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Styxx (Dark-Hunter 22)

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Galen arched a brow.

Much, Styxx amended silently.

Frowning, his father took Styxx's chin in his hand and turned his face so that he could study Styxx's neck.

Cold panic gripped him. Was the handprint not gone?

"She must have been a biter. I can still see her teeth marks."

A shiver of revulsion went down him at the memory of Apollo and his violent feedings. Styxx lifted his chlamys to cover that side of his neck.

His father clapped him on the arm. "Rest easy today. Since I didn't know you'd be returning, I have nothing scheduled. You can resume your normal routine tomorrow."

Still baffled by his father's complacency at his absence, Styxx led Galen to the stairs. "What was that?"

Galen shrugged.

When they reached the hallway, Styxx paused and turned to the opposite direction of his room.


"I want to meet my nephew."

"Are you sure you're up to it?"

He nodded as he made his way to Ryssa's room. Just as he reached it, a servant opened the door to show him where they'd put the nursery.

Unsure of what to expect, he tentatively entered the room the servant had just left.

The nurse looked up and grimaced at his presence as if the mere sight of him sickened her. Styxx ignored her as he saw the boy lying on his back on top of a white fluffy sheepskin blanket. Someone had strung stuffed and wooden toys over him so that he could slap at them.

A smile curved his lips as he watched the most adorable baby he'd ever seen. Styxx sank down on the floor next to him. "Hey, sprout. Where's your hair?"

Apollodorus's blue eyes sparkled as he laughed and reached toward him.

Amazed and instantly in love with the tiny creature, Styxx held his hand out and smiled wider as his nephew grabbed on to his finger and squeezed. "You've got an impressive grip there, sprout. One day, you'll be a fierce soldier ... or at least good at holding your reins." He wanted desperately to pick him up and hold him, but was scared to try. Apollodorus was way too small. But he was absolutely perfect and precious.

The door opened behind him. "What are you doing in here?"

He cringed at Ryssa's shrill, angry voice. "I wanted to see my nephew."

Shoving Styxx aside, she scooped Apollodorus up and stepped away from the brother she loathed. "You're not welcome in here. I told you that. I want my son to grow up to be a man, and not a putrid bully like you. You are to stay away from him before you corrupt him."

Styxx bowed to her. "I'm sorry I upset you, sister. Forgive me. I won't disturb you again."

The look on Galen's face said that he wanted to say something to her, but Styxx shook his head. There was no need.

Styxx opened the door to find Acheron on his way in. His brother's eyes flared with anger.

He stepped back to let him enter.

Acheron slammed his shoulder and elbow into him as he passed by. "Fucking bastard," he growled under his breath.

Styxx laughed bitterly. "At least I've graduated up in rank from a generic asshole."

Acheron turned on him.

Ryssa grabbed Acheron's arm before he could attack. "Let it go, little brother. He's not worth your being harmed again. He's not worth anything." She placed Apollodorus in Acheron's arms then slammed the door in Styxx's face.

Styxx took a deep, sarcastic breath. "Ah, blessed family. How I've missed them all."

He saw his own grief and pain mirrored in Galen's eyes. "That was wrong."

Styxx tried not to think about it. "A wise man once told me that life, like war, is neither right nor wrong. It just is. And rather than worry over a philosophy you can't change, you should just try to live through it as best you can."

"You should have kicked that old bastard in his balls."

"Yes, but you kick back, and hit like a stampeding horse."

Galen pulled him into a fatherly embrace and kissed his head. "Let's get you settled into bed so that you can finish healing."

Styxx lifted his cloak to show him the blood that was seeping through his bandages and soaking his side. "My brother also hits hard."

January 20, 9527 BC

"This was not our agreement," Bethany breathed as she glared at Apollo and his dictate for Styxx's absolution. The Olympian sat on his throne, smirking. Her fist itched to knock the smugness off his face.

You unbelievable bastard!

Tears choked her as she watched Styxx walk naked down the center aisle of Apollo's temple in Didymos on the Apollodorian ... the day when all freeborn members of the city were required to make offerings to their patron god. The temple was packed with citizens who were mortified and stunned by the condition of their prince's body, which still bore telltale traces of what had been done to him in Atlantis.

He was cut, bruised, and scarred all over.

So much for trying to keep it from his father. The king stood to Apollo's side with furious eyes that condemned his son. Meanwhile, Ryssa simpered next to Apollo, blatantly amused by her brother's public humiliation.

"You have something to say to me, Prince Styxx?" Apollo asked loudly, making sure everyone in the temple knew exactly who he was.

With a dignity that astounded her, Styxx sank down to his knees on the cold stone floor in front of Apollo's throne. "I am here to beg your forgiveness, my lord, for any offense I may have caused you."

Apollo scoffed rudely. "You don't sound particularly contrite. I think you need to repeat that, louder this time. And try to make it sound like you mean it."

The people around them whispered and conjectured on the handprints, injuries, scars, and bruises that marred their prince's body. Especially the huge sun symbol Apollo had burned into the center of Styxx's back. Some laughed about it, thinking that was what caused Apollo's outrage.

Their open mockery disgusted her.

Then she saw it.... Styxx flinched at their ridicule and laughter, and his jaw quivered as if he was reliving the horrors he'd suffered in Atlantis. Somehow, he managed to get a hold of himself and repeat his apology. "I have come here to beg your forgiveness, my lord, for any offense I may have caused you."

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