Owned by the Club - Page 5

Chapter Two

There was no way Rosie was hearing that right, and yet when she looked at Pops she knew she’d heard everything right.

“I, I don’t know what to say.”

“This is not something you have to answer right now. We’ll talk with Peter, and make sure he gives you time to pay. You can go, think it over.” He wrote something down on a card, and rounded the desk, holding it out to her. She took the card seeing it was his number.

“Sex?” She stared at the card, and then at the man in front of her. He was older than she was, with his hair greying at the temples. Rosie had always found Pops the most attractive of the group of men. There was no way she could deny that he was a hot guy. He oozed sex appeal, and experience, and everything that she always wanted but denied herself all the time.

His brow rose.

“That’s what you’re wanting right?”

“Babe, it’s going to be a hell of a lot more than that,” Pops said.

Each of the men moved close to her, surrounding her, and yet not scaring her. None of them looked like they were going to hurt her. She watched as they stared at her, waiting.

“Do you think you could handle us?” Billy asked, touching her hand.

Her heart was pounding, and it had nothing to with fear. Her pussy grew slick, and her tits felt heavy as each man touched her.

Pops watched her, and she was captivated by him.

“Step back,” he said.

“All five of you want to share me?” she asked, her focus on the man in front of her.


“You’ll handle my debt with Peter?”


“I, er, I really need to think about this.”

“You have my number. Call me when you know what you want to do, and we’ll handle Peter.”

“You really don’t have to do that,” she said, not wanting to cause them more trouble.

“Peter’s an asshole. He’ll cause you trouble just for the fun of it. I’m not about to let that happen. None of us would let you have to face shit like that.”

She nodded. “O-okay.” Holding the card up, she took a deep breath. “I’ll call you.”

Stepping away from the group of men, she made her way back toward her car, trying to think clearly. It was hard for her to do.

Get a grip.

Climbing behind the wheel of her car, she turned over the ignition and made her way toward her shop. Book Dreams wasn’t exactly catchy, but it had been her dream, and getting this shop, she’d been so happy, so proud of herself. Now that was all over.

Pulling out the front, she stared up at the window, which exposed the area she’d hoped to turn into a café.

“It’s such a shame, Rosie,” Peter said, startling her as he moved up behind her.

Pressing a hand to her chest, she spun to face him. “What are you doing here?”

“I wanted to see the place that I own. It’s kind of a dud. I have so much vision for the place.”

“It’s mine.”

Tags: Sam Crescent Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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