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Styxx (Dark-Hunter 22)

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"Two weeks, roughly."

Apollo caught his wrist and pulled him into a small alcove where he shoved Styxx against the wall and held him there by his throat. "Have you forgotten who owns you?"

Styxx kept his gaze on the floor. "You'll have to take the matter up with my father since he believes he's the one who holds my leash."

Apollo tightened his grip on Styxx's throat. "Don't get smart with me, prince. I still haven't forgotten about the last time I saw you, and the promise I made."

How could he forget? Apollo had promised him his full wrath. But it changed nothing. "What do you want from me?"

Apollo's gaze turned hungry. "You know what I want."

I'd rather be dead.

Sighing, Styxx tried to leave, but Apollo slammed him back against the wall again, hard enough to bruise his back.

"You have not learned your place, have you?"

"Right now, my place is at my father's side. Unless you wish to have me beaten, and then I won't be so pretty for you later."

Apollo laughed. "You are spirited. But be careful. Even the best stallion has to be broken."

Styxx's temper ignited as bitter memories of being a royal stallion tore through him. "They've also been known to throw and kill their riders."

"Are you threatening me?"

"I thought we were talking about horses."

Apollo grabbed Styxx's jaw and held him against the wall in a crushing, iron grip. "Do not ever think you can threaten me, human."

"Styxx? Where are you, boy?"

Apollo glanced over his shoulder at the sound of the king's voice. "Enjoy the next few hours, prince. Because I assure you, they'll be the last ones you have to yourself for quite a while."

"I look forward to it."


Apollo slung him away from him.

Straightening his clothes, Styxx went to his father, who glared angrily. "Where were you?"

"Forgive me, Father. I had something I had to attend to."

The expression on his father's face said he wanted to backhand him, but didn't dare since that would leave his face damaged for the princess. Though to be honest, he was surprised Apollo's handprint wasn't embedded on his neck.

He followed his father into the throne room and moved to stand in front of his chair while his father took his seat. Styxx sat down and scanned the room for Apollo. But the god was nowhere to be seen.

A fanfare began as the doors were opened and the procession began. A troupe of dancing girls led in three sets of slaves carrying chests of treasure for the king. One by one, they brought the chests forward and opened them for his father to see their contents. But that wasn't what held Styxx's attention. In the doorway, two large Nubian males held poles that had transparent linen strung between them to show the outline of the princess's body. She possessed the carriage of a queen as she followed them into the room.

Once they reached the thrones, the men lowered the screen to show an exquisitely beautiful woman who was a few years older than Styxx. Her dark skin was flawless. She wore a black wig laden with turquoise and gold, and her eyes were thickly lined with kohl, very similar to how Bethany often painted hers. Gold snake bracelets coiled around her arms and her thin linen sheath showed the outline of a perfect body.

But she was no Bethany.

And his body didn't react to her at all. Not the way it did whenever he thought of the woman who had carelessly thrown his heart away.

Styxx forced himself to smile and rise to his feet. Heartsick and aching, he descended the dais to take her hand and kiss it.

A slow, seductive smile curled her lips. Thank the gods you're handsome. I definitely wouldn't mind taking a bite out of those arms....

The relief in her tone almost made him laugh.

"Welcome, princess."

And thank the gods you have a deep, manly voice to match the rest of you. Holding his hand, she gave him a slight curtsy. "Your Highness."

Her parents came forward and were introduced to his father, who then excused Styxx and Nefertari so that they could walk, with a heavy Egyptian guard, out to the gardens.

Styxx folded his hands behind his back as she led the way.

"I hear you're a war hero, Prince Styxx."

"Really just a soldier."

"Oh." There was no missing the disappointment in that one single word.

Awkward silence stretched out between them as they walked. Styxx couldn't think of anything to say. Strange how he'd never had that problem with Bethany. They had been able to talk forever about absolutely nothing.

"Did you have a pleasant journey to Greece?" he asked her.

She walked down to the garden that had once been his mother's favorite. "Yes."

More awkward silence.

Nefertari stopped and faced him. "You don't speak much, do you?"


"That's not necessarily a negative.... Still, I propose we get one thing out of the way."

"And that is?"

She reached up and pulled his lips down to hers so that she could kiss him. Closing his eyes, Styxx followed her lead, but his heart wasn't in it. Yes, his body reacted to her. Still, it wasn't the same as when he held his Bethany. There was no overwhelming need to breathe in her scent. To lay himself against her and stay with her for eternity.

She was just there.

Nefertari pulled back with a satisfied smile. "You are acceptable to me."

"My father will be pleased."

"Are you not pleased, Prince Styxx?"

No. But he didn't want to hurt her feelings. "Of course, princess. You're exquisitely beautiful."

She narrowed her eyes on him. "Does it bother you that I'm Egyptian?"

"Not at all. Does it bother you that I'm Greek?"

"I thought it would. But no ... and you speak Egyptian incredibly well. I find your accent and voice exceptionally pleasant."

Nice to know he wasn't totally repellent. "Do you speak Greek at all?"

"A little, but not well. Would you help me learn?"

"Of course." That would at least give them something to talk about besides the weather.

She sighed. "So ... Styxx. What qualities do you expect from your wife and queen?"

"Nothing specific."

That stunned her so much, she actually gaped. "Nothing?"

"I would appreciate it if she liked me, but other than that, no. Do you have a list?"

"Absolutely. I expect courtesy and preference to be given to me and my children at all times. While I accept that you'll have mistresses and possibly other wives, they are not to be kept in our home. You may visit them in town or wherever you wish to place them. But as your first wife, I will not have them in my direct line of sight or near any children I birth. I want my children educated in Egyptian as well as Greek and they are to worship my gods. I expect an altar to be built for my gods in my end of the palace and for my personal priests to be given their own rooms with full, unrestricted access to mine."

Now it was Styxx's turn to gape.

"While I am not opposed to Greek servants," she continued, oblivious to his incredulity, "I will require that I have Egyptians kept, too. I expect you to give me notice in the morning if you'll be spending the night with me. I will not bed with you whenever you are drunk and you are to bathe before you come to me. I have a scent that I've brought from home that you will need to wear for those occasions. You are not to raise your voice to me or make demands of my private time. I require at least two hours a day for my own personal use. I prefer them in the morning, but they can be moved if necessary."

"Thought about this a lot, have you?"

She glared at him. "Are you mocking me?"

"No. I was joking."

"I don't like jokes. I find humor offensive."

Great. No laughter.

Maybe he could bribe Acheron into committing suicide so that they could both be put out of their mutual misery....

"Duly noted. What else, princess?"

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