The Perfect Indulgence - Page 30

“The thought crossed my mind.”

“Then why are you here?” She narrowed her eyes suspiciously. “Were you hoping to watch?”

Zac looked surprised for a split second before he snorted. “I think I’d better come in.”

“What for?” It wasn’t exactly a polite question. She wished the tequila would magically exit her brain. “Well, I mean, are you going to kiss me again? Because I’m not sure that’s a good idea when I’ve had a couple of margaritas or three.”

His brow rose. “Only if you want me to, Chris.”


“Hmm.” She backed up and tripped over whatever was behind her that was trippable.

His strong hands caught her—not that she was going to fall—but it was good to know his reflexes were excellent in case she needed him to catch bullets or something.

The thought made her giggle again. “You can come in.”

“Thanks.” He walked over the threshold, making Eva’s tiny house seem even tinier. “I take it you had a good time with Bodie tonight?”

“You know what?” She closed the door behind him. “You are so sweet to be so relentlessly and none-of-your-businessly concerned about my dates with other men.”

“Yeah, I’m precious.” In the soft light she could see the tension in his face, which was otherwise irresistibly handsome. “How did it go?”

“It was fabulous. Amazing. The best night of my life.” She gestured dramatically, gazing off into the distance as if remembering fondly. “We dined on oysters and filet mignon, sipped champagne and thousand-year-old brandy and discussed politics and philosophy and literature and music.”

Zac’s eyes narrowed. He folded his arms over his chest, which made him look even larger and more stern, and which made her want to giggle and jump him all at the same time. Funny how he’d annoyed her at first and then got sexier and sexier, while Bodie had made her weak with lust at first sight, then turned distinctly icky. “Did he behave?”

“Pretty much.” Chris brought her arms down. “Nothing I couldn’t handle.”

His body tensed. “What does that mean?”

“Zac, Zac, Zac.” She sighed with exaggerated exasperation. “He wanted to sleep with me, but I didn’t want to sleep with him and told him to go away and he did. Okay?”

“Okay.” Zac relaxed visibly. “Good.”

Chris rolled her eyes. “Can I have my allowance now, Dad?”

He glared at her. “If he had done anything worse than annoy you, I would have gone over to his house, taken his surfboard and shoved it—”

“Ew, yes, okay. Please do not go on.” She held up a hand to stop him, secretly thrilled at his knight-in-shining-armor protectiveness. “Don’t need to hear those details.”

His glare didn’t ease. “Are you seeing him again?”

“Didn’t I say that was none of your business?” She jammed her hands on her hips and glared right back. “No, of course not. You and my sister were both right. He’s creepy.”

As if she had super fairy-dust magic, his glare cleared. “Smart girl.”

“Me or Eva?”


“Thank you.” She walked over toward the kitchen, feeling euphorically light and free, but also in control of her emotions and the situation—the perfect balance. However, she had decided very sensibly that she shouldn’t proposition Zac while her brain was still ruled by El Jimador Blanco, since life decisions made in that condition were not exactly trustworthy. “So, do you want a drink or anything? I’m going to have about a gallon of water.”

“I’ll have water, too. I’m not staying long.”

She was disappointed. And also not. Being around Zac tonight, broad and solid in a blue polo shirt that brought out the intense color of his eyes... Well, in her margarita-induced state of weakness, it would be too easy to give in to lust and invite every bit of the inappropriate behavior she hadn’t wanted from Bodie. Too soon to make that call.

Maybe first thing in the morning.

“Come, sit.” Holding their water glasses in hand, she led him into her sister’s living room, eclectic and colorful, just like Eva. A drab beige couch was enlivened by a Mexican shawl, richly colored pottery brightened every surface, and a black-and-teal-painted table drew focus to the center of the room. Eva was the type of person who could buy something ridiculous, throw it somewhere and have it instantly make a chic and fabulous statement.

Tags: Isabel Sharpe Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024