Styxx (Dark-Hunter 22) - Page 119

Styxx knelt down by her side. "Yes, Eleni?"

Bethany was as shocked that he knew her name as she'd been when he'd greeted Gaius's children by name.

"Thank you for bringing my daddy home." She fell against him and hugged him tightly.

Styxx returned the hug and kissed her lightly on the head. "My pleasure, akribos."

A chill went down Bethany's spine at the way he said that. She knew that tender tone of voice.

Those words.

No ...

It's not possible.

Her heart pounding in fear, she followed him after he left and went to buy herbs she was more than familiar with. Why would a prince want Nyx Root and Onero? Either was strong ... together they could be lethal.

Styxx didn't speak to anyone else as he returned to the palace, where servants were now rushing about in expectation of guests. None of them paid any attention to the prince as he made his way up the stairs and to his room.

He put the herbs in a small chest by his bed then pulled off his crown and placed it on top of them. He unpinned his chlamys and moved to get a fresh chiton.

Bethany didn't think anything about it until he took off the one he was wearing and confirmed her worst suspicions.

Styxx was Hector.

Stunned, she covered her mouth as her gaze took in the sight of his naked body. A body she knew every contour to. Every single horrifying scar that marred what should have been a flawless royal physique.

Her breathing ragged, she couldn't avert her gaze. Later, she would be angry over the lies he'd told her, but right now, she wanted to cry as she saw exactly how much damage they'd done to him. It was one thing to feel those scars. Another to see them and to know how badly he'd been abused and hurt by others.

And when he took off his gold cuff and exposed her cheap-looking charm that was still wound about his wrist from the last time she'd seen him, tears welled in her eyes. Not just because it was right where she'd put it, but because he lifted it to his lips and placed a tender kiss to her emblem.

His eyes sad and aching, he caressed her necklace with loving fingers. "I miss you, Beth," he whispered. "Please come back to me soon."

She started to materialize in his room then caught herself. What are you doing?

He'd be furious to find out that she'd ...


He'd lied to her, too. There was no way he could hold that against her.

She moved to confront him then paused as he turned around and she saw Apollo's mark on his back. Not just on it ... across its entirety.

Her stomach pitched over.

Gods didn't lightly or arbitrarily mark humans. For them to place their symbol on a human body was a sign of fierce ownership. For one god to touch a human who'd been marked by another was an act of war.

And Apollo had quite visibly claimed Styxx.

The Atlantean gods would kill her if she breached this temporary alliance or threatened their pact with Apollo. The Olympian would have every right to call down all of his fellow Greek gods to attack her and Styxx both.

And Styxx would be the one who suffered most for allowing another god to touch him after he'd been claimed by Apollo. The others wouldn't care that he hadn't known her true identity. It was a breach of faith....

What have I done?

But then she knew. She'd callously played with a human life without taking into account what it would mean for the pawn. All the while not knowing, or even considering for one moment, that the pawn she used was her heart.

She winced as memories burned through her. How many times had she taken aim for Styxx's head in battle? No wonder she hadn't been able to kill him. Her own amulet had deflected her blows. Those primal powers she'd felt had been her father's ... the very powers she'd called on to keep Styxx/Hector safe.

He froze and cocked his head. "Bethany?"

The familiar sound of her name on his lips tore through her.

Styxx raked his hand through his hair. "I swear I'm going insane. I feel her even when I know she's not with me."

I'm here, love.

She held her hand out to touch his shoulder, but the sight of Apollo's sun emblem slapped her hard.


Over a meager human ...

How could she do that to her people for a human male who would be dead in a few short years? One life wasn't worth thousands of others.

Not even his.

She'd known when she started this game that it couldn't last. That eventually she'd have to walk away and leave him to his mortal life.

Now was the time to end it. Before either of them went further into a relationship that was doomed and damned.

Besides, their time for finding Apollymi's son was drawing critically short. She had to focus on that and help the others while Apollo prepared to replace the Greek pantheon.

Her eyes teared as she took her last look at him. This time, she would leave and not look back.

"Farewell, Hector," she breathed then she returned to Katateros where she belonged.

December 13, 9529 BC

Styxx sat on the throne beside his father, wanting to beat the man senseless. For the last two days his back had throbbed unmercifully and all because Acheron had dared walk Ryssa to Apollo's temple at her behest for her binding ceremony. She was always so concerned about her precious Acheron, and yet she continually put the fool in harm's way.

And she dared to call him selfish.

Stupid kuna. She was the one who didn't care about anyone except herself.

Grinding his teeth, Styxx grimaced as more pain cut through him and he wiped at the clammy sweat on his forehead. He was just about to piss his father off by asking to be excused when the doors opened, and guards dragged Acheron into the room with them.

Styxx bit back a curse as they forced Acheron to his knees in front of their father's throne.

What have you done now?

Got caught picking your nose?

"As per your instructions, he hasn't left his room, Sire," the guard on the left of Acheron said firmly. "We've made sure of it."

Acheron cast a murderous glare at Styxx as if he was to blame for his sudden appearance here.

Don't cut those silver eyes at me. Brother, I'd set you free in a heartbeat if I could.

The king curled his lip at Acheron. "You weren't in the square earlier, teritos?"

Styxx's jaw ticced at the insult that meant "slug."

To his brother's credit, Acheron gave his father a fearless, malevolent glare. It was a look he knew well as one he'd been known to give their father whenever he felt particularly suicidal.

Tags: Sherrilyn Kenyon Dark-Hunter Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024