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Styxx (Dark-Hunter 22)

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Chapter Twenty-Eight

Apollo's eyes flared with anger. "To bow down before his gods and to show proper respect to us."

She laughed bitterly. "Are you insane? You've damn near killed him. He's barely human after everything you've put him through."

There was no remorse in Apollo at all. "So?"

"He's a prince, Apollo. An heir. One of your own."

"And both he and his brother have committed hubris against us."

She frowned at something Styxx had never mentioned to her. Ever. "Brother?"

"Yes. The little whore sleeping with my sister."

"And you're sleeping with theirs. What's the problem?"

Apollo sent a burst of power through the room. One so violent, it blew her hair back. "Problem," he roared. "They're trained whores!"

"Then take your anger out on his brother," she said between gritted teeth.

"Oh believe me, I have. But I'm still not done with him. Not for the crimes Acheron's committed against me."

"While you amuse yourself with vengeance against his brother, let Styxx go."

Apollo curled his lip at her. "This doesn't concern you. Why are you even here? You told me when we made this bargain that you didn't care what I did with Styxx."

And those words sliced through her like broken glass. She'd been stupid and thoughtless.

Unfortunately, she couldn't tell Apollo the truth or he'd use Styxx against her. Something that would bode a lot worse for Styxx.

So she settled on a lesser reason. "That's before you brought him to our shores. Now it is my business. I am the goddess of retribution and I know when someone deserves to be punished. He conducted himself honorably toward my people. I will not have him debased on Atlantean soil."

"Fine, send him home. I'll debase him here."

Oh yeah, that was what she was after....

Not even a little.

Bethany wanted to curse at the trap she'd stumbled into. But she couldn't allow Styxx to be hurt anymore. Not after this. "I want him left alone."

"What I do in Greece is none of your business."

"And what I do to your Apollites in Atlantis is none of yours ... oh, and that list includes those Apollites who are in Greece ... such as your son, Strykerius, and his children."

The color faded from his cheeks. "You wouldn't dare."

"Please, try me."

Apollo growled at her. "I still own Styxx."

"And I want you to release him."


"No?" she asked incredulously.

"He has thrice defied me. Blatantly and without remorse. I will not have a human do that any more than you'd tolerate it. I told him when I started this that I wouldn't stop until he begged me to. Which he hasn't. Just three days ago, he laughed in my face and refused to heel. He told me he was enjoying himself immensely and had no intention of begging me for shit, and so let him have his bellyful of fun, I say." Apollo glared at her as if she was the one who'd laughed at him. "I will not stop until he begs me like a putrid human should!"

Bethany growled at both their obstinacy. Begging wasn't in Styxx's nature, and it shouldn't be. He was a prince and a hero.

"Have you not punished him enough?"

"He told me to do my worst to him. I'm only giving him what he asked for."

At that moment, she wanted to choke Styxx herself for being so very stubborn. But his defiance and strength were part of what she loved most about him.

Just not today. Today she wanted to murder both Apollo and Styxx.

She glared at the Greek god who really pissed her off. "You are such an asshole."

"And you're not? Tell me, Bet'anya, when have you ever taken pity on someone your pantheon sent you out to punish?"

"For your information, I have. I don't blindly follow anyone's dictates."

"Bully for you, and it changes nothing. I have marked him and he stays marked."

"Fine. Now consider your son and grandsons marked ... By me." She turned to go home.

"What!" Apollo roared.

She smiled back at him. "When you're ready to trade, let me know."

"Careful what you're setting into motion, girl."

"You're the one who needs to tread carefully, boy." She closed the distance between them so that he could clearly see just how serious she was on this matter. "And remember who my father is. You claim Isis as your mother. I know better. Set is my father, uncontested, and unlike your weenie pantheon, he has killed and mutilated gods. I not only inherited his powers, but I happen to be the baby girl he adores. His only child. When I was born and Archon refused to allow him access to me, he singlehandedly went to war with the Atlanteans and beat the shit out of them until Archon himself agreed to allow my father full visitation rights to me anytime he wanted them. And while I don't make it a habit of running to my daddy with my problems, I will for this. Are you ready for that, Greek?"

The light in Apollo's eyes said he wanted to put her through a wall. "Fine, you want him free? Get him on his knees and have him beg me for it. Only then will I grant it."

"Swear to me."

"I swear by the River Styx that if he gets on his knees and begs me for forgiveness, I will renounce my ownership to him."

She inclined her head to him then left to return to the barracks where Galen had gone to sharpen his sword. This time, she wore the guise of Athena.

He immediately genuflected to her. "My lady."

Hating her deception, Bethany took his hand and pulled him to his feet. "There is someone we both love who needs us, Galen."


She nodded. "The man you've seen here for the last year wasn't him. But rather an imposter sent by the gods to play havoc with his life."

"I knew it ... I knew my prince wouldn't be so rude and harsh." His nostrils flared. "Apollo, you bastard."

"You know?"

"I suspected. He has plagued the prince since the day Styxx killed his grandson in battle."

"And he has exacted a very nasty vengeance upon him. Since Styxx hasn't been home and no one other than the three of us know it, I don't want to put him right back into the palace. He needs to be someplace with someone I can trust to help him adjust to being free again. And he needs time to physically heal from what has been done to him."

"I would do anything for my prince."

Grateful to the old man, she inclined her head to him. "I will bring him to you tomorrow, but be warned, he is much changed."

"Thank you, my goddess."

Patting his arm, she left to return to her temple.

As she started into her bedroom, she caught her true reflection in the black marble of her walls. Styxx hadn't handled seeing her as Bethany very well and the last thing she wanted to do was hurt him more. Swallowing, she changed forms again to a blond Apollite then she opened the door.

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