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Holiday Proposal

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Iwish every morning could be like this.

Last night was so unexpected with Henry, but it was perfect. My skin tingles as we lay in bed together, our hands roaming each other's skin. There's a voice in my head yelling that we have to talk. But I want to enjoy this moment because I know everything might come crashing down if I try to put words to what happened.

"We're going to have to get out of bed sometime," Henry sighs, leaning over and kissing me.

"Do we have to?" I joke. Annie wouldn’t forgive either of us if we stayed here all day.

"I wish we could stay here alone, too," Henry says. "You take a shower first and get ready. I'll go get coffee."

"You’re the best." I hug Henry, holding him tightly. There’s a new connection between us, and my heart expands in ways it hasn’t with anyone else. I wish this could last forever.

* * *

Being almost thirty,going to weddings is bittersweet. I'm always thrilled for my friends but jealous it's not me walking down the aisle toward a handsome man in a tuxedo beaming at me like I'm the most amazing woman in the universe and bursting with pride that I’m his. My friends would say it's not progressive, but I want a man to see me and want to claim me. I want to inspire so much emotion in him that he can't imagine a life without me. I want to know he would fight to win me over so we can build a life together.

As Annie reads her vows, her voice chokes, and her eyes glisten. Her emotion goes straight to my heart, and I grab Henry's hand in mine without even thinking about it. He squeezes, my hand, his thumb lightly rubbing my skin. I glance at him and smile.

Henry looks amazing in his suit. I imagine him standing at the front of a church waiting for me as I walk down the aisle. I freeze at the thought of spending the rest of my life with him.

It’s not hard to imagine. We know each other so well, and after last night, maybe there could be something deeper and more profound between us. A voice in my head cruelly reminds me that Henry doesn’t do relationships. He never dates any woman for more than a couple of months. So why would I think it could be different with me? I love him, but I can’t let myself fall in love with a man who can't commit to me.

Did my impulsive kiss start a chain reaction to the end of our friendship?

* * *

"I needto go sit down for a little bit.” I lift my damp hair off the back of my neck. The air conditioning in the Grand Ballroom can’t keep out the warmth and humidity blanketing the resort.

After stopping by the bar for a cool drink, I make my way to one of the reception windows and sit behind a couple of women I've seen around over the last few days. They don’t notice me take a seat at a table behind them, but I don’t mind. I need a break from everybody so I can get my thoughts in order. I have to think about what happened with Henry, but I don't know where to start.

This entire day with him, from the moment we woke up to being here at this reception, has been magical. He hasn’t left my side, and it feels like we're an established couple.

As I take a sip from my cool drink, I mentally shake my head. I don't know what I was thinking when I kissed him last night, but it was the culmination of something I've wanted to do for years. There’s been a different vibe between us since we arrived, and it made me open my eyes to my true feelings for Henry.

And he didn’t pull away when I kissed him or when we woke up this morning. Last night was amazing, but I can't help but question what our future will be.

I will myself to stop thinking about all of the “what ifs” with Henry and enjoy today, enjoy the reception, and help Annie and Jared celebrate their new marriage.

Henry looks toward me, and I smile and wave at him.

"Do you think he was looking at one of us?" one of the women in front of me asks her friend.

"I sure hope he was looking at me," her dark-haired companion replies. "I've seen him around, and he's totally hot. I love men with a little extra on them."

"You're such a chubby chaser," the first woman says, taking a long drink from her cocktail. “But I get it. He has something about him. He's magnetic.”

"I would ride that beard, though I've heard he’s a heartbreaker."

"What do you mean?"

"I have it on good authority that he never commits, and if he dates a woman for a month, it's a world record. He’s a good man for a good time, nothing more," the dark-haired lady says.

"Huh." The first woman stares at Henry as he dances with a group of people. "That's unexpected. He looks like the settling down type. I mean, I'm not. I'd fuck him."

My blood runs cold when the dark-haired woman laughs. It angers me that they’re talking about Henry like he’s a sex toy for hire. It hurts because they’re talking about my best friend – someone I love. Someone I think I’m in love with.

"But what about that fat chick he's been with? I've seen them together a lot. Do you think she’s his girlfriend? Who do you think she is?"

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