Nothing to Hide - Page 38

“Pffft. New-age crap.” He made the pronouncement mildly, more stubborn than sullen. She had the feeling he was listening.

“I bet you’re thinking if Jonas gets Allie, it’s another nail in your coffin of self-worth, huh?”

“Oh, jeez, put it in a psych textbook.” He looked so much like a scowling kid getting a deserved scolding that she wanted to laugh. But she understood that kind of pain, too, so she wouldn’t.

“It’s not about Allie, Erik.”

“No? What is it about?”

“You.” Sandra put her hand on his thigh, a practiced sultry smile on her face. Bingo. Right where she wanted him. “Having a fun time up here after all.”

Erik turned toward her, his eyes lit with sexual fire. He’d heard her. “Is this more flirting or serious?”

“Serious.” She leaned toward him, breasts crowding each other in her tight turquoise top. “Take a good, long look and think about it.”

“Look and think?” He gave his head a brief shake. “Can’t do both.”

She nearly spoiled her sultry pitch with a giggle. “There are rules, however.”


“Yes. We’re going to play a little game. One you’ve never played before.”

“Okay.” He hadn’t taken his eyes off her breasts. Her nipples reacted to his gaze by coming wide-awake, which made him stare harder. She was amused...and turned on. The alcohol, probably.

“You’re going to do something with me I’m betting you never did with any other woman.”

“Oh.” He took in a deep breath, blew it out, then met her eyes in that aggressive I-want-you way that made her have to steel herself not to back down. “I’ll do it, whatever it is.”

There went his deep feelings for Allie. First offer he got elsewhere, he jumped at. Gee, didn’t every woman want to be loved like that?

“I’m only worried about one thing, Erik,” she whispered.


“Yeah.” She trailed her index finger across his mouth. A sexy mouth, slightly fuller than his brother’s. “I’m afraid if you have me, I’ll ruin every other woman for you.”

He smiled his quick smile and chuckled. “I’ll take that risk.”

“Okay. Here it is.” She leaned in to his ear. “We’re not going to have sex until you open yourself to me. Emotionally.”

He reared back to read her expression. “What?”

“Well?” She gestured triumphantly. “Have you ever done that with a woman?”

“I was trying to with Allie. It didn’t work out.”

“This will work out. But only if you tell me things about yourself. Big things, revealing things, secrets you’ve never told any of the women you’ve been with. Like feeling crappy next to Jonas. Each time you admit something deeply personal, you get a reward.” Sandra brought his head down between her breasts. “This.”

“Mmm.” He nuzzled her, his touch and breath warm on her skin.

She slipped off the stool, took his hand and guided it around to her bottom. “And this.”

His breath hissed in between his teeth. “Oh, yeah.”

“And finally...this.” She singled out his index finger, pressed it to the juncture of her thighs. Got him.

Except he freed his finger with ease, and firmly cupped her sex in his palm. Sandra froze for three endless seconds, feeling his fingers move gently. Unexpected arousal seared through her. She moved back abruptly, retrieved her booze glass from the sink and brought it back to him. “Hit me.”

Erik looked at her uncomprehendingly, eyes still glazed. “You want me to hit you?”

“Erik, Erik, Erik.” Sandra thumped her glass on the counter, annoyed with herself for coming so close to losing control of the situation. Guys like Erik were always in control. She’d be no different than any other woman if she fell apart under his touch. “Pour me more of something. Anything. Don’t care if it’s Marquis de La-dee-da or a wine cooler, as long as it has alcohol in it.”

“Yes, right, okay.” He got up from the stool, erection ballooning the front of his pants. There was something weirdly endearing about that messed-up kid. “How about Frapin Extra Grande Champagne Cognac, about $25 per ounce?”

Sandra rolled her eyes. “Blah-blah-blah, just pour.”

He poured, grinning boyishly. “Not impressed?”

“Takes more than money to impress me.”

“I’m beginning to get that.” He held up his glass toward hers, inviting a clink. “I’m ready to accept your proposition. On one condition.”

Tags: Isabel Sharpe Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024