No Mercy (Dark-Hunter 18) - Page 13

Holy gods...

The door behind him slammed closed, then locked...without anyone touching it. That might scare most people, but since he had a degree of telekinesis himself, he was used to weirdness.

What he found unusual was her state of undress. "You always answer the door like that? You must have the happiest UPS driver on the planet."

She laughed as she walked toward him. "I wasn't sure you'd come."

He arched a brow. "You dress like that to wait on just me? I don't think so. My God, woman, how many men did you invite over?"

"Just you, baby. Just you. No one else could ever...well, I won't feed your ego. I have a feeling I really don't need to." She didn't hesitate with her contradiction and by that he knew she was telling the truth--another bonus of his powers. He could smell a lie a mile away. People, mundanes and others, had an odor they let off whenever they lied. "But you took so long to get over here that I was beginning to think you intended to stand me up."

Dev put on his best "aw baby" stance. "You leave a man an invitation like that...he'd have to be dead to decline. I am definitely not dead. Although rigor has definitely settled into at least one part of my body with a vengeance." He glanced down at the sizable lump in his jeans.

She paused in front of him to run her finger down his chest, raising chill bumps the whole way. His body was absolutely on fire, especially when she bit her bottom lip and looked up at him from under her lashes. "Can you do that Were-Hunter trick where you conjure clothes?"


An enticing smile broke across her face. "Good."

Before he could ask her what she meant, she reached out and ripped his shirt from neck to hem. Then she attacked him like he was the last steak at a dog kennel.

Dev couldn't have been more floored had she set him on fire and toasted marshmallows over his boys. She ran her hands across his entire body while she licked and sucked his skin until he thought he'd go blind from ecstasy.

Never had a woman been so brazen and forceful with him.

He loved it.

Sam grazed Dev's throat with her fangs. Part of her was dying to sink them in and taste his warm blood. It'd been so long since she was able to actually enjoy sex for herself that she wanted to completely devour him.

"I'm so glad you decided to join me."

He breathed against her ear as he cupped her breast in his hand and toyed with her nipple in a way that had her wet and aching. "I wouldn't think getting laid would be that big a problem for you."

She nipped his chin while she splayed her hands over his muscular back and pressed her bare body against his. Gracious, his skin felt so good. She wanted to cry at the peace she felt touching him. It was truly nirvana.

"It's not getting a guy that's difficult, Dev. It's getting a guy whose thoughts aren't in my head. That's always been impossible...until you."

Dev laughed. "Guess I am brain-damaged."

"No. Definitely not." She kissed him, reveling in the silence in her head. She had no idea what he was thinking or feeling. None. She could shout in happiness at the blissful peace. "I could just eat you up."

"I'm here to be your popsicle."

She laughed as she nibbled his neck. "Did you really have that fantasy?"

He sucked his breath in sharply between his teeth as he cupped her head in his hands. "Depends. Would it be a buzzkill or turn-on?"

"Definitely makes me hot."

"Then I am a banana-cherry pop, baby. Lick me to your content. I am yours to play with."

She laughed, then nipped his chin, which was a lot smoother this time than it'd been outside Sanctuary. In a weird way it disappointed her. She'd always loved the prickly feel of a man's face. "You shaved?"

"I scoured myself with lye soap from head to toe to get the evil funk of demon snot off me. I have flossed things the gods never meant to be flossed and used things that would be toxic to most living organisms. All to sanitize my body for your chewing pleasure."

She laughed at his quirky humor.

Dev groaned as she slid her hand down his pants to touch his cock. He felt his powers surge through him. Oh yeah, that was sweet. Capturing her lips, he pressed her hips closer to his.

"Get naked for me," she whispered in his ear.

Dev used his powers to remove his clothes.

She wrinkled her nose as her eyes twinkled in hungry satisfaction. "There's definitely an advantage to having a Were-Hunter for a lover, eh?"

"Woman, you have no idea."

She gave a low whistle of appreciation as she took him into her hand. "You're even hung like a bear."

He laughed at her pun. "You just don't know, baby. You ain't ever been loved till you're loved by a Were."

"I thought Kattagaria didn't like to be called Weres." Kattagaria were the animal branch of the Were-Hunter race. Like Fang, they were animals who could shift into human form and as such they didn't want to be called human in any way. To many, it was considered an extreme insult.

"I'm not Kattagaria." Dev dropped the shield on his face so that she could see the tribal symbol that marked one entire side of his face. It was unmistakable and it designated him as one of the most powerful of his kind. A Sentinel. "I'm Arcadian."

She traced the pattern of his Sentinel markings with her fingertips. "They're beautiful. Why do you hide them?"

Dev glanced away as old memories surged. Because his mother had been Kattagaria and had despised the Arcadian branch of their people, he'd chosen at puberty to hide his true nature from her as well as the rest of the world.

Tags: Sherrilyn Kenyon Dark-Hunter Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024