Styxx (Dark-Hunter 22) - Page 153

Styxx hid the pain his father's thought caused him as he waited for the king to speak.

"Your sister is convinced you plot against me. Is there any reason she should think that?"

"She has the mental capacity of an aged flea, and I refuse to be held accountable for her grotesque, unhinged stupidity."

His father closed the distance between them. "I wouldn't be so concerned if I didn't feel your hatred every time you look at me."

What was there to love?

"What do you want me to say, Father? I love you? Fine. I love you. Now, may I go to my room?"

"You don't love me the way you do that old man who serves you. You've never once looked at me the way you do Galen."

Styxx wanted to laugh at his jealousy ... it was so ludicrous. "And you have never once tended me when I was sick. For that matter, you don't even check on me to ask after my health. You weren't there to fight against my enemies as they tried their damnedest to kill me then, wounded yourself, carry me off the field of battle and stitch my injuries. When you sent me too young to war, Galen was the one who stood by my side and defended me against the insults and jeers of my own people who thought you mocked them because I was there. For half my life and all my memory, Galen alone has picked me up when I've fallen. He is the only father I've ever known."

His father's head snapped back as if he'd slapped him. "You think he could give you what I have?"

"No, but when I was naked, he took his own cloak off his back to cover me. And he gave me the only thing that has ever mattered."

"And that is?"

"Love, Father. Even when I'm not at my best, even when I fail, he is proud of me, and he is there whenever I need him. He doesn't judge or condemn me for being human."

"Because he doesn't dare."

Styxx scoffed. His father knew nothing of Galen's fearless temerity. "I have no wish to argue with you on this." He turned to leave.

"Wait ... you should know that I've entered into talks with the king of Ithaca for his daughter. I'm arranging a meeting for the two of you."

Sighing, Styxx turned back around. "And you can un-enter them, Father. I'm already betrothed."

Rage mottled his cheeks with color. "To whom?"

Styxx braced himself for the full force of his father's wrath. "My Bethany."

"A peasant! Are you out of your mind? You're my heir, boy! She's not even Greek!"

"Neither was Nefertari. But if you want the Ithacan princess, I suggest you marry her to Acheron or yourself. I am bound to my Bethany and I will take no other bride."

"I forbid it!"

Ignoring him, Styxx continued up the stairs. "Forbid it all you want. I care naught what you say or do. I will have her as my bride."

I will see you dead first!

Styxx winced at his father's threat. Go on and try it, bastard. Let him learn what Acheron had. So long as his brother lived, he was free and clear of death.

April 6, 9527 BC

Styxx shook his head at the ring the jeweler held out to him. "Too small a stone."

"This is the one."

Styxx looked over at Galen's selection which appeared tiny in Galen's massive calloused paw. Even so, it was much larger than the one he'd been examining, and it would be large on Bethany's delicate hand. The stone was a deep celestial blue that glittered brightly even in the dim light of the store. "What stone is that?"

The jeweler smiled in approval. "Sapphire, Highness. It symbolizes purity, and is thought to protect against evil thoughts and wishes."

Styxx nodded at Galen. "You're right. It's perfect for her." He glanced back at the merchant. "I'll take this one."

While the merchant went to box it, Galen laughed. "Two men picking out a wedding ring is like two women shopping for swords. Both of us out of our element. Next thing you know, we'll be shopping for dresses and panas."

Styxx snorted. They had both amused the merchant to no end with their questions and comments. "Let's just hope the baby's a boy. After this travesty, I don't want to even contemplate trying to shop for a daughter."

Galen's laughter was deep and rich. "It's not so bad, really. I rather enjoy it, and unlike boys, daughters never hesitate to hug and kiss your old whiskered cheeks. There's a lot to be said for having a daughter. Then again there's a lot to be said for having a son. Either way, I'm sure you'll be very pleased."

He was sure about that, too.

The jeweler returned with his purchase. Styxx carefully tucked it into the pouch he carried.

Leaving the store, he started home then stopped with Galen by his side. "Is a ring enough?"

"For your Bethany? Aye, boy. She only wants you."

Still, he wasn't sure. He looked to the end of the street. "It just seems so insignificant to what I feel for her. Perhaps I should get-"

Galen shoved him back toward the store, cutting him off mid-sentence. Irritated, he opened his mouth to bark at Galen when he realized that something wet and warm was on his leg. Something bright red.


His heart racing, Styxx caught Galen against his side as the old man staggered. "Galen?" he cried out, cradling him in his arms as Galen struggled to breathe.

Someone had cut his femoral artery. Deep and ragged, the wound shot blood everywhere.


Who would have dared such?

"Someone fetch a physician!" Styxx called as he sank to the ground with his mentor in his arms. "Hold on, Galen." He tried his best to stanch the blood. But it was impossible.

And it kept coming and coming no matter how hard he tried to stop it.

Galen's gray eyes stared into his as the old man smiled and patted his blood-soaked hands. "This is how it should be, boy."

"How what should be?"

He swallowed hard. "No man should ever outlive his son. Never mind thrice in one lifetime. This time when I saw the assassin's blade, it ended the way it should have." He touched Styxx's cheek. "My beloved son is safe from harm."

Tears blinded Styxx as he bit back a sob. "Don't you die on me, Galen! You hear me? That's an order! You are not to die for me ... please ... please, don't leave me."

Galen licked his lips. "I couldn't love you more had I been lucky enough to sire you myself. It's been my greatest honor to fight with you, Styxx. To teach and protect you at home, and in battle. You are the greatest hero Didymos has ever bred. And I couldn't have asked for a better son ... you've done my old heart proud time and..."

As he watched, the light faded from those gray eyes. Galen went limp in his arms.

Styxx couldn't breathe as tears fell down his face. He tried everything he could think of, but it was no use.

Galen was dead.

And it was his fault. He should have protected him. Why hadn't he been paying attention? Why?

It was so unfair.

"Damn you, gods! Damn you all!" Sobbing, he held Galen to his chest.

I can't die ... why did you interfere, old man? Why?

Had the assassin's blade gone into him, it would have hurt. But it would have healed. Why had he never told Galen that secret?

Now, it was too late.

What have I done?

He'd killed the only father he'd ever known. Hating himself completely, Styxx rocked his mentor in his arms as his heart splintered into pieces.

"Why, Galen?" he whispered against Galen's grizzled cheek. "Why did you do this for something as worthless as me?" But he knew. Galen had loved him. For whatever stupid reason, the old man had.


Styxx looked up to see the physician standing over them. "You're too late." Even so, he laid Galen down on the ground so that the man could examine him.

After a few minutes, the physician sighed. "I'm sorry, Highness. I shall fetch-"

"No. I'll take care of him." Styxx picked Galen up and carried him to the palace in his arms.

As he entered the foyer, his father came out of his study to scowl at him. "What is this?"

Styxx didn't speak to him. He couldn't. Instead, he carried Galen up to his room to make final preparations.

Tags: Sherrilyn Kenyon Dark-Hunter Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024