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Ravaged By Passion

Page 13

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“I seem to remember you stalking me to Giovanna’s bar.”

“Good point. Maybe I am stalking you.” His eyebrows raise. “Would you like that?”

“No, you psycho. Excuse me, I have to do something.”

But he doesn’t move. When I try to step around him, he grabs my arm and holds me tight. He leans forward and whispers in my ear, “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”

“And what do you know about what I’m going to do?”

“You’re going to get yourself killed. I don’t know the particulars of how, exactly, but it doesn’t matter. I know the end result already. You’re going to be another crime statistic poor DA Killen over there will have to deal with during his first year in office.”

I glare at Gavino and let out a slow breath. “Release my arm, please.”

He lets me go. I rub the spot where his fingers dug firmly into my skin.

“Take some advice, Jeanie. Whatever you’re trying to do to Malcolm, forget about doing it alone. You don’t have it in you.”

“Oh, yeah? Why don’t you watch what I can do?”

I hurry past him, dodging his attempt to grab me and nearly bowling over an old lady in what looks like a wedding dress covered in diamonds. I hear him curse behind me and chase after, but I’m not paying attention. I hurry forward, through the crowd, and spot Benedict. He’s shaking someone’s hand, a man I don’t recognize in a dark suit, and I don’t slow down. I bump right into the bodyguard’s back and nearly knock him over in the process.

“Oh, shit,” I say as Benedict catches himself and looks back at me. I feel his keys in his front right pocket and quick as lightning, I reach in and snatch them out before he realizes what’s happening. The keys disappear into my palm and I shove them into my pants as I try to help Benedict straighten himself out.

“It’s fine, I’m fine,” Benedict says as he turns and stops short, frowning deeply. “You’re the mailroom girl Malcolm fired.”

I’m genuinely surprised he recognizes me. I hold my hands up, grinning sheepishly as Gavino joins me. “Sorry about that. I guess I got a new gig.”

“Seems that you did, although you’re not very good at it.”

Gavino cuts in. “Everything okay here?”

“Mr. Bruno, lovely to see you. This girl was just trying to tackle me to the ground. I think she’s confused about her role.”

“I saw that. What are the chances we’d all run into each other here?” He’s staring at me with a warning glare and I only shrug.

“Small world.”

“Very small,” Gavino agrees.

Benedict clears his throat. “If you’re finished, I have some more people to speak with.” He turns away, thanks the man he was talking to for his patience, and Gavino whisks me through the crowd before I can say a word. I try to turn to the kitchen, but instead Gavino drags me down a side hallway toward the bathrooms. “What the hell are you doing?” I try to get out of his grip, but it’s like iron this time. His fingers hurt and he’s not being gentle. He rips open an unlocked supply closet, throws me inside, and comes in after, slamming the door.

I stand there, heart racing, and back away warily. I don’t know what Gavino’s about to do, but I’m not interested in finding out. I look around for an escape, but the room’s tiny. There’s a mop nearby I could use as a weapon if I have to, or maybe I could pelt him with toilet paper rolls.

I’m aware of the absurdity of my situation. Gavino could easily overpower me, weapon or no weapon.

Instead of coming closer, he only holds out a hand. “Give them to me.”

I shake my head. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Whatever you picked from Benedict’s pocket. Give them to me.”

“I didn’t—”

He steps closer. “Go ahead. Tell me some bullshit story. I’d gladly run my hands all over your supple little body until I find exactly what I’m looking for. Now, hand them the fuck over.”

Shaking, I reach into my back pocket, take out the keys, and deposit them in Gavino’s palm.

He grimaces. “God damn it.”

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