The Chase - Page 101

Determination flared across their faces as they continued prowling closer, step by methodical step. She felt dizzy and overwhelmed. With the wall nearly at her back, she had no escape.

Not that she wanted one.

“W-what are you doing?”

“Coming to peel that dress off of you—with our teeth.” Beck said the words like a solemn promise.

Her skin sizzled with electricity. Her nipples drew up tighter. Heavenly struggled to catch her breath. On her right, Seth stalked closer. Beck did the same on her left, only a moment behind. They were so close she could hear their breaths, feel their animal need. She didn’t know whether it was her instinct as prey or as a woman that had her retreating the final step into the corner.

“Don’t move another inch,” Seth demanded. “Stay there and give us what we want.” His low growl made everything inside her go haywire.

“What’s that?”

Seth didn’t answer, merely gave her a smile that didn’t reassure her in the least.

His arm encircled her waist just as Beck crouched by her feet and wound big, capable hands around her thigh. He skimmed his lips up her goose-pimpled skin, dragging all the way from her knee to her hem. In the same moment, Seth bent and pressed his lips to the valley between her breasts, exposed by the low-cut vee of her daring dress.

“I’ll tell you what I want, my naughty little girl,” Beck murmured against her inner thigh.

The sensations of his hot breaths and stubbled jaw against her hyperaware skin clouded Heavenly’s head. She clung to Seth, but he extracted a price for his support, licking his way up her pulse point and demanding more access to her skin. When she tipped her head back and gave him free rein, he took full advantage, breathing in the sensitive flesh under her ear and palming her breast.

“Listen to Beck.”

Focus wasn’t easy. She felt floaty and dreamy and aware of nothing except their hands and mouths on her. Somehow she managed to blink down at Beck. “Yes?”

His eyes were black pools of desire. They sucked her in, made her want to give him anything he asked. “These fucking bows drive me insane. Show me every last one of them.”

Beck wasn’t teasing. He wasn’t requesting, either. He demanded a visual tour of all the silky, curved ribbons on her body, one by one.

Another hot wave of excitement swept through her. “Um…there’s one at each ankle, as you can see.”

“No. Come down here and show me.”

She struggled to understand his meaning. “I don’t…”

“Point for me. Touch it.”

His game startled but exhilarated her. “Okay.”

“Spread your legs first,” Seth demanded. “Now bend at the waist and… That’s it.”

“Here.” As she tapped a fingertip to the first bow tying off her ankle straps, she was ridiculously aware of her bare backside brushing the wall.

“Yeah?” Beck wasn’t looking where she was pointing. He was fixated by the low, gaping neckline of her dress. “Where else?”

Heavenly had been modest her whole life. Automatically, she pressed the fabric against her chest to conceal her breasts.

Beck gripped her wrist and tugged. “Don’t you hide from us.”

“I’ll bet you’re wet…” Seth taunted as he wedged his fingers under her hem and smoothed his callused palm down her ass, skating close to her aching flesh.

Nearly swooning with arousal, she let the dress gape again, excruciatingly aware of Beck’s stare on her pebbled nipples and Seth’s fingertips roaming the edge of her panties, right between her legs.

“T-there’s another bow here.” She pointed to her second ankle.

“Uh-huh.” Beck curled one hand around the back of her other thigh, fingertips wandering near her aching sex.

“What do you know, man? I’m right.” The big blond sounded incredibly pleased as he teased her through the saturated fabric.

Tags: Shayla Black Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024