

Both Leo and Paul were known for sharing women, and the last woman they shared, Stacey, hadn’t given them the time of day since she had her fun. It made for some awkward moments seeing as Stacey was also Cora’s best friend.

Yeah, awkward didn’t even begin to cover it.

“Nothing, why?”

“You’re sitting here moping. Damn, you’ve not got another disease again, have you?” Paul asked, pulling away as if he did have a disease.

It had been a long time since Drake got gonorrhea, and it wasn’t even his fault. He’d been on the road, and he’d believed some chick who he met in a bar. What-fucking-ever. He was done with women, and their cheating, lying ways. Actually, the club believed he had fucking herpes, but he didn’t. After trying to tell them he didn’t have herpes, they didn’t seem to listen, so he simply stopped trying to tell them the truth.

Throughout his life he’d always ended up with women who either used him to get into the club, or gave him fucking sexually transmitted infections.

“That was a long fucking time ago! And it wasn’t fucking herpes!” Drake said, downing his shot of brandy, and relishing the burn as it slid down his throat. He loved the Dirty Fuckers MC, but there were times he really wished they’d get over shit. There was no chance of him ever living shit down, ever. Regardless of whatever infection he had, it was still fucking wrong.

They were his brothers, and they all liked to remind him how damn stupid he could be.

“It’s fucking funny that you thought that whore was a virgin. You picked her up in a bar.” Leo was kind enough to remind him of the woman who gave him gonorrhea, not herpes as the club all thought.

Before heading to Greater Falls, where they now lived, they’d stopped off at a cowboy bar to have a drink. He’d met a woman while he’d been there—Cindy, which probably wasn’t her name. She’d been dressed up like she had gotten out of church, and a whole lot of women had been there with her. They hit it off, and before the end of the night, he had her in his bed, spending the weekend together. Come Monday, he thought he had an old lady, but instead, Cindy turned out to be nothing but a whore who was having one last dirty weekend before she married her very proper husband. Cindy had also been fucking men all over, picking up whatever shit she could get her hands on.

Needless to say, the first chance he got, he had a full workup done, to find that he had gonorrhea, but nothing else.

“Where’s Stacey?” he asked, watching them both lose that fucking smile.

“Not cool!” Paul said.

“What? You can talk about the bitches from my past but I can’t talk about the bitch from your present?”

After a couple months of fucking, Stacey had stopped going to the club, and was instead dating some teacher, or something like that.

Paul and Leo had left her alone. She was clearly not the one for the two of them. Even though they were not related by blood, Leo and Paul acted like real ass brothers. They also wanted a woman to share between themselves. So far, no one would stick around to be with them.

“We saw her with that prick, Bill at the diner.” Leo slammed his hand on the counter, and Jerry who was serving, handed him a bottle of beer. “Fucking bitch is even eating on our fucking turf.”

“She didn’t want us, Leo. We went in with our eyes open.” This came from Paul.

“You can’t tell me that you didn’t think she was the one?” Leo asked.

Drake sat nursing his shot of brandy, which Jerry had kindly filled up for him.

“Yeah, in the beginning, I did. She could keep up with us, and accepted us as a threesome, but didn’t you notice she pretty much ignored us unless she wanted to get off? I’m more than happy to have a bitch suck my dick, and give me all access to her holes, but I’m not going to go fighting a woman for commitment.”

“You know what? You two ladies have a lot to work out. I’m going to head into the back, and watch the shows that are about to start. I saw Richard arrive a few minutes ago, and you know how he likes to work the girls over.”

Taking his drink, Drake headed toward the back of the clubhouse, entering a secured room, making sure it was closed behind him.

Cora and James were cuddled up in one of the booths, watching the two shows being played out. Caleb had Kitty Cat and was spanking her ass for some imagined wrongdoing. Richard was working a new club whore, Sophie. Richard was balls deep inside of Sophie as he wrapped her hair around his wrist and started to fuck her.

Taking a seat in the booth with James and Cora, Drake saw several of the brothers were watching the show as well.

“What’s up?”

“I’m tired of listening to Leo and Paul bitching and moaning about shit.” He shrugged.

“They’ve still got a thing for Stacey,” Cora said with a sigh. “I did warn her.”

“It’s not your problem,” James said, stroking his woman’s arm.

“What if they blame me?”

“Stacey, Leo, and Paul are all adults. If they didn’t want to commit to shit, then that’s between them. You didn’t make them stick their dicks inside her, and you didn’t make her take them. It’s between them, keep it there.”

Drake sipped at his brandy this time, wondering why he was feeling … empty. He didn’t get it. The club was full of new pussy, even from the town they were currently living, Greater Falls, but he wasn’t interested.

“Where’s Teri?” he asked.

Teri Davies was their cook, and had taken the diner that they had bought, turning it into one of the places to stop and eat at. The food was out of this world, and had even made some headlines. Teri was also a friend to the club, and occasionally fucked them. Drake had taken a few turns with her, but it hadn’t rocked his world.

Glancing over at Cora and James, he was a little envious of the couple. They had found each other when neither of them had actually gone looking. He wasn’t some kind of pussy looking for love, but at thirty-nine years old, he was hoping to settle down, maybe even have a couple of kids.

“She’s not coming tonight. She’s interviewing some woman tomorrow morning who applied for a position as a waitress. Teri wants to be there early enough to see her in action,” James said.

“Damn, Teri even said she’s making her breakfast casserole tomorrow. I’ve got to be there for t

hat,” Cora said, licking her lips. The woman oozed sex. Even Drake was getting hard, and Cora wasn’t his type, not really. She was too feisty, and he liked his women on the gentler side.

“Woman, you’re making me hard licking your lips like that.”

Cora giggled, running her tongue across her lip slowly. “You thinking about your cock here, baby?”

“Fuck, yeah.”

James tugged Cora so that she was straddling his lap, and Drake sighed. He watched as James removed Cora’s dress, letting her tits pop out, and lifting it up.

Well, if he was going to get a chance to enjoy the show, he was going to make the most of it. Releasing his cock from the tight confines of his jeans, he started to work from the root down to the base, then back up. He took slow strokes, wanting it to last. The tip was already leaking pre-cum, and he smeared the natural lube into the skin of his cock. Fuck, he wanted a woman to take him into her mouth and suck him down.

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