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The Perfect Indulgence

Page 39

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“Okay.” She spoke in her natural voice again. “Sorry about that flashback to Old Chris. I didn’t realize how horrible I was.”

“Not horrible. Afraid.”

She waved him away. “No, no, not fear, a block.”

“Uh-huh. And those are different because...”

“Oh.” Chris grimaced. “You’re right, those are the same thing. Either way, I’ve been boring my whole life.”

“Trust me, you are not that.”

“Not anymore.” She opened her thighs wide this time, no mistaking her meaning, and leaned back in the seat, thrusting up her pelvis. “California, here I come.”

Zac inhaled sharply. The car swerved. “Holy—”

He brought the Prius back under control, then his hand took the trip she’d been hoping for, lazily stroking her inner thigh, getting closer with each back-and-forth until his pinky brushed against her sex through the thin material of her pants.

Oh. My.

Just that light touch set her whole body on fire. If he did it again she was going to lose control and beg.

He did it again. A firmer touch this time, with an even more powerful effect. Chris let herself feel it all, head lolling against the seat, too overcome with passion to hold it up.

Zac’s fingers settled into a regular rhythm. She whispered his name breathlessly, clutching his forearm. He continued rubbing lightly back and forth over her clitoris until she was panting and close to coming.

No, no, this wasn’t the time. “You should probably stop now.”

“Why?” He didn’t.

“Because...” She could barely get the word out. “I’m going to come in the car.”

His low chuckle pierced the fog in her brain. “That’s kind of the idea.”

Chris closed her eyes, blushing in the darkness. “I just meant...I want to come with you later.”

“Chris...” He paused his hand. “You can do that, too.”

“No, but I mean...” She was about to explain to him that she only came once a session, but two things happened. One, it occurred to her that she might not have had the most thrilling sex partners, since she tended to go for men as cautious and controlled as she was, and two, his fingers started in again, and the arousal that had slowly started to recede came roaring back.

“Let it go, Chris.” His voice was low and gentle, as if he felt he had to reassure her that her head would not, in fact, blow out the car roof. “Come for me.”

Oh...oh...oh... She flung her arms over her head, pressing back into the seat, letting out a shrill cry that instantly embarrassed her. The orgasm hit hard and fast, sweeping her along on a sharp rush that peaked and hung before it let her down on the other side.

Zac cursed under his breath, swung the car off the road and jammed it into Park. His seat belt flew off. Hers went next.

The next few minutes were an increasingly frantic and comical series of thuds and ow and sorry and I can’t quite reach and no, that won’t work, either until they both burst out laughing, Chris with her pants hanging around one ankle, leg cramping up on the dashboard, Zac draped across the middle of the car, unable to get his long legs out from under the wheel.

He fell back on the seat, breathing hard. “I give up.”

Chris gave a last giggle. “Epic fail.”

“We’ll do better inside.” His hands clamped her cheeks, he brought her face close. The kiss was long and lingering, with a touch of sweetness that made her feel a little unsteady, even sitting down.

Zac leaned back, buckled his seat belt and backed up a few feet, before swinging sharply left across the road.

“Are we turning around?”

“Nope.” He drove straight toward the coast, headlights revealing a driveway. “Cabin’s right here.”

“This is it?” She paused from re-dressing to peer out the window. “We were stopped right opposite?”

“You have no idea how hot you looked.” His voice was deep and growly. “I couldn’t even wait thirty seconds.”

“Oh.” Chris smiled at his profile and ran a hand through his thick hair, still amazed at how comfortable she felt with him. She wasn’t one of those women who could come at the drop of a hat, and here she’d climaxed for the first time with him in a moving car with all her clothes on. “Sorry it didn’t work out.”

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