The Perfect Indulgence - Page 70

Since Eva had made her comments last night, Summer had been thinking a lot about Luke. About how even she had sensed that for all his outer cockiness, inside, Luke was shaken and unsure. Still, she’d lumped him into the trouble category along with her previous disastrous relationships, had made assumptions based on assumptions and then used those to talk herself out of her feelings for him.

After spending too many hours awake, she’d finally decided she owed it to him to start over in her approach, to stop making assumptions and really listen to what he had to say.

Luke deserved that. But where the hell was he, because she was anxious to talk things out with him and see how he reacted, try to figure out what his real feelings were for her. Maybe he’d go back to school someday, maybe he wouldn’t, but she couldn’t penalize him for not being there now.

And speaking of where he was, why wasn’t he home?

She was nearly ready to give up when Zac’s blue car rounded the corner with two surfboards mounted on top. Had Zac and Luke been surfing? She didn’t think Luke knew how. Or had Zac gone with someone else?

“Hey, Summer!” A dark head popped out of the passenger-side window. It was Luke and he was grinning at her. Summer’s heart jumped and her mouth spread in an answering smile. She’d never been that happy to see anyone in her life.

Clearly it had been a waste of time to fight falling for him. She’d fallen so hard she’d landed flat on her face.

“What are you doing here?” He jumped out of the car and strode up the front walk, his hair wet.

“Were you catching some waves this morning?”

“Nah. I don’t know how to surf.” He rolled his eyes sheepishly. “I did, however, spend a lot of time wiping out.”

“Sounds about right for a first time.”

“What is that?” He pointed to the Slow Pour bag.

“Breakfast.” She lifted it. “And an apology.”

“That sounds strangely familiar.” He squatted in front of her, searching her face. “But I have no idea what you’d want to apologize for.”

She focused over his shoulder on Zac, who’d locked the car and was coming toward them, looking about as miserable as Chris had the night before. It was Valentine’s Day morning; he and Chris should be together.

“Hey, Summer.”

“Hi, Zac. How were the waves this morning?”

“Not bad. I figured if Luke here wants to be a California boy he’s got to learn, so I dragged him out of bed.”

“Yeah, I think I’m fine being from Connecticut, thanks.”

“Aw, you’ll learn.” Zac glanced at Summer, then at the Slow Pour bag in her lap, then at his watch. “You know, I have some errands to do. I think I’ll just unload the boards and go. Should take me at least a couple of hours.”

Summer grinned up at him; he winked and strode back to the car.

Zac was the best.

“Want to come inside?” Luke stood and held out a hand to help her up. “I’m going to shower quick and get into some warmer clothes.”

“Sure.” She could have cheered. Her plan was working out perfectly.

While Luke showered, she roamed Zac’s kitchen, finding plates, napkins and most important—a vase. She’d just put the finishing touches on the table when Luke reappeared, wearing a long-sleeved shirt and jeans, his hair still wet but combed now. He’d gotten a little sun at the beach, and the fresh color in his face brought out the vivid blue of his eyes even more strongly.

“Hey, what’s this?”

Summer gestured proudly to the flowers, two white tulips and two purple hyacinths. “I couldn’t afford as many as I wanted to get you.”

“Summer, you shouldn’t have done this for me.” He came to stand next to her, smelling of spicy soap and shampoo. She wanted to taste him. “You’re saving your money.”

“I know, but—” Summer shrugged “—this was important.”

“This was incredibly sweet.” He put his hands on her shoulders and turned her toward him. “Now apologize for whatever you think you did so I can forgive you, because I’m starving. And then we have other stuff to talk about, too.”

Tags: Isabel Sharpe Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024