The Chase - Page 108

“I didn’t wear the outfit to please anyone except you two.”

“We know, little girl.” Beck bent and kissed her heated cheeks. “That’s why we’re not spanking your lush ass purple. But we’d much rather be doing this…”

Beck wiggled his fingers beneath the edge of her thong and eased the fabric to one side. Cool air hit her exposed folds. She was agonizingly aware of them both staring right there.

Then he speared two thick fingers deep inside her. Heavenly moaned, whimpering and writhing for mercy in vain.

“Fuck.” His voice sounded thick and labored. “You should put your fingers inside her. She’s hot as lava and dripping wet.”

The instant he withdrew his digits and began dragging the silk down her hips, Seth forced his sizable fingers inside her as far as he could. She gasped. But when he scuffed his thumb over her clit, Heavenly swore she was losing her mind.

With a toss of her head, she rocked against his masterful hand and keened in wordless pleas.

“Is he strumming that sweet spot inside your cunt, little girl?”

She moaned in response to Beck’s question, dizzy and lost in the sublime friction dragging her into a drowning morass of pleasure.

He slapped her ass—swift, sharp, and hard. The spank not only made her flesh sting, it augmented all the blissful, amazing sensations Seth was bestowing.

“Use your words or I’ll blister you,” the doctor warned.

“Spank her again, man. She’s puddling in my hand.”

Heavenly heard an animal growl, followed by a whoosh as Beck landed a harsh blow on her throbbing flesh again. Then again. And again. She clawed at the floor, lifted her ass for his next spank, gyrated on Seth’s fingers—anything for relief. She was desperate, crying…and loving every minute of it.

The big PI bit out a curse. “She’s on fire.”

In the span of two thundering heartbeats, Seth’s tormenting touch was gone and Beck was probing her sensitive core again. As he strummed her pebbled clit, Heavenly continued grinding her hips and straining for the ecstasy she knew his digits could give her.

“More,” she whimpered.

He gave her exactly the opposite, withdrawing his hand.

She stiffened and tossed him a pleading stare. “Nooo!”

“This is how it feels to us when you drive us out of our goddamn minds,” Beck snarled. “Are you going to do it again?”

“No.” But for this heady sensation…she just might.

“Then get ready. We’re going to fuck you.”

“And we won’t be gentle,” Seth vowed.

Suddenly, the two men lifted her off their thighs as they stood. Beck banded a thick arm around her waist, dragging her against him, while Seth deftly released the hooks of her bra and tossed it to the floor.

Then the sexy surgeon hauled her around the end of the sectional, stopping behind it. “Stay here. Don’t move.”

Heavenly wasn’t about to balk. “O-okay.”

Her men stripped off their clothes, revealing inch after inch of their bodies…tall, tattooed, broad, strong, and gloriously erect. Heart pounding, she watched, breath held.

Beck strolled behind her again and pressed his lip to her ear. “Bend over.”

He “helped” by splaying his wide palm between her shoulders and giving her a forceful press forward. Then she was teetering on her heels with her ass poised in the air, her heavy, aching breasts dangling over the sofa.

The moment she was in place, Seth stepped onto the sofa cushion. As he sank a fraction, he pressed his knees into the back, fist wrapped around his angry cock as he stroked it. Then his hungry gaze locked onto her glossy mouth.

“Be a good little girl and suck Seth hard and dirty,” Beck growled in her ear.

Tags: Shayla Black Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024