Daddy's Searching - Page 52


In the days following the attack, Belinda raced from meeting to meeting to put out fires after they put the backup in place. Vigilant employees, at different sites already working on the next business day, had documented their activities. That assisted the process of reestablishing what had been wiped out.

When she had a moment free, Belinda thought of the young woman who was now a fugitive from the police and several other government agencies. No one could believe that Cynthia had masterminded this. Unfortunately, the longer she evaded capture, the guiltier she appeared.

Belinda scheduled a quick fifteen-minute meeting with Easton to tell him of her conversation with Cynthia.

“She wanted me to tell you she didn’t do this vindictively. That someone was forcing her to do it. And that she was sorry,” Belinda told her boss.

“You reported this to someone?” Easton asked sharply.

“Immediately, sir. I described the encounter to Knox, and he started investigating. I got the impression from her words and actions that she felt threatened by someone she knew well.”

Easton shook his head. “She’s disappeared. That makes her look more guilty.”

Belinda shrugged. “I wish I could go back and talk to her again. Maybe there was something I could have said to prevent this.”

“Thank you for coming to talk to me, Belinda. We both know that if someone wishes to act in bad faith, there is very little someone can do to deter them.”

“Of everything she said, Cynthia emphasized she wanted to me tell you she didn’t have another option.”

“When she is found, I’ll keep that in mind.”

* * *

Belinda couldn’t saythe exact day when her Daddy moved in with her. From the beginning of their relationship, his focus on her and willingness to work through the roadblocks she placed in their way had proven that she topped his priority list. He simply wanted to be with her as much as possible. They spent time together doing all the activities that Belinda had dreamed of doing as she’d read those books and fantasized of having a Daddy of her own. Only now, Pedro read those stories to her at bedtime—only one chapter at a time so she could get enough sleep before the next busy day. Much to her delight if that chapter made her wiggle too much with excitement, he could always find a way to exhaust her.

Last night, she’d asked to color in one of the new activity books he’d purchased for her. Sitting on his lap, she’d carefully looked through the pages to find her favorite one to start with. She felt a bit silly focusing on coloring while he watched.

“Can you choose a picture for me to decorate, too?” Pedro asked, looking over the pages as she thumbed through them.

Peeking up at him, she asked, “You’re going to color, Daddy?”

“I thought I’d see if I can stay inside the lines. It’s been a long time since I used crayons. You won’t laugh at me, will you, mi corazón?”

“No way,” she’d assured him and then had deliberately chosen a fairly simple page for him to work on. “How about this one?”

“I love it. I think I’ll make the butterfly orange like those ones we saw in the greenspace yesterday,” he announced.

“That will be beautiful, Daddy. Maybe with black antennae?” she suggested as they settled close together on the floor to share crayons.

She’d been so good and hadn’t giggled once when he said “Oops!” He’d promised they could finish tonight after dinner. Belinda had looked forward to it all day. Now finally, she turned the corner toward her apartment after another busy day in the position she loved so much. A late conference with Easton had delayed her and she’d missed walking home with Pedro.

Opening her door, Belinda paused in the doorway to sniff. “You’re making spaghetti?” she called. “Tell me there are meatballs and I’ll beg.”

“Oh, you’ll beg,” Pedro answered in his low, sexy voice as he emerged from the kitchen. His path past the refrigerator ruffled the pages still attached. Reminding her of that phrase, he’d made sure she wouldn’t forget. His daily actions underlined the truth contained in that simple phrase. Her Daddy only wanted the best for her.

Her eyes shifted from the rustling pages to focus on his appearance. Belinda couldn’t stop laughter from spilling from her lips. The pink frilly apron that Pedro wore strained to cover his bare chest. Quickly, she took a picture.

“Private use only,” he reprimanded her.

“Could I show it to my mom? I know she never imagined it would look so good,” Belinda asked, holding a hand to her belly as she laughed.

“So, you’re going to tell your family about me?” he asked, instantly detouring the funny situation to a much more important discussion.

“Yes?” she answered, shrugging her shoulders and trying to act cool. Belinda didn’t want him to think she was pushing for more than he wanted to give too soon. “I mean, I don’t have a plan or dates, but I want to you meet my family someday.”

“Mine are coming in two weeks. They are going to stay in my apartment,” he informed her as he stepped closer to wrap his arms around her.

Tags: Pepper North Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024