The Perfect Indulgence - Page 72

All they needed was the first proposal.

It was early yet—the event had only been on for an hour, and they had two more to go. She wasn’t panicking.

Zac wasn’t there. She hadn’t really expected him to be. Their talk late last night had been really hard on both of them, but Chris still felt strongly that she’d made the right decision. Every time she wavered, she remembered what he’d said on the drive up to Jackie’s friend’s house—if he had serious feelings about a woman, nothing would stop him from trying for forever.

Apparently she’d stopped him.

“Hey, Chris.” Eva tapped her on the shoulder. Today she had on red leggings and red ankle boots with a pink shirt covered in red-and-white polka dots. Heart-shaped pins held up her wavy blond hair. Trust Eva to have more than one outfit suitable for Valentine’s Day. “Jinx said the event at NYEspresso is going really well. The pastry-chef thing got great buzz and people are flocking to the café. I admit, I’m glad I’m here, though. This is totally exciting.”

“Any chance you can get Ames to propose and start things off?”

She snorted. “That’s not going to happen. Totally not his style to make it a public event. But you’re right, it would be perfect. Getting engaged at my own shop? I’d love that.”

Her shop. Ames was starting his new job two weeks from Monday. Eva was flying back to New York tomorrow to pack up her stuff and help Ames pack his, and then she was coming back for good. She wanted to put her house in Carmia on the market and start looking for a place for the two of them right away.

Chris would have to start packing soon.

The crowd noise swelled into a roar of approval. Chris craned her neck toward the center of the tent. Was someone proposing?


“Eva.” She grabbed her twin’s arm. “Man on the carpet! Come on, let’s go.”

Eva squealed with excitement. “Awesome! You’ve done it!”

They pushed their way to a spot with a good view, since she and Eva would be in charge of handing out the free coffee certificates. The beaming couple in the center of the carpet was instantly familiar.

“Gus and Pammy!” Chris thumped a hand to her chest. “Oh, my gosh!”

“Already? You have got to be kidding me.” Eva’s voice sounded in her ear. “Didn’t they just meet?”

Chris nodded, totally enchanted. Gus was on both knees, hands clasped over Pammy’s, his eyes glowing with love. The crowd quieted.

“Pammy, you are the sunshine of my life. You give me hope to carry on. You are the wind beneath my waves. I love you. Will you marry me?”

“Oh, yes, Gus. Oh, my gosh, yes.” Pammy had her hands to her face, tears sliding over her fingers.

“All right!” Gus got to his feet, pulled her up and dipped her, kissing her as if it was the last thing he’d be allowed to do on earth. Cameras and flashes went off all around. The crowd erupted into cheers.

Chris clapped and yelled along with everyone else, brushing away her own tears. The way Gus had looked at Pammy... Oh, boy.

She’d better give them the certificates right away or she was going to start sobbing.

Stepping onto the carpet, she held up her hand for the crowd to quiet down. “Gus and Pammy, congratulations! Eva and I and all the staff at Slow Pour wish you a long and happy marriage. This certificate is good for one free coffee for each of you every day for a year.”

The crowd applauded again. Chris hugged Pammy and then Gus, who picked her up off the ground and swung her around until she feared she was going to lose her lunch.

“Thanks, Chris.” He put her down, looking so happy and so handsome she got choked up all over again. “Neither of us drinks coffee. I just really wanted to ask Pammy to marry me.”

“How about a year of free Suja Juice?”

“Whoa!” He nodded and raised his hand for a high five. “Excellent.”

Chris grinned and gave his hand a resounding smack. “You go, dude.”

“By the way, Bodie called me finally. He’s fine. He said he just got tied up. I think I’ll—”

“Gus!” Eva launched herself at him. “Congratulations!”

“Thanks, coffee lady.”

Tags: Isabel Sharpe Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024