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Borrowed Time

Page 26

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“He won’t forget that in a hurry,” Mair added.

“That’s what worries me,” I replied.

As the night wore on and the fire died down the people of the village made their way home leaving just a few of us left to enjoy the evening. Mrs Hopkin had allowed Betty to stay out on the provision that I didn’t let her walk home alone and just a little after eleven we began the trek back to the farm.

“Did you have a nice night?” I asked as we crossed the street near the school. Betty gave me a nod and the briefest of smiles before turning her head away and staring off into the dark. “I’ve never been to a harvest festival before. We don’t have anything like it in the village I’m from.”

“Do you miss London?”

“I’m not from Lo-” I began as she burst into a fit of giggles and covered her mouth in an attempt to hide it. “Oh, she jokes,” I said with a surprised laugh. “I’m learning more about you every day.”

“Thank you for letting me stay with you this evening,” she said. “I had a marvellous time.”

“It must have been nice not having to look after the little ones for a change” I replied.

“I don’t mind,” she said, nervously. “I rather think that that’s my lot. My parents need help and Nellie and Nan are always so busy with work.”

“But what about what you want?” I asked, but she fell silent and looked away again.

The first few drops of rain began to fall as we left the road and took the path to the farm. We picked up our pace to avoid the incoming downpour and as we got to the gate a figure stepped out in front of us.

“Betty, go inside,” I said as Arthur’s face came into view.

He stepped into her path, blocking her route to the house and she dropped back beside me. “I’ll scream,” she said, and her voice had more confidence in it than I’d ever heard.

“You think you can make a fool of me?” he asked, ignoring Betty’s threat and moving slowly towards us. “Do you have any idea who I am?”

“Not really,” I replied, which only served to anger him. He clenched his jaw and took another step toward me.

“I mean it,” Betty said.

“I’m just here to offer a friendly reminder that I can make things very difficult for all of you in this rat-infested shithole.” He barged between us, knocking us both out of his way. “Just remember that.”

“Hasn’t this gone far enough?” I called out as he walked away, and he spun on his heel and raced back towards me making Betty jump back with a yelp.

“You’ve no idea,” he spat back. “This is far from over.”

“I don’t even know you,” I said, exasperated with the situation. “Whatever your problem is, you need to get over it. This is ridiculous.”

He reached out and grabbed my collar with both hands, pulling my face just centimetres from his. Every breath made the skin on my face clammy and I could feel his heartbeat against my chest. Betty immediately started hitting out at his arm with the sides of her fists but he didn’t acknowledge it at all, just kept his focus on me.

He leaned into my ear, resting his cheek against mine, and whispered, “I know you know where she is.”

I pulled my head away and he forced his hands against my chest and pushed me back, sending me onto my arse through the gate. “We’ll talk again soon, Tom.”

As he made his retreat down the hill Betty came to my side and helped me to my feet.

“Shall I go and get father?” She asked as she came to my side.

“No,” I replied, brushing myself off. “I’m going to deal with him myself.

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