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Styxx (Dark-Hunter 22)

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Chapter Forty-Three

"My husband's Greek. Not quite as old as you, but definitely not modern. Since he loves his native language so much, I learned it.... So who's Galen?"

"Galen was my son."

Her frown deepened. "I thought Acheron's nephew was Apollodorus."

"He was Ryssa's son, not mine."

"Oh..." Why did Ash never mention he had another nephew?

Styxx barely caught himself before he responded to her thought.

"Why are you here?" she asked.

"I was sleeping."

She rolled her eyes. "You know what I mean."

Get out was what she meant. He'd overstayed his welcome. Besides, if Acheron learned of his presence, there was no telling what he might do to him given his hatred. "I'll go back to my island. Sorry I disturbed you. I'll tell Urian not to bring me any more food." He glanced meaningfully to his clothes that were set on the table behind her as he lifted his sheet higher. "But I can't leave until you allow me to dress."

"I wasn't telling you to leave or to stop getting food. I was teasing about that."

"Oh. I'm not used to being teased."

"Are you all right?"

No, he wasn't. Styxx choked on the grief and sadness that her kindness evoked. He hadn't interacted with a woman like this since Beth. Nor had any woman touched him like that since the day she'd left to go to Egypt. And as bad as the memories had been, having awakened to Danger rammed the full weight of his loss down his throat.

"Fine," he breathed. But he wasn't fine. He hadn't been for thousands of years.

She moved to touch him.

Styxx flinched away from her. "Please don't." It hurt too much for a woman to be this close to him, and for her to lay her hand on his skin....

He'd rather have the priests and their hot brands.

Finally, she stepped back from the bed. "Would you like for me to make you breakfast while you dress?"

"Thank you, but I don't want you to trouble yourself."

"It's no trouble. Trust me. You'll be a lot easier to feed than two Charonte. It'll be waiting on you when you finish." She vanished before he could thank her again.

* * *

Danger paused by the boxes of foodstuffs as she glanced back to the room where she'd found Styxx. Acheron had ordered her to stay away from him. He'd been emphatic that she not go near Styxx's island.

But why?

He wasn't the monster Acheron had made him out to be. He was actually rather polite and bashful. Hardly the cocky asshole Acheron and Alexion called him.

She smiled as she saw the way he'd organized his food. Everything was meticulously placed, but then that made sense since he didn't have a lot to occupy himself with.

What did he do all day? There were no books, instruments, or anything of that nature. He had a small collection of handmade weapons and tools. And one really lovely bowl that had been carved out of stone.

She let out a low whistle as she ran her hand over the smooth surface. "You are incredibly talented." He'd even chiseled out a Greek key pattern around the edge of it.

Her smile faded as she realized his food consisted of nothing but Doomsday prep items. Everything was designed to be reconstituted or was dried, with a few fresh vegetables and fruits.

And one box of Simi's Ding Dongs.

"This is not meal worthy." She flashed herself back to the kitchen where she and Alexion cooked for Simi and Xirena, and Urian whenever he was home. As quickly as she could, she fried Styxx two eggs and some bacon and made a small stack of pancakes. Grabbing a glass of milk, she returned to him.

She'd just set it out on the table when he came through the door and paused.

His eyes lit up like Simi's whenever they had Diamonique on QVC. "Eggs and bacon?"


Even though he didn't smile, the joy in those electric blue eyes warmed her. But he didn't come any closer. Curious about that, she stepped away from the table.

Only when she was out of reach did he move to sit.

"It smells delicious. Thank you. I can't remember the last time I tasted eggs or bacon."

When he went to eat the pancakes like bread, she stopped him. "They're pancakes."

"Okay." He folded it to eat.

She bit back her smile. "It's not a pita, sweetie. You put syrup on it and cut it up."

He frowned as if he had no idea what she was talking about. "Syrup?"

They must not have had that in his day. She lifted the small container.

His scowl deepened. "Dark honey?"

"No. It's sweet like honey, but it's maple syrup." She poured it over the pancakes for him.

He hesitated before he tried it then he flashed a grin at her. "Who wants Ding Dongs when they can eat this?"

She laughed at his unexpected enthusiasm.

Then he lifted the milk and sniffed it. "Cow?"

"Um ... yeah." What did he think it was?

His expression said it was ambrosia to him. He took a deep drink. "I haven't had cow milk since ... I can't even remember."

Danger watched him. It was so disconcerting to see someone who looked so similar to Acheron and yet was so different. And as she studied him, she realized his short hair was really butchered and uneven.

Like he cut it with one of his handmade stone knives.

"Do you cut your own hair?"

He set his fork down and touched it self-consciously. "I'm sorry if it offends you. I don't have shears."

"It doesn't offend me. If you like, I could even it up for you."

His mood was much more somber as he returned to eating. "It doesn't matter. No one will see it."

Tears gathered in her eyes at his stoic tone. "I really don't mind. I cut Alexion's all the time."

Styxx considered it. He could only imagine how awful his hair must look to her, but honestly, he didn't want her touching him. "It's all right. I don't want to be any more trouble." He got up to wash his plate.

"Here," she said, holding her hand out. "I'll take it."

He hesitated before he gave it to her. "Thank you for your kindness. The food was delicious, and I really appreciate the gift."

Her heart aching for him, Danger inclined her head. "You're very welcome." Gathering up the dishes, she returned to the main hall.

"Where have you been?"

She paused as Alexion joined her in the kitchen. "I met Styxx."

He growled deep in his throat.

She held her hand up to stop him from saying a word. "Have you ever met the man?"

"Of course not. He's an arrogant asshole."

"Before you start trash-talking his character, sweetie, you should meet him. Believe me, I understand loyalty to Acheron. I have it, too, and I know what I owe the big guy. However, Styxx isn't the three-horned demon you think he is either. Did you know he had a wife and child?"

Alexion looked as stunned as she'd been. "No."

"What are we talking about?" Urian asked as he joined them. "Do I smell bacon?"

She sighed irritably. "Teach a Daimon to eat real food and he's impossible." She went to make more for him. "We were talking about your houseguest you didn't mention feeding."

Urian's eyes widened. "Um..."

"Don't worry. You're not in trouble. I was just telling Alexion that I think there's a lot more to him than we've been told."

Urian nodded. "No shit, right? You know who he is?" he asked Alexion.

He gave Urian a droll stare. "Acheron's brother."

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