The Perfect Indulgence - Page 76

Yeah, he was all over that. And looking forward to doing it every day until death.

Life had totally worked out.

* * *

“I NOW PRONOUNCE you husband and wife.”

Summer smiled up at Luke, letting him see all the love in her eyes. He looked so gorgeous! He no longer wore the brow ring, and he’d cut his hair shorter. It made him look older and so sexy. Women were always flirting with him.

They’d made a wonderful home at Zac’s, both studying full-time at Cal Poly. As planned, Summer was pursuing her dream of a psychology degree. Luke was taking on computer science and doing really well. He was serious about his studies, serious about becoming a husband and someday a father. Both of them were amazed at how easily they’d adjusted to living together. She was getting married a lot younger than she’d ever dreamed of doing, but Luke... Well, she couldn’t imagine ever being without him.

“You may kiss the bride.”

She kissed her new husband, beaming at him, so glad so many of their friends had been able to join them for their wedding. Even her family had behaved. They liked Luke. Who wouldn’t?

Life was finally as she’d always wanted it to be, full of laughter and full of love.

* * *

“I NOW PRONOUNCE you husband and wife...and husband and wife.”

Chris beamed at Zac, then peeked behind her for a quick second to beam at Eva who was facing Ames at their double wedding outside Slow Pour, under a tent, on a red carpet.

Of course Zac had gotten into Columbia—he’d gotten in practically everywhere he applied. Which was good, because she was pretty sure selling subway tokens would have gotten old fast for a guy with his brains. It was great being back in the city of all cities, but she’d missed Carmia more than she expected. Zac had taken to Manhattan well for the most part. Winter, not so much. After he graduated, she planned to sell NYEspresso and return here with him. She and Eva would share the ownership and management of Slow Pour, so when kids started arriving the two couples would be able to maintain a good balance between family and career.

“You may kiss the bride.”

She closed her eyes and kissed her husband, concentrating on the feel of his lips, on the roar of approval around them, on the fresh sea air and the deep, deep happiness in her heart.

Life in the moment didn’t get much better than this.

* * * * *

Keep reading for an excerpt from ROCK SOLID by Samantha Hunter

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HANNAH MORGAN SAT alone in a dimly lit Atlanta bar, a plate of ribs sitting untouched to her left, a bottle of beer to her right, and her laptop opened directly in front of her. Growling in frustration at the laptop, she pushed it away to grab the ribs and dig in.

Quitting her accounting job had seemed like the right thing to do two months ago, but now she was having serious doubts. At the time, she’d been passed over for yet another promotion and had finally asked her boss why she was always being rejected for promotions at the firm she’d always given her best to.

You play it too safe to handle the bigger clients, Hannah, her boss had told her. They need someone who can think outside the box, find creative solutions.

Too safe?

She hadn’t been aware that being sensible or responsible was a bad thing in financial management, she fumed for the thousandth time as she tore into a rib.

Well, she’d shown them. She’d quit. That was hardly playing it safe, right? Neither was taking off around the country to explore her options and try to start a new career. Now she was operating completely outside the box.

Take that, she grumped as she licked the spicy, smoky sauce from her fingers and then took another from the plate. She’d missed lunch while working on her photo blog, Hannah’s Great Adventure, which so far hadn’t been very adventurous at all.

Tags: Isabel Sharpe Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024