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Ravaged By Passion

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One Year Later

“Areyou sure you’re okay with this?” I ask, sitting curled up on a pool chair in the shade. “I mean, really, you’re totally fine?”

Karah scowls at the water. “I’m fine. Super fine. Never been better.”

I lean forward, frowning, hands on my baby bump. “Karah.”

“Really. I’m good.”

“Tell the truth.”

“I’m so happy I feel like dancing.” She says it with a dead monotone and I can’t help but laugh. “See, my joy is infectious.”

“Elise, tell her she’s deflecting.”

“Let her deflect,” Elise says, glancing out from beneath her sunglasses. “Her oldest boy is going to college. That’s not easy.”

“I know, that’s what I’m trying to say. You can talk about it if you want.”

Karah waves me away. “Really, it’s not a big deal. He’s going to Saint Parres College and it’s not even that far away.”

“It’s hours,” Mirella points out. “And you’re used to him being here.”

“Okay, okay, enough please.” Karah rubs her eyes. “Emilio’s going to be fine. He’s strong like his father and smart like his mother. He’s going to thrive.”

I shrug and lean back, sighing. I can’t make her talk if she doesn’t want to, and besides, I’m eight months pregnant and basically ready to burst. I feel like an elephant, or a water buffalo, or some other massive land mammal, and at least nobody’s asking me how I feel for once.

I shuffle off the chair and stand. “Getting too hot,” I say, fanning my face. “I’m heading inside. Anyone want anything?”

“Girl, we have staff for that,” Elise says, frowning at me. “You’ve been married to Gavino for a year and you’re still not used to it?”

“What can I say, you’re all a bunch of spoiled, pampered princesses.”

Karah cackles. “Damn right we are.”

“Earned it too,” Mirella says, nodding along. “Do you know what we have to put up with from our men?”

“Cry me a river,” Elise grumbles.

I walk off with a wave. Inside, the air conditioning feels incredible and starts drying off my sweaty back immediately. I lumber along toward the kitchen and grab a snack before heading up to the room. I’m thinking about a nap, or maybe a long Real Housewives marathon, or anything to keep my mind from my physical discomfort.

As I sit down and kick my feet up, the door opens. Gavino comes inside, looking around, until he spots me and grins. I smile back, stretching, and he walks over. He moves like a dancer, and there’s a lightness to him now that wasn’t there when we first met. It’s like his demons are exorcised, banished back into the depths of him, and what’s left is pure joy.

“Hello, darling,” he says and kisses me then kisses my bump. “And hello baby.”

“Hello to you too.” I shift position as he takes my feet into his lap and absently starts to rub them. I release a purr of delight and relief. “How are things?”

“Things are things, but I was actually looking for you.”

“Please don’t tell me it’s something about the kids. I can’t handle it. Karah’s an emotional wreck right now and she won’t even admit to feeling sad.”

“No, not the kids. It’s about Malcolm.”

I perk up. I haven’t heard his name in a while, at least a few months. “What’s going on?”

“He sold his last building. Malcolm Strafford is officially out of Phoenix for good.”

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