Owned by the Club - Page 13

“You’ve only had one man?” Marshall asked.

“Yes. Only one man, and he told me I was useless.”

“Wow, I never thought we’d have a virgin at thirty years old,” Gavin said.

“I’m not a virgin.”

“No? Tell me, have you ever been fucked that it is almost impossible for you to walk?” Gavin asked.

She moaned. “No.”

“No?” Gavin smiled.

“How about your ass?” Billy asked.

“What about it?”

“You ever had a man fuck your ass? Push his cock in that tight little hole and stretch you to take all of it?”

No, she really hadn’t, but she wanted it. She shook her head. “No.”

“Babe, you’re sounding more innocent with every second we’re talking.”

“What about your mouth?” Marshall asked.

“What about it?”

“You ever gagged on a man’s cock as he thrusts it in your mouth?”

She sighed and shook her head. She’d never experienced anything that they’d talked about.

“Would you like a little taste?” Pops asked.

“A little taste?”

“Yeah.” He kissed her neck, the hard stubble around his mouth rubbing against the sensitive skin, turning her on. “Marshall, come forward.”

The large man stepped in front of her.

“Open her shirt.”

She held her breath as Marshall without any other instruction worked open the buttons of her white shirt. She’d dressed for business in a plain black skirt and crisp white shirt.

“Damn, I hope your panties match your bra.” Marshall ran a finger across the lace covering her bra. “Look at those tits. I can see how red her nipples are.”

“You want a taste?” Pops asked.

“Yeah, I do. She’s going to taste so fucking sweet. My mouth is watering.”

“What do you think, baby?” he asked, licking her earlobe. “Do you think we should let him have a taste of perfection?”

Why did he have to sound so bossy and hot at the same time?

She couldn’t believe the power he had over her.

Rosie nodded, moaning out a yes at the same time.

“Go on, Marshall, have a taste of her tits.”

There was no turning back, and she didn’t want to.

Tags: Sam Crescent Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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