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Nothing to Hide

Page 72

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Sandra burst into giggles. “Eek! Help! Pervert attack!”

“Not the first time, won’t be the last.” He picked her up as if she weighed fifty pounds and swung her onto the bed.

She lay back, laughter subsiding, waiting for him to undress.

His shirt was off, landing with a swish. His shorts were off. Landing with a clunk.

Sandra blinked. Clunk? She lifted her head. “What was that? Rocks in your pocket?”

Erik chuckled harder than she would have thought the lame joke merited. “Actually, yes.”

“Aww, you were out collecting beach stuff?”

“Nope.” He picked up the shorts and fished in the pocket. “Out buying them.”

“Buying rocks?” She sank disgustedly onto the pillow, staring straight up. “You rich people are too much.”

“I’d really like to show you my totally cool rocks.”

“Uh, yeah, sure.” She rolled her eyes at the ceiling. “That would be super.”

“Okay, I will. After I—”

“Get your rocks?” she turned and smiled sweetly “?off?”

“That was bad.” Naked, with a condom on, he dived on top of her, making her squeal again. She welcomed him into her arms, absorbing the broad masculine feel of his body on hers.

And then it was just too silly to put off telling him any longer.


“Yes? God, you feel good.” He shifted over her, matching them up. Legs, pelvis, torso.

“Listen, I want to—”

“You have the most gorgeous skin, Sandra.” He kissed her shoulder, her cheek, her forehead.

“Thank you.” She gathered her courage again. “Erik, I—”

“And your breasts are works of art.” He showed her with his mouth his deep love of art.

“Thank you. I’m trying—”

“I want to make love to you all—”

“For God’s sake, Erik, I’m trying to tell you I love you. Will you shut up?”

He froze in shock, staring down at her.

They both burst out laughing. Then stopped at the same moment.

“Sandra.” Erik kissed her as if he was never ever going to stop, which she bloody well hoped he wouldn’t.

The kisses turned hot and hotter, then he was sliding inside her, arms tight around her, making her feel adored, not confined.

This was what it was like, then, loving and being loved. Something she’d been after all her life, often without realizing it. This was safety, not risk, this incredible connection, making love to each other on a level of intimacy she’d never experienced. Knowing unconditional love for the first time in her life.

If only it could last forever.

Careful, Sandra. Nothing lasts forever. At least not for you.

She blocked the worrisome thoughts and relaxed into the slow, beautiful pace of their lovemaking, a pace that inevitably sped up when their mutual arousal demanded it.

And then she was clutching him, not holding him, he was plunging not sliding, and she was panting and straining for the climax that hung just out of reach until he changed his angle, making her lift her hips higher. And then, yes, there was the wonderful onrushing ecstasy that burst over her.

Yet through it all, the ultimate surrender, she was always aware of the man in her arms, always aware of them in this together, aware of his pleasure and climax as well as her own.

So different.

Then the gradual slowing of his breathing, the husky tone of his voice when he whispered her name. The deep sigh of contentment that relaxed him, and the echo of hers.


“Mmm?” She couldn’t be bothered to form an actual word.

“I want to show you those rocks now.”

Her peaceful face wrinkled into disbelief. He could not be serious. “Now?”

“Yeah. They’re great. I got five of them.”

“Five rocks.”

“Uh-huh.” He pulled out of her and got up to get rid of the condom.

Sandra lay on the bed, glaring at its wrought iron foot. Rocks. For crying out loud, this was the guy she had to fall in love with?

A smile curved her lips and she stretched her arms deliciously over her head.


“Here.” He sat on the bed, reached for his stupid rocks. “But I’m only giving them to you because I love you.”

“Sure, okay.” She struggled to sit up.

And froze.

Velvet box. Man holding it out to her. Deep love in his eyes.


“Oh my God, Erik.” She grabbed at the sheet, then realized she was instinctively trying to cover herself, and made her hand stay still. “What have you done?”

“I told you. Bought rocks.” He spoke lightly, but his eyes were anxious, vulnerable. “They’re for you.”

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