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Styxx (Dark-Hunter 22)

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Chapter Fifty-Two

Bethany returned to his side as he carefully counted.

As soon as the ninth one hit Acheron's lips, the color slowly returned to the whole of his body. Groaning, Acheron opened his eyes then grimaced. "Next time, add peppermint flavoring, somebody. That is the nastiest tasting crap on the planet."

Styxx scoffed. "You're not seriously complaining that I brought you back. Are you?"

"Yes, and no. Taste it yourself and you'll bitch, too."

Snorting, Styxx held his hand out to his brother. Acheron took it and allowed him to pull him to his feet.

They stared at each other, fully united for the first time since the day Estes had taken Acheron to Atlantis. Brothers forever and always.

Even through mutual idiocy.

Acheron hugged him close then stepped back to leave him to Bethany.

Still expecting all this to be a twisted dream, Styxx turned and wrapped his arms around her. He leaned his head against hers and took a deep breath as her scent and warmth filled him in a way nothing else ever had. While he'd learned to be whole alone, it didn't compare to what he felt as one half of their whole. "I told you I'd come back for you, my goddess. That nothing would stop me."

"Yes, but did you have to drag your feet? Seriously?"

He laughed in spite of the pain her teasing wrung inside him as he tightened his arms around her. "I'm afraid you're going to have to get used to living with me right here. I will never again let you go. Just consider me a large exterior growth on your body."

Her lips trembling, she smiled up at him as her own tears flowed. "I am so glad to have you back. I just wish we had our son with us."

"I know, precious," he breathed.

"Um ... about that."

Styxx glanced up at Apollymi's trepidatious voice that she had suddenly found again. Dread replaced his happiness as he feared that nervous tone. "What?"

"Remember my promise to you, Styxx?"

That she would make everything right if he survived. "Yes?"

"I didn't kill your son. I wanted to. Desperately. But as I looked down at that tiny, beautiful baby, I saw Apostolos and I couldn't bring myself to hurt him."

Bethany gasped. "He lives? Where is he?"

Apollymi's gaze went to Urian who turned around to look behind him.

Styxx's jaw dropped in understanding. "Urian is Galen?" And yet some part of him had known it the first time they met. He'd felt that connection and love. Now it made total sense.

Urian shook his head. "It's not possible. I was born before they died."

"No, you weren't." Apollymi smiled sadly. "Strykerius told you that because he didn't want you to know that you and your brother were the first Apollites born cursed. And that was my fault. I intentionally chose Strykerius's wife because I thought it the perfect revenge that Apollo should look after Styxx's child given what he'd done to him ... in both lifetimes. I had no idea Apollo would curse all of you over the death of a woman he really couldn't stand. Like Apostolos and Styxx, your blood mingled with that of Strykerius's real son, and that made you a part of Strykerius, too. You, child, are the only being alive who is part human, Atlantean, and Apollite ... and you carry in your veins the blood of three pantheons and gods."

Urian was aghast. "Does Stryker know?"

She nodded. "I told him long ago-after you were grown and he wondered about some of your heightened abilities-that you were very special to this world, but not who your real parents were. Your unique bloodline was why the evil souls you once lived on didn't infect you at all. Why you could go longer between feedings than others of your kind, and how your blood sustained Phoebe while she lived. It's also why Strykerius cut your throat instead of stabbing you in the heart. Unlike other Daimons, you wouldn't have died from a heart wound. Only blood loss could have killed you back then."

Urian looked at Acheron. "Did you know this?"

"I knew it was odd that Stryker cut your throat instead of stabbing you, but no. I had no clue you were my nephew. My mother"-he passed a peeved glare at her-"never mentioned it to me."

Urian scowled. "Man, I'm messed up right now. My best friend is my father? The man I idolized as a kid ... whose tattoo is on my arm ... And he's younger than me. Yeah, I don't think I can handle this. Mindwipe me, somebody ... please! Where's that dragon from Sanctuary? Simi, go get Max. I need him."

Biting her lip, Bethany approached Urian tentatively. Her heart pounded as she sought physical confirmation for what Apollymi said. While his hair was lighter than Styxx's, it was the same color as Aara's. He wasn't quite as tall as his father, but he had the same expression now that Styxx often wore whenever he was irritated or confused. She placed a gentle hand on his cheek as she stared up at him. "I see your father in you. My baby's beautiful. Just like I knew you'd be." She pulled him into her arms and held him tight as a thousand emotions ripped her apart. But the one thing she couldn't deny was the joy in her heart that they had him with them. That Apollymi had finally learned compassion and kindness. "I hate that I missed seeing you grow, but I do love you ... Urian."

In spite of what Urian had said, he held on to her as if she'd raised him. Styxx wrapped his arms around both of them as he'd ached to do for centuries. He couldn't believe this was real. That they were really with him.


A part of him was doubly furious that Apollymi hadn't told him about Urian years ago. But right now, he was so glad and grateful to have them that he didn't want to spend a single moment lamenting a past he couldn't change. Hell had already owned too many centuries of his life. All he wanted now was to forget what had happened and focus on the future, which was finally one of hope and love.

And family.

The only things that had ever really mattered to him.

Yeah, life was hard for everyone, but it was all the more so when you fought it alone. And though Styxx was powerful on his own, he was a lot stronger with his brother at his back and his wife and son by his side.

December 24, 2012

Styxx pulled back from his family to realize that everyone had left the arena.

Except Apollymi. Her crystal tears glistened against her pale cheeks as she watched them. "What I did to all of you was inexcusable. I lashed out in anger and pain, and what I thought was vengeance was nothing more than selfish envy. Because I knew I'd never be able to hold my baby, I took that pleasure from both of you, and for that, I am truly sorry. But your son is why I saved the Apollites that I did. Once my anger cooled, and I realized how wrong I was to take him away from his mother and father, I kept him safe for you both."

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