Styxx (Dark-Hunter 22) - Page 150

Chapter Thirty-Two

This time, his father caught the sarcasm in his tone. His glare promised later retribution. Without another word, he stormed from the room.

Shaking, Styxx tried to find a portion of his bed that wasn't wet.

Galen wrapped his cloak around his shoulders then stripped the wet linen from the mattress. "Lie still, boy." He piled the linens in a corner before he left the room.

A few minutes later, he came back with more blankets.

"Thank you, Master Galen ... for everything."

Galen inclined his head to him. "I take it the king found out you reduced the soldiers' yearly obligations or upped the pay for those who wanted longer ones?"

"That would be my guess for this assault."

Frowning, Galen inspected the bite marks on Styxx's neck and the bruises that covered him. "I thought Apollo released you."

"So did I. Apparently, we were mistaken."

Galen cursed under his breath. "I knew something was wrong when you missed practice yesterday and no one knew where you were."

"What day is it?"

"Middle of the week."

Styxx let out a relieved breath that he'd only been gone a day and a half. This time. Good.

Galen sighed wearily as he continued to inspect Styxx's injuries. "Have you eaten?"

He shook his head. "I have some apples in my table drawer."

His mentor went to retrieve two and handed them to him. "Munch on those, Highness, and I'll be back in a few minutes with something more substantial for you."

"Again, thank you, Galen."

Galen patted him gently on the shoulder before he left.

Leaning back with another groan, Styxx bit into his apple and grimaced at the teeth Apollo had knocked loose. He'd give the bastard credit, he could hit.

He tested his teeth with his fingers then winced. At least Apollo beat on him solely and left his sister alone. As far as he could tell, Apollo had never struck Ryssa. But he was getting really tired of being the Olympian's whipping boy.

There had to be some way to weaken the god and get out from under his thumb.

Whatever it took, he was going to find it and show the bastard what it felt like to be tied down and knocked around. Even if it took him ten thousand years, he was going to get back at Apollo.

One way or another.

March 23, 9527 BC

Bethany kept her grip on Dynatos's collar as he guided her to the training arena where she knew Styxx would be with Galen. The moment they entered the area, she heard the clashing sounds of sword and shield as well as the men's good-natured insults for each other's abilities.

"You hit like an old woman."

"At least I am old. What's your reason, boy?"

Dynatos barked then jerked free of her grip and ran forward. Her heart stopped. "Dyna!"

She heard the sounds of Dynatos's attack. Galen cursed and hissed while Styxx barked as loud as the dog.

"Down, Dyna, down!" Styxx snapped.

Suddenly, Styxx was by her side with Dynatos. "Your dog doesn't like Galen hitting me."

"I don't like Galen hitting you."

Styxx kissed her lightly on the lips as Dynatos walked between them, while Styxx kept his left hand firmly on the dog's collar so that he wouldn't attack Galen again.

She sank her hand in Styxx's dripping-wet hair then grimaced. "Ew! You're all sweaty."

"You don't complain about my sweat when we're alone and naked."

"You don't smell like the back end of your horse when we're alone and naked."

Styxx laughed. "At least you didn't call me an old woman."

"Good day, Lady Bethany."

She smiled as she heard Galen approach from the side of them. "Hi, Galen."

"Would you like me to put your xiphos and hoplon away, my lord?"

She stopped Styxx as he moved to hand them over. "I actually came to listen to you two practice. Don't let me interrupt. I promise I'll keep Dyna off the field."

Galen snorted. "By the lovesick expression on Styxx's face, I daresay he'll be an even worse opponent than normal."

Styxx feigned laughter. "Thanks for making me look heroic to my woman, Galen. You could at least lie to her and tell her how fearless I am."

"Like a lion ... cub. All growl, with little baby teeth for biting."

She laughed at them and their gentle teasing then kissed Styxx on the cheek. "I know how fierce you are, my love."

Styxx handed his shield over to Galen and winked at him. "I think I'll give the old man a rest before he falls over from exhaustion."

"Don't listen to him. It's his own dignity he's trying to save, my lady. I shall put these away so as not to further embarrass him with his inferior skills. Good day."

Styxx took her hand and pulled her toward his dressing room. "Is something wrong?"

"Why would you think that?"

"You never come here, and I was supposed to meet you in a couple of hours at the cottage."

"True ... but I couldn't wait."

"For?" He released her hand and started disrobing.

She held her arms out and turned side to side. "Notice anything different about me?"

His body hardened at the sight of her playfulness that reminded him of one of her sensual Egyptian dances. "You're more beautiful than the last time I saw you?"

She smiled at him. "I love you ... but no. Try again."

Styxx frowned as he tried to discern it. Her hair was curled today, but she did that a lot, and it was the same ornate gold diadem she always wore when she gathered it up to the crown of her head. She had on earrings, which she normally didn't wear, yet he'd seen those before, too. Someone had ringed her eyes with kohl, but again, she often wore Egyptian cosmetics. Her skin was as luminescent as ever. Her eyes every bit as golden tinged by green. Her lips hennaed and shiny with beeswax.

Unlike him, she smelled wonderful ... but it was the same scent of lilies and eucalyptus.

For his life, he couldn't see a difference at all. Except ... maybe she'd gained a tiny bit of weight, but he knew from Ryssa not to ever remark on a woman's weight fluctuations. He didn't own enough armor for that particular brand of stupidity.

He set his helm on the mannequin then went to unlace his greaves. "New dress?"

"Since you're having trouble with this, let's try a riddle. When do one and one make three?"

Styxx froze as he realized what she was trying to tell him. For a full minute, he couldn't breathe as her news slammed into him like an iron mallet.

She scowled. "Are you still here?"

"I am."

Fear creased her brow. "Are you not happy?"

He took her hand and led it to his face so that she could feel his smile then he kissed her palm. "I have never been happier in all my life." He kissed her other hand then knelt in front of her.

She scowled. "What are you doing?"

He held her hands in his and looked up at her beautiful face. "Marry me, Bethany."

"Your father..."

"I don't give a damn what my father or anyone else thinks, says, or does. You're all that matters to me. You and the baby you carry. And I know how you feel about marriage, I do, but I swear I will never, ever stifle your freedom or your thoughts.... Marry me."


"Marry me.... Please."

Tags: Sherrilyn Kenyon Dark-Hunter Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024