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Styxx (Dark-Hunter 22)

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"Dikastis," Acheron continued, "I was going to leave alone ... as long as you agree. He seems to be decent enough."

Bethany nodded. "He is extremely trustworthy and loyal so long as no rules are broken."

"Will Epithymia get her powers back?" Styxx asked.

Sin laughed uproariously. "Hell to the no. Trust me. When Kat removes your powers, they stay gone. Technically-in theory-Kat could give them back. And I hate speaking for my wife while she's not here, but I'm pretty sure Epi is going to learn to be without."

From the way he said that, Bethany suspected Sin had firsthand experience with losing powers to his wife.

Acheron continued. "Leto is with Set and I'm not about to step in on that. Especially given what Seth and Artemis have told me about her and what she's done to all of you."

Artemis lifted her chin proudly. "Yes, we threw her over the trolley."

Acheron rolled his eyes. "Under ... bus, Artemis. You throw people under a bus."

"Whatever. My mother threatened my baby, and my loyalty is to Katra and Mia and no one else ... until Katra has more children, and they have babies. But that's it!" She pursed her lips. "Oh wait, there is one more, but that really is all and it's not to the heifer who threatened to harm my girl. Either of them. Since I gladly cede my mother to Set, I want Epithymia for my personal collection."

Acheron met Styxx's gaze. "If anyone can make someone's life a living hell, I can personally attest to Artemis's expertise."

Styxx had to bite back a laugh at Acheron's understatement and the look Artemis gave him. His brother was right. Artemis definitely knew how to punish someone. Given some of the extreme things she'd done to Acheron whom she'd claimed to love, he couldn't imagine what she'd do to someone she actually hated. "I'm in accord."

"Me, too," Ma'at agreed.

"Which leaves us with Apollo." Acheron paused to sweep his gaze around the room. "Most of us have an equal grudge against him so I have no idea how to be fair about his fate."

Artemis sighed. "Even though I'd love it, you can't kill him."

All of a sudden, as an old memory and idea struck, Styxx started laughing in an evil tone.

Bethany frowned. "Why does that scare me?"

"Because I have the perfect gift for someone. Even Simi will approve."

* * *

Apollo shouted in outrage around his gag as he fought against Artemis's diktyon net that held him tighter than a fly in a spider web. If he had his regular powers, he'd be able to escape. But Urian's necklace kept them drained.

Urian chuckled like a bad cartoon villain. "Remind me to never, ever piss off my father. And I don't mean Stryker. Damn, Dad. This is soooo cold."

Artemis smiled. "Yes, well, payback's a cat."

Acheron sighed and rubbed his head. "I absolutely give up."

Ignoring his brother's exasperation, Styxx hauled Apollo to his feet. "All right. One long overdue special delivery on its way." He kissed Bethany before he glanced to Acheron. "Take care of my girl. I'll be right back." He turned to Urian. "You ready?"

"After you."

Even though he knew it wasn't "done," Styxx teleported them directly into Apollymi's garden where she sat at her fountain.

Gasping in indignation, she rose to her feet. "What is this?"

Styxx forced Apollo to kneel before her. Totally naked and bound up like Styxx had been when the bastard had handed him over to Archon for torture, Apollo had no choice except to obey. Styxx would feel sorry for the Olympian had the bastard ever shown him an ounce of mercy or compassion.

But as Artemis had said, payback's a cat. And this one had ferocious claws.

"I come bearing gifts, my lady. As Aricles, I promised you that I'd deliver Apollo to your custody once I had him defeated ... Sorry it took so long to keep my word." He stepped back so that Urian could remove the necklace from Apollo.

"I'll return this to Davyn and be right back."

Apollymi gaped. "I don't understand."

"Acheron and I decided that Apollo had screwed with all our lives for far too long. And while you can't kill Apollo, we thought you might find him an amusing toy that can help you pass the time here."

A slow sadistic smile curled her lips as she savored the very idea. "Oh, trust me, Styxx, I promise I won't kill him. That would be too kind an end. No, no, no ... I plan to enjoy every minute of this." She closed the distance between them and kissed Styxx on the cheek. "Thank you for my gift, m'gios. And please give your brother my deepest love and adoration."

The French doors opened, but instead of Urian, Stryker's wife Zephyra came in with hungry eyes. "Oh," she laughed greedily at the sight of Apollo. "I knew I felt him." She locked gazes with Apollymi. "Let me know when I can have a turn with your gift."

A chill went down Styxx's spine as Apollo screamed and struggled. For one single heartbeat, Styxx almost felt bad. But the sensation quickly passed.

Apollymi's smile widened as she ignored Apollo and spoke to Zephyra. "Don't worry, child. I'll make sure to return the kind favor Apollo once did for Styxx. Everyone who wants a go at him can have him. After all, we have plenty of time."

"Troo to peridromo" Eat a bellyful, Styxx said, using the exact words Dionysus had when he'd first offered Styxx to Apollo. He turned as Urian rejoined them.

Together, they teleported back to Bethany, who was holding Sebastos while talking to Tory and Ma'at. The sight of her with a blond baby boy hit him like a sledgehammer in the crotch. It was just like the dreams he'd had.... For a full minute, he couldn't breathe.

Until she glanced over and smiled at him. "There he is. Bas, say hi to Uncle Styxx."

"Hi, Unkie Six!" he said, laughing and bouncing in Bethany's arms.

She tickled his belly. Squealing, he kissed her while his little hand tangled in her long hair.

"Are you all right?" Acheron asked as he came up behind Styxx.

Styxx met Urian's gaze and nodded. "I am." And for the first time in centuries, he really was.

Closing the distance between him and his wife, Styxx brushed his hand over Sebastos's curls then helped to untangle the baby's hand from Bethany's hair. "Hi, Bas."

"You want to hold him?" Tory asked.

Terrified at the mere thought, Styxx shook his head. "I might break him and piss off Acheron."

Tory and Bethany laughed.

"You can't break him, sweetie," Bethany said.

"I don't know. The last time I held a child that age, I must have broken it 'cause it leaked all over me."

Bethany laughed so hard, she had to give Bas back to his mother before she dropped him.

Tory kissed Bas's head. "You're right, Bethany. He's hilarious."

"And now that he's back," Ma'at said, "we need to finish something. Will all of you excuse us?"

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