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Holiday Proposal

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Iwake up, blinded by a shaft of sunlight through the open curtains. How did we not close the curtains last night? Oh yeah, we were drunk.

I start to move, then freeze when I realize Edie's arm is around me, holding me tight against her. God, this is what I want every morning for the rest of my life. I shift slightly, torn between what I should do. I've got a raging case of morning wood and an incredible need to pee like a racehorse, but Edie is holding me, and it's the best thing I've felt in a long time. I will endure anything and everything so I don’t break this moment.

A door slamming down the hallway and a family laughing jolts Edie awake. She sighs before her body goes rigid. She jerks her arm away from me as if she’s been electrocuted. "Sorry," she mumbles.

Not as sorry as I am. A bolt of defeat shoots through me, because her immediate reaction was to jerk away. She may think she hid the look in her eyes last night, but I saw how she looked at me and felt her response when I kissed her neck. She didn’t shut me down.

"You don't have anything to apologize for, Edie," I say, turning so we're facing each other.

I love seeing her like this, her face fresh and her blond hair messy from sleep. She looks dreamy and gorgeous. I’m careful to keep enough distance between us so she doesn’t feel the morning wood.

She looks at me, and her eyes are filled with so much emotion. I can't begin to figure out what's going through her beautiful mind. "I've got a spa day thing with the girls today. I should probably get ready," she says, cutting her eyes away from me.

Edie gets out of bed and rubs her eyes. The t-shirt she's wearing rises a little bit, showing the sweet, soft curve of her hips above her pajama shorts, and my morning wood rages even harder. I cough and bunch the blanket around my hips to hide what she's doing to me because this isn't normal morning wood—this is morning wood amplified by waking up next to the woman of your dreams and getting a glimpse of soft skin you want to cover in kisses as you give her the best orgasm of her life.

Edie stumbles around the room, grabbing a bottle of water from the mini bar and gulping it down. "How much did we have to drink last night?" She puts up her hand quickly. "No, no, I'm not sure I want to know how much."

"How much do you remember?"

"I didn't blackout if that's what you're asking. I remember… dancing with you." She pauses a moment and closes her mouth. I see the moment when she remembers my kiss, and her cheeks flood with color.

I don't think she notices how much I like her. I’ve flirted with her for years, but she treats it like a joke. But at moments like this, I wonder if she realizes my flirting is me expressing genuine interest in her. I love her more than anything in the world, but she doesn’t know.

Edie picks clothes from her side of the closet and holds them against her chest. "Do you need to go to the bathroom or anything before I get started? I might be a while."

I hesitate. I need to pee like a motherfucker, but I also have a raging hard-on, and this room isn't big enough for me to pass without her seeing.

"Yeah, I should do that, but could you, you know..." My voice trails off.

"What?" she asks. "Oh, right, yes." Without me saying the words, she turns and walks to the window, staring intently at the forest.

I make it to the bathroom and exhale. Fuck, now I've got to pee. I hold my cock, wishing I could get in the shower. I imagine Edie in there with me, slick, soapy bubbles sliding over her sexy curves while I stroke myself until I come. But I can't do that when she's fifteen feet away in the next room. After a Herculean effort, I finish in the bathroom and quickly jump back into bed, making a show of checking my email.

I try to play it cool, but I feel like a teenage idiot. "It's all yours."

* * *

I wishI were back in bed with Edie's arms still wrapped around me. Instead, I'm out on the golf course, drinking beer with a bunch of guys I’ve just met. While I’ve met Annie’s fiancé Jared a couple of times when they came to San Diego to visit, I don't know the guy. I'm only here because Edie needed a plus-one, and I jumped at the opportunity to be her wedding date.

"Hey, bro, you going to take your shot or what?" A guy named Billy asks me. He was at the bar last night, drunk and loud.

"Yeah, yeah. Just a sec." I grab a golf club and pretend I know more about golf than I do. I take a swing at the ball, but the sun is so bright, I can't see where it goes. When the other guys start laughing, I know it's either in a sand trap or the woods.

"You don't play golf much, do you?" Jared laughs, slapping me on the back.

"Not really, no," I admit, laughing and rubbing my beard.

"No worries, man," Billy says. “Have a beer so you can blame your lack of game on the alcohol.”

I cringe at the backhandedness of the guy’s comment. Normally, I’d make some kind of joke and make light of my lack of golf skills, but I’m not feeling it today. Billy being a dick isn’t helping. Jared is a stand-up guy, but I’m guessing all these guys go back to their college days or childhood, and you can’t help it when one of your childhood friends is something of an asshole.

"We're out here to have a good time, not be competitive," Jared says, trying to defuse the situation.

"Speak for yourself, man," a guy named Calvin says, draining his beer and tossing the bottle in the cooler on the back of the golf cart. "If you want to get competitive," he cracks open a fresh beer, "let's talk about who we're banging."

"That’s my cue to go and find the next hole," Jared says, laughing as he takes off.

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