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Styxx (Dark-Hunter 22)

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"But I'm not the one who's branded as a whore."

Styxx glared at him.

"Take the medicine. I know you're raw and in pain. But I wanted to make a point. As bad as it is, it would have been a lot worse had you helped him ... and if I can't find your brother, I will be back for you."

"What about my father?"

"He's in Arcadia, isn't he? Pity you didn't go with him. But he left you behind to attend to anything that might come up here at home."

Styxx's teeth chattered as more pain racked him. Estes had beat and raped him well. But at least he hadn't passed him around to anyone else.

This time.

"What are you waiting for, Highness? Do you want me to help you administer it?"

"No!" Styxx snarled. "I don't ever want your hands on me again."

"Well, that's not going to happen." Estes jerked his chin toward a small chest next to the bed. "I've left you a gift. Now I'm off to search more for your brother. I will find him, and if I learn that you've helped him in any way, you will regret it."

His hand shaking, Styxx pulled the suppository out of the pouch his uncle had thrown at him and inserted it while Estes watched.

Estes rolled him over, onto his back. He cupped Styxx's chin in his hand. "Don't worry, all of the bruising will heal before your father returns. As for your servants ... I told them you've been sick with your nosebleeds and that I've been caring for you." He slapped him lightly on the cheek twice. "You might want to keep the lie going for a few more days."

He slid off the bed and raked a hungry smirk over Styxx's naked body. "Until next time, dear nephew."

Styxx felt his unshed tears prick his eyes as he stared at the ceiling. May the gods damn you, Acheron! If he was going to run, why couldn't he have gone with Styxx?


Because it would have saved you these past two days of abuse....

Deep inside, he hated his brother. But another part of him was happy that Acheron was free. That he'd managed to get out from under Estes's hostile fist.

Even if it meant hell for him later, he hoped Acheron was never found. Then at least one of them might have some peace and happiness.

February 20, 9532 BC

It was an unseasonably warm day as Styxx sat in the common seats of the gymnasium, watching the play below. His father had given him the morning off while he conferred with his advisors about war. There was a chance that his father might have to travel again, and he wanted Styxx to stay behind.

Something that terrified him.

Neither of them had heard from Estes. Styxx didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad one. Had Estes found his brother or was Acheron still free?

He hoped for the latter, but since Estes had left him alone, he feared his brother had been found.

Sighing, he glanced to the right and froze as he made eye contact with a man he'd never seen before. It was a licentious interest Styxx was acquainted with more times than he'd wanted to be.

Styxx pulled his cowl lower, making sure that none of his face was showing.

As soon as the play was over, he got up to leave. But he didn't get far before the man who'd been staring at him took his arm and pulled him to a stop.

At first Styxx thought he might have recognized him, yet if he knew who Styxx was, he'd know better than to touch him.

"Are you free-born?" the man asked. Gods, I hope not. I'd love to be able to have you without issue.

"Excuse me?"

He raked a hungry gaze over Styxx's body. "I wanted to talk to you for a bit."

Styxx turned and put as much distance between them as he could. But the man followed and caught up to him just outside the gymnasium.

This time, his grip was fierce. "Don't turn your back on me, boy."

"What do you think you're doing?" a deep male voice growled. "Have you any idea who you're addressing?"

Styxx turned his head to see Dorus, the youngest son of his father's head advisor. Though they'd only spoken in passing, they'd known each other for years.

But the last thing he wanted was to be outed like this. He glared a warning at Dorus.

"Who is he?" the man demanded.

"My servant," Dorus said quickly, catching on to the ruse. "Unhand him, right now. Or I'll have you arrested for trying to abscond with my property."

The man let go. "He belongs to you?" A speculative light darkened his gaze. "Do you ever rent him out?"


"Would you like to start?"

Dorus stiffened in anger. "Again, I say no. Now, if you'll excuse us." He snapped his fingers at Styxx, who fell in right behind him. After they rounded a building, Dorus stopped and looked back. "Ah, thank the gods, he's gone."

Styxx let out a relieved breath until Dorus arched a curious brow at him.

"I don't mean to be rude, Highness, but what are you doing dressed as a commoner?"

"I went to a play."


Styxx shrugged. "I didn't want to sit in the royal box. No one leaves me alone there." Someone was forever trying to serve him or join him. It was a constant interruption to the point he couldn't hear the actors.

And everyone outside the box stared their hatred at him.

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