Owned by the Club - Page 19


“To have all five of us completely naked, our dicks rock hard, waiting to be inside you?”

“Yes.” That last one wasn’t said with much conviction. She hesitated, staring at him.

“We all want you, Rosie. It’s not a question of if. It’s a question of when. When will you give us everything? It’s not just about sex.”

“What more do you want?” She knew the answer to that. It was so clear. They had all told her at least once over the past five days that they wanted more than just her body. What they all wanted, all five of them, was a complete commitment from her. This wasn’t just about a quick fuck, or getting their rocks off ordering a woman around. They wanted it all from her, and she had to be willing.

Joe thought she was an idiot to wait so long.

This was a once in a lifetime offer, maybe not even a once in a lifetime. She didn’t have just one man after her, she had five.

“I don’t know if I can do that,” she said.

“Which is why we’re giving you all this time to think about it, to know your own mind, and what you want to do.” Pops dropped a kiss to her lips. “We can wait.”

“Billy told me there’s a party tonight at the bar. He wants me to drop by.”

“When one of us speaks, he speaks for all of us. We want you to come, so you can come and see what we’re all made of.”

“Can I bring Joe?”

“Yes. He’s more than welcome. Especially seeing as he’s the one fighting our corner.” He kissed her cheeks and rubbed the patch away. “Have a little faith, baby.”

“It’s not every day you’re propositioned about being owned by a group of men.”

“You’ll love it.”

She watched him head toward the door. “You’re done?”

“Yeah, I’ve got to head to the bar. I’ve got work to set up there. I look forward to seeing you.”

She watched him leave her shop, and she followed him, closing the door behind him. They were confusing her. One moment it was like they couldn’t keep their hands off her, and now she wasn’t so sure. They were … making her want. She’d never felt desire like this, nor known this kind of yearning that was rushing through her body. The whole thing was… exciting.


“Do you think she’ll come?” Billy asked.

“Yeah, I do. She asked if Joe was allowed to come,” Pops said, getting the stage ready for the local live band he was giving a chance to.

“I like Joe,” Marshall said. “He knows we’re the real deal.”

“That’s because we’ve each pulled him aside, and told him exactly what we want with his girl,” Gavin said. “He wants the best for Rosie. We all do.”

“She wants us,” Ethan said. “No doubt about that.”

“It’s not about long term at the moment,” Pops said. They all wanted her to be in it for the long term. He was tired of screwing random women that he had no feelings for. At forty-five years old, he wanted to settle down, fall in love, and be with one woman. “She’s afraid of settling down.”

“She’s afraid of us. If one man can break her heart, how easy would it be for all five of us to do the same?” Gavin said.

“We’d never hurt her.” This came from Billy.

“We all know that, but clearly she doesn’t.” Gavin shrugged. “Time. That’s what we’ve got to give her.”

They all departed, and got to work. Pops glanced over at Gavin, and he liked the change in his friend. Usually he was the morbid one, always thinking something wouldn’t work. He headed into his office and was writing up the last of the order when Gavin entered.

“Hey, we’re opening up. Already got a load of thirsty customers.”

Tags: Sam Crescent Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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