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The Chase

Page 213

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His words held so much heartache, the hair on the back of Beck’s neck stood on end. “You’re not talking about your dad anymore, are you?”

The PI glared his way. “It’s ancient history.”

“So was my shit,” Beck pointed out. “Is this what you and I talked about last night?”

Heavenly frowned. “What’s going on? Seth?”

When the big guy didn’t reply, Beck raised his brow. “He told me last night that once we dealt with Jed and the Saint Squad, he’d clean the skeletons out of his closet.” He turned to Seth. “Now we’re in the clear...”

“I don’t want to do this now, man.”

“Then when? I’m not trying to be an asshole, but you know what they say. Confession is good for the soul.”

“Not this kind. Jesus, couldn’t you wait?” Seth huffed in frustration.

“For what?”

Heavenly’s frown deepened. She drew back. “You’re really hiding something?”

“Goddamn it. I want to tell you and…” Seth growled, began to pace. “It’s going to change everything.”

His eyes were full of ghosts.

“My worst didn’t make a fucking difference. Yours won’t, either,” Beck encouraged.

Seth scoffed. “Oh, it will. Mine is worse. Way worse.”

Heavenly followed Seth, circling his arm with soft fingers. “There’s nothing you can say that will change how I feel. I know who you are here.” She touched his forehead. “And here.” She laid her palm over his heart.

“You think that now…” Seth shook his head. “Goddamn it, how did this get to be about me?”

“It’s about us,” Beck pointed out. “We’ve worked hard to get here. We’re in this together. You and Heavenly have helped me more than I could ever have hoped. Let us give it back to you, man.”

Nervous strides took him across the bedroom again as he raked an agitated hand through his hair. “It doesn’t matter anymore.”

“It matters to me. It matters to Beck,” she insisted. “Don’t shut us out.”

Seth turned his stare on her, looking so tortured. “Angel…fuck. I don’t want to hurt you. Either of you. The closer we’ve gotten, the more this fucking eats at me.”

“But not enough to talk to us? Remember all the times you told me I’d better not lie? You made me tell you everything, no matter how shameful, how embarrassing, or how terrible. You insisted that ‘people can’t be in relationships with partners who aren’t honest. Without that, what do we really share? And why should we go on?’ Remember?”

She sounded somewhere between hurt and ready to lose her little temper. Beck kind of wanted to cheer her on.

Seth scrubbed a hand over his face. “I’ll apologize all you want. All day. All night.”

“Weren’t you also the one who said, ‘We don’t want your apology. We want you to be open with us. No more hiding anything. Ever’?”

“Are you going to throw all my words back in my face?”

Her voice softened. “We’re not attacking you. We’re trying to listen and help you.”

“It’s time to walk the walk, man.” Beck nodded.

Seth blew out a harsh breath. “What I’ve done…it’s unforgivable.”

Heavenly sent Beck an alarmed stare. He was worried, too. He didn’t know how bad it could be, but until this moment, he’d never suspected Seth’s secrets would be all that grave. Now he was having second thoughts. But they’d come this far…

“Spill it, man. We’ll deal.”

“You’re going to regret this. Every time you look at me you’re going to think I’m a monster. But okay…” He cursed, then clenched his fists, his face etched with harsh lines. “I’ve done a lot of things. Unspeakable things. I have so much blood on my hands. But the worst? Eight years ago, I killed my wife and son.”

THE END…for now

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