Styxx (Dark-Hunter 22) - Page 132


For Apollo to hand him over to his enemies, who wanted vengeance not only against him, but against his people ...

What had made the rotten bastard do something so cold?

In the end, she blamed herself for all of this. She'd walked away from him and gone on with her life.

That wasn't entirely true. She'd missed him every minute of every day, which was why she hadn't checked on him. She'd been too afraid to see him again. Because in her heart, she'd known that if she saw him, she wouldn't be able to leave him alone.

And she'd been right.

This had been the hardest year of her life. Every day she'd gotten up thinking it would be easier and instead, it'd been harder. Knowing he was out there and she couldn't go to him ...

It'd been pure hell.

Against her common sense, she tucked herself into bed and snuggled up to the only man she'd ever loved. And with every glimpse of his injuries, she hated herself for allowing this to happen to him.

He would never have willingly left her to such a fate. Never willingly have walked out of her life for any reason ...

She was a goddess. She'd known how alone he was, and what had she done?

Left him unprotected in a world that hated him.

"I am so sorry, Styxx." But that changed nothing about the horrors he'd endured and survived because of her heartless neglect. "I will make this right for you. Whatever it takes." She had no idea how, though. Apollo would be furious when he found out that she'd taken possession of Styxx. Technically, he still owned him.

And knowing that her own pantheon had participated in Styxx's abuse ...

That they had allowed him to be held here and tortured for entertainment.

It was enough to make her side with Apollymi. Damn you all for this! How could they be so incredibly callous?

One thing was certain, she had no intention of helping them hunt down Apostolos. They could all burn for what she cared.

They deserved it for what they'd done to a decent man whose only crime had been fighting for his own people in a war hers had started.

Bethany wrapped her arms around him, wishing she could erase everything from his memory. But she didn't have those powers.

And for the first time in a year, she was finally happy again as his spicy, masculine scent and the warmth of his long, hard body lulled her. All she wanted was to hear him say what he used to say whenever they had a long separation, "I missed you with every beat of my heart."

Most likely, he would never say that to her again. And who could blame him? She'd betrayed him in the worst sort of way.

Would you be able to forgive this?

No, she wouldn't. Not for anything.

It was unconscionable and cruel. Closing her eyes, she cradled his head and laid her hand over the horrible bruise on his cheek. "No one will ever hurt you again, akribos. I won't let them."

* * *

Styxx took a deep breath and sighed. I must be dreaming. Even though he was starving, he was too warm and comfortable. More than that, he felt soft curves against his body and smelled the sweet eucalyptus and lily scent that he'd craved more than anything.

Unshed tears tightened his throat as he waited for it all to dissipate, and leave him back in his filthy hole, chained to the wall.

That was his thought until the body next to his rolled over and threw a knee into his crotch.

Hissing in pain, he opened his eyes to see a golden green gaze that mirrored his own shock. For a full minute, he couldn't move as he waited for her to vanish.


Bethany was frozen by the anguished longing that seared her. She must have fallen asleep next to Styxx ... which would have returned her to her real appearance.

And since they were in her temple, she had her eyesight.

I should leave. But she couldn't. Those blue eyes held her immobile.

"Hi," she breathed.

He stared at her as if she were the last delicacy on the planet and he hadn't eaten in a year or more. Before she could move, he slowly lowered his lips to hers.

Bethany groaned at how good he tasted. He rolled her to her back as he deepened the kiss and made her head swim. He'd always been a phenomenal kisser, but this one ...

It made all his previous kisses seem chaste.

Styxx closed his eyes as her tongue danced with his and her scent filled his head until he was drunk from it. You know this isn't real. It's a trick....

But he knew her taste. Her smell. The way she held him. How could this be a trick? He buried his face in the crook of her neck and let the horror of the last year fade away. She felt so good in his arms. And when she cupped him, he trembled.

"I've missed you," she breathed in his ear.

"With every beat of my heart," he whispered back to her.

Bethany choked on a sob as he slid his long body against hers. He dipped his head down to suckle her breast. Cupping his head, she sank her hands into his soft golden hair.

"Please be real." His ragged plea tore through her.

Guilt stabbed her so hard, she couldn't breathe. "I'm real."

He laid his head down on her stomach and gathered her into his arms. His hot, silent tears scorched her as they fell against her skin. He held on to her as if she was his lifeline. As if she was unspeakably precious.

Then he reached out and took her hand into his and pressed it against his cheek. The expression on his face as he savored her touch made her heart break for him.

Until he tore himself away from her and backed away. "Just kill me ... please."


"You're not my Beth," he growled ferociously.

Another tear fell down his cheek. Throwing his head back, he roared out in pain. "You wanted me broken, you fucking bastard! Fine! I yield!" he shouted then he lowered his voice to a whisper. "I yield." The pain on his face as he looked at her tore her apart. "Please, don't do this to me. I'd rather you beat or rape me than use my Beth against me." He reached for her then balled his hand into a fist.

Leaving the bed, he sank to the floor and curled into a ball. He covered his head with his arms.

She knelt down beside him and brushed her hand through his hair. "Styxx ... it's me."

He refused to look at her. "No. My Beth doesn't call me Styxx ... she doesn't hate me." He cupped his hand around her necklace and sobbed like his heart was as splintered as hers. "Please don't taint the only good thing I've ever known. I'll do anything you ask. Just don't taint her memory. It's all I have left."

"Okay." She kissed his head then withdrew from him. "You rest and I'll return later."

He slinked back on the floor, into the corner like a whipped dog.

Bethany got up slowly as her fury tripled. In her mind, she saw him as he'd been. Proud. Fierce. Defiant.


And now he was completely shattered.

It's my fault. All of this. She'd known how isolated he was. How willing he was to give up everything he had, even a throne, to be with her as a poor blind peasant.

Yet for her family's sake, for the sake of her people, she'd let him go. She'd put all of them before him and how had they repaid her?

They'd violated and destroyed the only thing she'd ever loved. They had torn him apart and laughed while they did it.

Rage darkened her sight as she went to Archon. He was alone in his own temple, using a sfora as he tried to find the child she hoped would kill him.

Forcing herself to appear calm, she approached him slowly. "Did you know Prince Styxx was in Aeryn?"

"Huh?" He wasn't really paying attention to her. "What did you say?"

"I asked if you were aware that Prince Styxx was being held by the Atlantean queen."

Archon snorted derisively. "Have you been under a rock? He's been the main attraction for months now."

"Not under a rock. Searching for Apollymi's son." Actually, she'd done everything she could to stay away from Atlantis and to not think of all the times she'd tried to kill Styxx as he invaded her homeland. Thank her father's powers for keeping her from making the biggest mistake of her life.

Archon finally looked up with his full attention. "Unfortunately, he's not nearly as feisty as he was when he was first brought here, but if you want to take a turn with him, he's still good for a few laughs."

Tags: Sherrilyn Kenyon Dark-Hunter Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024