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The Chase

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With a wide smile, the big PI cupped her chin and tilted her head back. “Open up. Wrap your lips around my cock and pull me to the back of your throat. I want to feel your soft, wet tongue while I fuck your sinful mouth.” His grin turned unscrupulous. “And watch Beck fuck you.”

His command made her head spin, her heart skip. Heavenly parted her lips and leaned in, dragging his musky, manly scent in through her nose. It went straight to her clit.

Beck nibbled at her shoulder. “Wider, little girl.”

With a swaying bob of her head, she opened until her lips felt stretched impossibly tight. Finally, Seth placed his heavy, heated girth on her waiting tongue and she closed her lips around him with a soft sigh.

“That looks hot as fuck,” Beck murmured.

Seth stroked her jaw, his nostrils flaring. “It’s perfect.”

His praise did something to her she couldn’t explain.

Heavenly settled into a rhythm, inching back on Seth’s pulsing shaft before slowly laving his crest with her tongue, then easing back down, little by little. He hissed in a long, low breath, gripped her nape, then exhaled a filthy curse.

She was so lost in the push-pull of giving him pleasure and him greedily taking it that she was almost startled when Beck gripped the cheeks of her ass, lifted her onto her toes, and spread her open. “Is that pretty pussy ready for my cock, little girl?”

“Mm-hum.” Seth’s slowly driving shaft vibrated along her tongue and muffled her answer.

“Sweet jesus,” he croaked out, fingers tightening on the base of her neck.

“Want me to keep her talking?” Beck chortled.

“Not unless you want this to end before you’re inside her.”

“Hell no.” Beck nudged her heels apart with his foot. “Spread wider. Show me your juicy little cunt.”

Eyes locked with Seth’s, she did as she’d been told, still gliding her lips up and down his velvety length.

Beck nestled his equally hard erection against her clenching, empty opening and leaned his chest over her back. His hot exhalations caressed her neck as he nudged his wide crest inside her. “That’s it. Suck him deep while he watches me penetrate you.”

Beck’s lascivious suggestion skipped across her fevered skin and blossomed into a full tremor. She felt powerful, sensual, vital.

She mewled in entreaty.

“Greedy?” At her frantic whimper, he pushed in another inch. When Heavenly wriggled to coax him deeper, he held her in place. “Be good, and I’ll fuck you so hard and deep you’ll feel my cock inside you for days.”

His promise made her head swim, her insides melt.


Beck’s fingers dug into her as he reared back, then shoved completely inside her with one rough stroke. She arched, feeling hotter and more alive than she could ever remember. He ground into her, rooting deep, then let out a long, agonized groan.

“What the fuck are you doing?” Seth barked. “Glove up.”

Beck froze, tensed, his hands biting into her even more. Then he withdrew in a curse of frustration. “I lost my head.”

“That’s not all you almost lost,” Seth gritted out with a murderous glare.

Heavenly watched the tense byplay in confusion. It wasn’t like Beck to forget protection; he was a doctor. It also wasn’t like Seth to so quickly lose his temper.

But when Beck bent and riffled through his discarded jeans, tore open the foil wrapper, then moved in again, Seth slid his thick, throbbing veins over her tongue and the moment was forgotten. Her focus shifted to Seth’s salty taste, his earthy, rich scent. Every hiss and husky curse, every shiver of his strong legs filled her with satisfaction. She drove this strong, stoic man to tremble and groan. And that made her feel almost invincible.

Behind her Beck aligned the cold tip of the condom to her hungry opening and wrapped her tresses around his fist. “I love your long hair because I can do this.”

When he tugged her head back, stinging pinpoints skittered across her scalp, forcing Seth’s cock sliding to the back of her throat.

“Holy hell,” the PI roared. “Keep her head like that, man. It feels so… Oh, fuck me.”

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