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Daddy's Searching

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Easton looked across the table at his chief legal counsel in the dimly lit, wood-paneled bar. He always enjoyed meeting his college friend here for their monthly conversations. The rule had always been to focus on anything but business. Easton was prepared to break that agreement today.

“I need you to prove that she’s innocent, Dirk.”

“I’ve looked at the file, Easton. I won’t sugarcoat this for you. I don’t know if I can get her off. Every single path seems to point to her working alone,” Dirk told him with a shake of his head before lifting the cut-glass tumbler of amber scotch.

“She’s a Little. She needs someone in her corner. I don’t believe she did this,” Easton informed him.

“This isn’t the type of law I specialize in, Easton. She would do better with a criminal attorney to protect her in the courtroom. I can suggest a few highly skilled trial lawyers…”

Easton shook his head and interrupted. “She’s coming to you. I want you to handle this.”

“Because you think she’s innocent?” Dirk suggested.

“Because I know she’s innocent and I don’t want whoever forced her to do this to ruin her life. I have a feeling he’s had a hand in screwing up her success before.”

“That’s a big hunch to risk letting someone who almost transferred all your money to an offshore account get away with betraying your company. She would have hurt many more people than just you,” Dirk pointed out.

“I’m aware of that. I’m calling in my favor,” Easton said softly.

Dirk blinked at him in surprise. “Really? You’re going to use your favor to have me defend this woman?”

“I’m going to use my favor to have you prove her innocence,” Easton clarified, before glancing at his watch. “Cynthia is turning herself in to you this evening.”

“Did you just say she’s turning herself in to me?” Dirk asked, focusing on Easton’s exact words.

“Yes. You’ll find her under the stairs of your deck. I told her she would be safe there until I convinced you to represent her.”

“No judge is going to allow me to represent both the company and the person accused of trying to steal billions of dollars from that company,” Dirk pointed out.

“So, for once, you don’t represent me. Choose an assistant legal counsel to take your place. A good one. I don’t want there to be any question that she had a fair trial and has been completely cleared,” Easton instructed.

“This isn’t a sound business decision, Easton,” Dirk warned. “I would like you to think about this over a week or two before you make your final choice of how to proceed.”

“I appreciate your counsel, Dirk. You are my oldest friend and the one who’s guided me to establish all that Edgewater Industries has become. I assure you, I’m not going into this blindly.”

“When I find her hiding under my deck, I will have to take her to the police station to turn herself in,” Dirk said firmly. “I can’t harbor an alleged felon.”

“Take time to talk to her, Dirk. Surely a few hours of conversation between a lawyer and his client would be normal before you escort her to the authorities?”

“That would not be uncommon,” Dirk allowed, setting his full glass down on the table with a quiet thump.

“Thank you, my friend,” Easton said, recognizing that Dirk had decided to take the case and wanted to stay clear-headed.

“You’re going to owe me several of these when this is all done,” Dirk warned.

“I will look forward to celebrating with you.” Easton signaled for the bill as Dirk pushed his chair back from the table.

“It’s getting ready to rain. I wouldn’t want a stray dog to struggle to stay dry under my deck. I’ll be in touch,” he promised.

“She deserves your best,” Easton said quietly.

“I wouldn’t give her anything less,” Dirk assured him before leaving.

Easton sampled the fine scotch in his glass and smiled. His friend had no idea what he was walking into. Damn, this would be fun to watch.

He sent the server off to charge his credit card and messaged Piper. “On my way home. Everything is set.”

The return message made him smile. A line of alternating Xs and Os filled several lines of text. His Little girl had needed him badly in the beginning as well. He hoped Dirk garnered as much happiness as Easton had found with Piper.

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