The Chase - Page 18

“What?” he asked absently, comparing a Vuitton heel against a Jimmy Choo.

“When did you become an expert on women’s clothes?”

Seth fell quiet. “Another lifetime. These will do.”

When he reached for a pair of Channel slingbacks with peep toes, trimmed in pearl accents, Beck wondered what the hell that meant.

A few minutes later, Heavenly emerged in one of the two dresses Seth had chosen. He studied the garment with a critical eye, then nodded. “This is perfect. Do you like it?”

She crept closer on bare feet. “It’s way too expensive.”

“That wasn’t the question,” Beck reminded. “Do you like it?”

“Yes, but—”

“Nothing else matters.”

The Channel shoes Seth had selected fit her feet as if they’d been made for her. He picked out some simple but elegant jewelry to accompany the outfit, appropriate undergarments, and a cache of all new cosmetics. She winced when the sales associate hit the total button with a happy smile, but he and Seth paid, then led her out of the department store.

They strolled along the second level, past a hair salon. Luckily, a stylist was available. When they offered Heavenly a choice between having her hair done or eating, she chose a cut and blow-dry.

Ignoring his growling stomach, Beck left Seth to supervise Heavenly’s hair since he had opinions about that, too, and dropped the packages off at the car. On his way back, he dialed Raine to give her an update and ask if she’d be willing to spend a spa-and-shopping day with Heavenly tomorrow since he had two scheduled surgeries and Seth needed to spend a few hours at the office. Raine readily agreed to his plan, promising to keep Heavenly busy all day and send her home with a new wardrobe. Just before Beck rang off, he told her he’d drop by later to leave his credit card. She said she’d be waiting with a little laugh he didn’t quite trust.

On his way back to the salon, Beck found a pretzel place and wolfed down a hot, salty one before meeting up with Seth again, who sat in a waiting area, absently thumbing through a magazine. Beck filled Seth in on tomorrow’s plan.

As they finished hashing out the details, Heavenly rounded the corner.

They both looked up. Beck felt his jaw drop. She looked like a bombshell, and he fisted his hands to stop himself from sinking his fingers into her long, loose curls and mussing her.

“You look gorgeous, angel.” Seth sounded as stunned as he felt. “The long layers are perfect for your face.”

Who was he, a cast off from Queer Eye for the Straight Guy? Except Beck knew Seth was totally hetero.

“It’s…amazing.” Heavenly lifted her hand to her silky waves and fluffed them as tendrils wrapped themselves around her fingers.

“Wow,” Beck breathed her way. “Just…wow.”

“Come here.” Seth held out his arms to her, and Beck sighed with relief when she went willingly. “Did you enjoy that?”

She nodded. “I did. Thanks. I never knew my hair could look like this.”

Beck couldn’t resist a minute more. He slid his arm around her, totally not caring that both he and Seth were embracing her and that everyone in the salon was staring. He pressed his lips to her temple as Seth kissed her cheek, then they were off for food—finally.

It wasn’t far to Cheesecake Factory, and thankfully it wasn’t crowded at five o’clock. When they’d asked for privacy, the hostess led them to the back of the restaurant. Heavenly fell in line between them, following Seth without a word as she gawked at the decorative ceilings, glass partitions, and people of all shapes and sizes.

The secluded booth he and Heavenly had shared weeks ago rolled though Beck’s brain. Shoving down the delicious memories of their first kiss—and her first orgasm—he sat in the booth opposite Heavenly and Seth, keeping his hands to himself, and focused on getting her the nourishment she needed.

After handing them menus, the hostess left to seat other guests.

The waitress soon appeared. He and Seth ordered iced tea. Their girl asked only for water.

Once the server hurried off, Heavenly closed her menu with a frown. “I don’t think my stomach can handle food right now.”

Beck glowered. “You’re eating something, little girl. We’ll keep it light, but the subject isn’t up for debate.”

“If you’re not sure what you want, we’ll order something for you,” Seth chimed in.

When she bristled, Beck clenched his jaw. “If your body doesn’t get fuel, you’ll pass out at your dad’s memorial service. Is that what you want?”

Tags: Shayla Black Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024