Owned by the Club - Page 24

“What about what others think?”

“Please, stop giving them power that they really don’t deserve. I demand that my best friend find that love, and if it’s with five handsome guys, start rubbing some of that luck on me.”

She burst out laughing. “Thank you, Joe.”

“What are BFFs for?”


Joe had left already, and Pops watched as Rosie danced with Marshal and Ethan. Customers were quieting down, and the band was already packed up and gone. It had been a long night, but a good night.

“She’s perfect, isn’t she?” Billy said.

“Damn straight she is.”

Pops wanted everyone gone so he could focus on their little angel. So far he’d only gotten to dance with her once.

He watched as Marshall grabbed her ass, making her gasp as he swung her hips from side to side.

“That’s it, baby. You’ve got to let the music take you. Become one with it,” Pops heard Ethan say, moving up behind her, taking her hips. She was laughing, and it was a sight he wanted to keep on seeing.

“You love her?” Gavin asked.


“We all do.”

He’d loved her from the first moment he saw her. There were fifteen years between them, and he’d felt too damn old compared to her. Now, he saw a future with her, a future he knew he could make perfect.

Another hour passed before the last customer left, and it was close to three in the morning. Pops was primed and ready for the rest of the night. Sleep was the last thing on his mind.

“So, do you guys live here?” she asked.

“No,” Gavin said. “We have a house about ten minutes from here.”

“I don’t want to go home,” she said.

“Then what do you want?” Pops asked.

She smiled. It was one of those sweet smiles that was also trying to be seductive. He found it to be the most adorable look he’d ever seen.

“I’m hoping you’ll show me where you live.”

“The truck’s out front,” Ethan said.

“Let’s lock up, and head home.”

Pops was the last one out of the bar, closing and locking all the doors as he left. He climbed into the truck with Marshall and saw Ethan was with Rosie. Billy and Gavin were riding separately.

“We can’t screw this up.”

“We won’t.” Rosie was too curious, and there was no way they were fucking it up.

Neither of them spoke on the way toward the house, which was an old ranch house that they bought out. The acres were still farmed and worked by the local rancher, and they had a large garden for when they had kids.

Damn, kids. Pops wanted them. They all dreamed of having a whole house full of children. A large family.

Ethan was helping Rosie out of the truck as they pulled into the house. Pops stayed back and watched as they all took turns to charm her.

Tags: Sam Crescent Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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