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Styxx (Dark-Hunter 22)

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Styxx slowed his horse as he approached the modest-sized Bedouin camp where he came every year around this time to trade. Girls and women were tending goats and sheep, and cooking, along with other chores. They'd already donned their burquas since their scouts would have warned them of his approach long before he'd arrived. The men were tending horses and camels. Those men who could be easily seen, anyway. Styxx had noted the number of them who'd been hidden as guards and scouts on his way in. To most, they wouldn't be seen, but very little escaped Styxx's scrutiny.

As soon as the camp members could ascertain his gargantuan size, they knew who he was. With the exception of the Atlanteans and gods, Styxx had always towered over others. But since the Bedouins tended to be shorter than average, he felt even more like a freakish giant whenever he was around them.

Reaching the center of their camp, Styxx lowered the keffiyeh from his face and left it to trail down his shoulder then dismounted. He petted Skylos to calm him and nodded a welcome to several of the tribe members who greeted him.

A young boy came forward to take the reins of his horse and camel. "Hi, Sadur," Styxx said to the boy as he quietly handed him a Hershey's chocolate bar.

Sadur's face lit up. "Thank you, my lord!"

Styxx inclined his head to him. He'd bartered for the bar last week with a tour group that had passed by his own camp. While he would have enjoyed it, he knew the boy would love it more. Skylos ran after Sadur as he led Styxx's horse and camel to water.

Rahim, a cousin of Sheikh Saif, who ruled this tribe, came out of the largest tent with a smile on his face. Unlike Styxx's plain black garments, Rahim's held beautiful gold, red, and white embroidery to let others know which tribe, social class, and marital status he belonged to.

Styxx placed his hand over his heart as a sign of respect and humility. "Salaam alaikum." Peace be with you.

Smiling, Rahim hugged him then held his hand out. "Prince Styxx, it is so good to see you again."

Styxx took his hand and had to bend over so that they could touch noses three times. Rahim held on to his hand after they shook as a sign of friendship and welcome.

"I trust the Sahara has been good to you this year?" Rahim asked.

"Very good, indeed. I see you took a wife. Congratulations."

"Ah yes, my Yesenia. I finally won her and she told me only yesterday that she will be gifting me with a firstborn this coming November."

Styxx smiled at the news. "Again, congratulations, my friend."

Rahim moved his right hand like a scratching claw, beckoning Styxx to enter his cousin's tent. He took him into the mag'ad where the sheikh stood with important members of his tribe and family.

Saif came forward immediately to embrace him. "Prince Styxx! Salaam alaikum!"

While Styxx despised his title, social status was extremely important to the desert people, and it bought him a needed advantage when it came to trade and other necessities. It was the only thing his royal birth had ever been good for. "And with you, my friend."

Saif beckoned him to sit on one of the elaborate burgundy cushions on the Persian carpet-lined floor and to partake of the cardamom coffee and small feast that had been prepared when they'd been notified of a stranger's approach.

Placing his hand over his heart again, Styxx gave the sheikh a bow. "Thank you, Your Highness. I am honored."

With a bright smile, Rahim passed him a bowl of dates and fresh yogurt, which they knew were Styxx's favorites.

Saif took Styxx's cup and tasted the coffee first as a way of letting Styxx know it was safe then set it down for him to use. "My daughter wanted you to know that she prepared that yogurt especially for you."


Saif nodded. "She is now old enough to marry and has a bit of a crush on you, I'm afraid. As it has been nearing the time of your bi-yearly visit, she has driven me mad, begging me to mention her to you while you're here."

Styxx swallowed his coffee. "I am truly honored and humbled by her affection, Your Highness. And while she is a very beautiful woman, it wouldn't be fair for her to share my heart with my first wife. Dima deserves a man who can love her with the whole of his being."

Saif smiled. "And that is why she regards you so highly. You are honest and forthright."

"I humbly try."

Rahim held a spit of lamb for Styxx so that he could cut some of the meat off to eat.

Styxx thanked him.

Saif sat back with his cup. There was a light in his dark eyes that didn't bode well for Styxx. "You have come just in time, prince."

"How so?"

"We have tourists who will soon invade our camp. If you will help us negotiate with them, I will be more than pleased to pay you for your services."

Styxx would rather be hit in the head with a sledgehammer, repeatedly. But he smiled, knowing he would do it anyway. Saif and his people had been very good to him over the last four years and he would do anything for them.

"It would be my honor and privilege to aid you and your people, Your Highness."

"Good. These tourists make my head crazy."

Styxx had just finished his third cup of coffee when he heard the gunshots that announced the arrival of the tourists who must be European or American for the sheikh to ask for his help.

The expression on Saif's face said he shared Styxx's enthusiasm for their arrival. However they were a necessary evil for the tribe. Rich tourists could pay a small fortune for the handmade wares and items that Styxx bartered hides for. And the tour companies loved camps such as this where they could safely bring their groups and know that no harm would come to them.

Saif quirked a wry grin at Styxx. "Today, you prove your friendship to my people, Your Highness."

Yes, he did.

Dreading it already, Styxx followed Rahim outside to find two busloads of gawkers who were making photos of the Bedouin camp and spectacles of themselves. Too late, Styxx remembered his face was showing.


And because of his massive height, he stood out from the rest of the tribe. Cameras and phones turned toward him like he was the reigning celebutante at the hottest Hollywood club.

Covering his face, he slid his gaze to Rahim. "Tell your cousin, the price for my services just doubled."

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