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The Chase

Page 153

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When she reached the island, Beck cleared his throat. “Turn. Face me.

Instantly, she obeyed, torso rippling, thighs trembling. Christ, he ached for her, but he couldn’t slake his need until he tore away her defenses and opened her up to him.

Vaguely, he realized she had no clue just how personal, how intimate this would get. But she would.

Perfectly compliant, she lowered her gaze to the floor.

“No. Eyes on me.”

Heavenly jerked her head up. Her cheeks looked flushed, her eyes dilating. Her breaths sounded short and shallow. Fuck, she wore her submission like a second skin. It took Beck’s breath away.

“Good girl. Don’t move until I tell you. Just watch.”

Beck lowered his hands and unbuckled his belt. As her stare locked on his methodical movements, he smiled and gripped the metal clasp in his fist before yanking the leather from the loops of his jeans with one vicious tug.

The leather whooshed through the air in an arc that ended with a crack. Heavenly gasped.

“Anyone ever punished you with a belt, little girl?” Beck inched closer, watching her stare glide over the tanned hide.

“No, Sir.”

“Have you been spanked by someone other than Seth and me?” He took another step toward her.

“By my mother. W-with a hairbrush.”

“This will be different.” Another step closer. “Had you been a bad girl?”

“She would have said so.”

As he surrounded her with his body heat, her anticipation rolled toward him in an electric wave. Her eyes sparked blue. Beck smelled the stirrings of her arousal.

“Let me guess.” He slid against her, the heat of his breath caressing her lips. “You lied about something.”

Her eyes widened. The reaction was telling.

“Old habits are hard to break, little girl.”

“I don’t enjoy deceiving anyone.”

“You need to stop hiding behind convenient lies designed to preserve your dignity. You think they’re harmless.” Beck shook his head. “They won’t fly with us.”

And I’ll underscore that point tonight…

She sent him a sassy scowl. Beck was going to enjoy wiping that off her face.

With a ghost of a smile, he draped his belt over his open palms. “Touch it.”

Her focus fell to the wide strap. She lifted her fingers and stroked the smooth leather, then her gaze bounced back to him. Her breathing picked up pace.

“Now kiss it.”

She pinned him with a stunned stare. “The thing that’s going to hurt me?”

So, she grasped the mind-fuck part of the gesture…

“It’s also the thing that will set you free. Kiss it. I won’t repeat myself.”

A heavy tremor shook Heavenly as she closed her eyes and pressed soft lips to the black strap. Beck shuddered and struggled to contain his excitement as he dragged the end of the cool leather over her shoulder and trailed it down one pebbled nipple. A shaky sigh escaped her throat.

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