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The Rake's Wicked Proposal

Page 79

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Lucian gave her a quelling glance. ‘One does not go around demanding explanations from a duke, Grace.’

‘You may not,’ Grace acknowledged impatiently. ‘I certainly shall—’

‘No, Grace, you will not. You will not,’ Lucian repeated firmly as Grace’s eyes widened indignantly. ‘Darius is now in possession of an ancient and noble title.’

‘But he may have behaved ignobly.’

Lucian stood up. ‘Such conjecture is for gossips and scandalmongers, Grace. Of which, I sincerely hope, you are not one.’

Her cheeks became flushed at the rebuke. ‘I am talking privately with you on this matter, Lucian.’

He gave a haughty inclination of his head. ‘I suggest you see that it remains that way.’

‘How can you just stand idly by and allow these atrocities to continue? I had believed you to be a man of conviction. Of action!’ Grace gave a frustrated shake of her head.

Lucian’s mouth twisted derisively. ‘But that is the whole point, Grace—I remain utterly unconvinced concerning the claims you are making against Darius. Neither is it my intention to remain here any longer, as you say, “idly standing by”,’ he added softly.

Grace stopped her pacing long enough to give him a searching glance. ‘I do not understand…’

‘I received word from Hawk this afternoon that my nephew, the new Marquess of Mulberry, was born yesterday evening.’

‘But that’s wonderful news!’ Grace cheeks were suffused with pleased colour, her eyes sparkling with pleasure. ‘Your brother must be so pleased. I trust the Duchess and the Marquess are both well?’

Lucian wondered if he would ever understand women. This woman in particular. Seconds ago Grace had been berating him concerning his lack of action where Darius was concerned, and now her whole attention was centred on the birth of his nephew.

‘They are,’ he confirmed dryly. ‘In the circumstances, it is my intention to travel to Mulberry Hall in Gloucestershire tomorrow, so that I might offer Hawk and Jane my congratulations in person.’

‘How exciting!’ Grace glowed with pleasure. ‘But of course you must go.’

‘We shall both go, Grace,’ Lucian informed her softly.

She looked confused. ‘Both…?’

He nodded. ‘Darius has given his permission for you and your maid to accompany me.’

‘Darius has?’ Grace’s pleasure faded as her face became tight with suspicion. ‘But I cannot leave here now!’

‘Why not?’

‘Because—there is my aunt to consider. I could not possibly leave her here alone.’

‘I believe, now we have helped make the Dower House fit for residence, it is your aunt’s intention to move there tomorrow.’

‘Even more reason why I cannot leave now.’

‘You will accompany me to Mulberry Hall tomorrow, Grace.’ Lucian’s tone brooked no further argument on the subject.

It was a warning Grace chose not to heed. ‘I will do no such thing. I am pleased for your brother and his Duchess, and of course you must visit when you are already so close, but my responsibility lies here. With my aunt.’

‘The Duchess of Carlyne has already given her own permission for you to accompany me tomorrow.’

Grace faltered, her gaze searching Lucian’s face. ‘I will not leave her here alone,’ she repeated stubbornly.

Lucian’s mouth curved derisively. ‘What do you think is going to happen in your absence, Grace? Do you imagine that Darius is going to grasp the opportunity to dispose permanently of the Duchess and Francis?’

Put like that, it did sound slightly ridiculous, Grace allowed irritably. Her chin rose defensively. ‘I hardly think this subject merits your mockery, Lucian.’

He snorted. ‘I hardly think it a subject I can take seriously, either.’

Grace shook her head. ‘That is because you are blinded to the truth by the bonds of friendship.’

‘The only thing blinding me at the moment, Grace, is the thought of being alone in a carriage with you for several hours!’

Her breath caught in her throat as she realised how close Lucian was now standing—so close she could almost feel the heat of his gaze upon her face. ‘My maid will be present,’ she reminded him huskily.

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