Owned by the Club - Page 9

He’d seen the curiosity in her eyes.

The girl next door wanted them.

Now he just needed to wait for that want to turn into a craving that stopped her from hesitating.

“What’s it going to be?” Pops asked.

Peter was a coward. He hid from everyone and everything.

Seconds passed, and finally Peter picked up the envelope. “All of it here?”

“Yes. I expect those loan papers, and anything else you have to do with Rosie’s building.”

“I’ll mail them.”

“Nice try. Marshall is going to go with you.”

“What about my men?”

“I’ll babysit them. Once they wake, I’ll send them over to you, and you have my word.”

“I’m supposed to believe your word?”

“Yeah, you are. Unlike you, I keep my word. If you hurt, or continue to bug Rosie, you’ll answer to me. Have I made myself clear?”


“I will know if you think you can fool me. Don’t even try it.”

Seconds later, Peter and Marshall were gone.

Pops sat back, staring at the two men who were in a crumpled up in a heap on the floor. Even if Rosie didn’t agree to be with them, he’d still have taken the loan away from Peter. That bastard would only hurt her, and he wouldn’t be able to live with himself if something was to happen to her.

Marshall called ahead to let him know he had the loan details, and he was on his way home. Just after the phone call, Peter’s two men woke, and Pops sent them on their way.

Everything was in place.

All he had to do was wait for Rosie.

Patience was never one of his virtues.

He was going to have to wait.

There was nothing to be done, and providing Peter took his threat seriously, he wouldn’t be a problem.

Tags: Sam Crescent Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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