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The Perfect Indulgence

Page 37

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AS NERVOUS AS she was, it was a relief when Zac’s car pulled up in front of the house and Chris could step through the front door, away from Eva’s knowing smiles, winks and questions. Sweet of her to want so badly for her sister and her best friend to fall for each other, but this relationship was definitely not going to be about love. As usual, Eva preferred her version of the world to what was right in front of her face, so no amount of explaining and/or protesting from Chris would faze her. It wasn’t even worth trying.

Now, with Zac waiting for her, the nerves were taking over, broadcasting excitement, not alarm, so she knew she was doing the right thing. Just as she knew she was doing the right thing by letting her hair fall naturally, displaying only one pair of earrings and wearing leggings and a loose shirt that were, ahem, easy to get out of.

“Hi.” She climbed into the passenger side of his Prius, thinking how much she preferred it to Bodie’s turbo testosterone.

“Hi.” He was smiling that great Zac smile that made her insides turn over. “You look fantastic.”

“So do you.” He’d changed into a white shirt and jeans, one of her favorite looks on a guy. Very sexy. But Zac could be wearing plaid overalls and she’d still want him.

He put the car in gear and moved forward. “I feel like a teenager sneaking out of the house to make it with a hot girl in the middle of the night.”

“You’re not far from it. Where are we going?” Chris tucked her tiny overnight bag at her feet and buckled her seat belt, hoping his answer didn’t contain the word campground.

“A friend has a friend who has a cabin about half an hour up the coast.”

“Sounds great.” Ah! Thank God, no camping. Though who knew what kind of place this cabin might be if she needed a flashlight. As long as it had a roof. And a bed. And running water. And flush toilets. And no bugs.

“How are you feeling about this?” Zac turned north onto La Playa. It was strange being in the car with him, chatting casually, driving toward a place in which they’d get naked and sweaty together for the first time.

“Nervous.” She gestured between them. “This is nothing I would have done even a couple of months ago.”

“No kidding. The drive to Connecticut would have been ridiculous.”

She broke into giggles. “I mean with any guy.”

“You’d do this with anyone?”

“Well, sure, of course. You just asked me first. Well, second. But Bodie was never seriously in the running.”

“I’m glad to hear that.” He put his hand above her knee and squeezed. She wanted to open her thighs wide and let him explore. Feel his fingers slip under her panties and get to know her intimately.

Mmm. She squeezed her legs tightly together, released them, squeezed again. Somewhere she’d read that women could make themselves come that way.


Parting her thighs a couple of inches, she leaned back, wondering if Zac would get the hint, not sure enough of herself to make it an obvious invitation. She’d never had sex with a guy she knew less about. And never imagined she could do something like this and not be freaking out.

Zac took his hand away. Apparently he didn’t get the hint. Maybe it was just as well. She probably would have caused an accident.

“So you’ve never had a casual relationship like this before?”

“Nope.” Chris surreptitiously pulled herself back up in the seat. “I’ve always been a boyfriend-and-girlfriend dater. What about you?”

“I’ve been in relationships I knew wouldn’t last forever, but not like this.”

Chris frowned. For some reason she’d assumed he did this all the time. “Why did you suggest it with me?”

“It seemed to fit us.”

“Because you’ll be going to graduate school and I’m moving back to New York soon?”

“More or less.”

She frowned harder. Strange answer. Especially since Zac was usually very precise. “If you didn’t have much time with a woman, but felt seriously about her, would you still want the relationship to stay casual?”

He glanced over, then back at the road. “If I had serious feelings and thought they had any hope of being returned, nothing would keep me from trying for forever.”

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