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Styxx (Dark-Hunter 22)

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The last time in New Orleans.

A slow smile spread across his face as he realized that Styxx had finally received his Chthonian powers that prevented any god from killing him. This was a Chthonian rebirth and it was painful as hell. But the drawback was that his brother would have no idea what those powers were or how to use them. Whenever they manifested, they took control over their master and were hard to use or to fight.

Especially the first time.

The chains that held Styxx in place shattered, sending shrapnel in all directions. Styxx rose to hover over the floor.

"What's happening?" Archon roared.

No one answered as lightning bolts shot from Styxx's body, blowing out the windows and ripping the doors from their hinges. Bolts of light pierced Styxx's eyes and mouth. They exploded through his body, strengthening him and bringing him back from his undeserved death.

Simi started to go to Styxx, but Ash held her back. Since she wasn't Styxx's Charonte, Styxx might unwillingly hurt her.

There was only one person in the room who could stop this and she was about to make the horrendous mistake of attacking Styxx.

Ash summoned as much of his powers as he could and teleported himself to where Styxx hovered. He knew it was an idiotic move, but he had no alternative.

The moment Bathymaas saw Ash, her nostrils flared with anger. "You!"

When she moved for him, Ash caught her with his powers. "Kill me and Styxx dies, too. Is that what you want?"

"Kill them both!" Leto shouted, still trying to put the two halves of the Egyptian heart together.

Bethany rose up as if she'd obey Leto, but then her gaze went to Styxx and she calmed instantly. "What do I do to save him?" she asked Ash in an anguished tone.

"You have to ground him. Make him aware of who and what he really is outside of his powers."


Ash shook his head. "Damned if I know. I'll try and hold him, but you have got to reach him or those powers will rip him apart and destroy us all."

Nodding, she stepped back and cleared the way for Ash to launch himself at Styxx. When his brother went to hit him, Ash embraced him with everything he had.

Styxx bellowed furiously as he tried to break free.

In her Bethany form, she appeared in front of his brother and cupped his face in her hands. "Styxx? Can you hear me?"

Another blast went through the room as something like a hurricane swept through with enough force that it knocked Bethany back. Ash held on to Styxx and grabbed Bethany before it carried her away.

Bethany trembled as all her memories merged with Bathymaas's and she was fully restored. She saw herself with Styxx and with Aricles, and remembered everything the gods had done to them both to tear them apart and keep them from each other.

Anger rose up, but she forced it down. There would be a full accounting later. Right now, she had to save him. No matter what, she couldn't allow him to suffer another day or die for these bastards.

Or for her.

He shoved Acheron away and turned on her with a murderous glint in his blue eyes. Scared and unsure, she did the only thing she could think of.

She kissed him.

Styxx froze as the scent of eucalyptus and lilies invaded his head. As softness again filled his arms and he remembered what it was like to be part of a whole. That sweet, precious touch calmed him instantly.

Afraid he was dreaming, he pulled back ever so slowly to look down at the woman in his arms. Was it real? Was she real?


She gave him a smile that harded him instantly. "Are you with me, akribos?"

"I'm not sure. Am I dead?"

She laughed. "I don't know. Am I?"

"No!" Leto screamed as she ran for them.

Without hesitating, Ash intercepted her. But as soon as he neared her, she stabbed him through his stomach with the same Atlantean dagger laced with ypnsi sap that Bethany had used to kill Styxx. While the poison was fatal to mortal beings, it was a potent miasma for the gods, and it was the same serum Apollymi had used on her family to lock them in deathlike limbo when she'd confronted them over Acheron's death.

Ash staggered back and fell to his knees.

Styxx ran to him. "Acheron?"

"Simi!" he called, ignoring his brother.

"Simi on it, akri!" She vanished.

Acheron's body was quickly turning gray as the poison spread from the wound to the rest of him. His eyes flared red as he cupped Styxx's cheek and pulled him into his arms.

Before Styxx realized what Acheron intended, his brother sank his fangs into his neck and handed over his powers for Styxx's use. As soon as it was done, Ash fell back and locked gazes with Styxx. "Kick their asses, brother."

"With pleasure." Laying Acheron on the floor, Styxx saw Urian fighting Phanen. "Urian, on deck."

Urian flashed over then cursed as he saw Acheron's condition.

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