Amber Eyes (Wild 2) - Page 16

His hands cupped and kneaded her buttocks just as Jericho’s found her breasts. She threw her head back while he thumbed both nipples forced outward by his grip.

“I want you both so much,” she whispered. “I love you.”

Both men went still. So still she thought she’d made a mistake by being so honest with her feelings. And then Hunter scooped her up into his arms and strode toward the bedroom. Jericho followed close behind, arriving just as Hunter tossed her down on the bed.

She looked up in anticipation as both men towered over her, their eyes lean and hungry. How proud and strong they looked, their legs slightly parted, their erections jutting upward. She imagined them sliding into her body, over and over until she quivered in anticipation. Slowly, she raised her hands in supplication.

Hunter came down over her, his body pressing against her softness. She marveled at their differences, how hard he was, and yet how careful he was not to hurt her.

Jericho reclined on the bed next to her, his fingers threading through her hair as Hunter suckled at her breasts. Her eyes closed in contented bliss when Jericho tenderly kissed her temple.

“We don’t want you to be afraid, Kaya,” Jericho whispered next to her ear. “If we move too fast or do something you don’t want, just stop us.”

She turned her face to him, seeking his lips with hers. “Nothing you do will frighten me. I want you. I want this.”

Hunter moved down her body, his mouth open as it grazed along her midline. His breath was scorching against her, his tongue warm and slightly rough. His hands followed, firing her senses. Her back bowed as she arched into him, seeking more of his mouth, of his touch.

All her breath left her when he parted her legs and his fingers carefully found the sleek, damp flesh at her heart. He stroked and then spread her folds wider as he lowered his head.


She closed her eyes and twisted restlessly as his tongue found her. Electric currents raced from her pelvis to her breasts, tightening them to puckered buds.

Jericho traced a damp trail around one with his tongue, lapping and then finally sucking the point between his teeth. He gave her a little nip just as Hunter’s tongue delved into her very core.

The most amazing thing happened. A flood of the most indescribable pleasure she’d ever known washed through her like a raging river. It happened so quickly she wasn’t prepared. It was overwhelming, and yet she wanted it to go on and on.

She was still battling the fire when something hard nudged at her entrance. She opened her eyes to see Hunter braced over her, his expression one of intense pain.

She reached out to touch the harsh lines across his face, wanting to ease the tension etched there.

“Come to me,” she whispered. “Fill me.”

“I don’t want to hurt you.”


He closed his eyes and eased forward. She opened around him, and she marveled at the delicious sensations that pulsed in her groin. Her body surrounded him, inviting him further, clinging like a second skin.

“Hold onto me,” he rasped. “I’ll make it quick.”

She had no idea what he meant, but she gripped his shoulders, determined to please him. With one powerful surge, he thrust into her body. She felt a slight tearing, and her mouth fell open in shock, but almost as quickly as she became aware of the pain, it faded to the background.

There were so many things she could feel. Slight discomfort as her body fought to accept his intrusion. But also the stirrings of something wonderful. She felt itchy, alive, like she could crawl right out of herself. She needed him to move.

Wrapping her legs around him, she lifted her hips higher, desperate to appease the ache deep within her. Jericho’s mouth was on her breast. Hunter’s hands were tight at her hips.

“Please,” she begged.

Hunter groaned. It was the sound of the sweetest agony. And then he finally began to move. He withdrew, but before she could protest, he thrust again, seating himself deeper than before. Her gasp echoed across the room.

“Am I hurting you, honey? I’ll stop.”

“No! Please. I need you, Hunter. Please, I ache so much.”

“Ahh, Kaya. You’re so sweet. I’ll take care of you, honey. Just hold onto me tight.”

She would have done anything for him in that moment. He began to move harder and faster. More demanding. Taking but giving back with each thrust. She went slick around him, and suddenly he didn’t seem quite so large inside her passageway.

The friction became unbearable, and she feared she’d burst. Higher and higher she climbed. She gripped him with a fierceness alien to her. Every muscle tensed in anticipation of something so sweet, so pleasurable.

And then she tumbled out of control, her body flying in a hundred different directions. She quivered around his thick shaft as he pushed and strained against her.

With a breathless groan, he withdrew from her and collapsed onto her, his arousal throbbing against her belly. Something hot and liquid pulsed onto her skin.

“You’re so beautiful when you come,” Jericho murmured. “So expressive, so wild.”

She slowly turned her head to see him smoothing away the hair from her cheek. Hunter’s mouth rested against the hollow under her ear, and she could feel the rapid stuttering of his heart against her chest.

“Now you,” she whisp

ered as she reached her hand to Jericho.

He smiled and caught her fingers in his gentle grip. “Not now, honey. I don’t want to hurt you.”

“But you won’t—”

He shook his head. “Not intentionally. Your body isn’t used to having a man inside you. You’re too tender right now to take me.”

“He’s right.” Hunter agreed.

She glanced down in confusion at the wetness on her belly and Hunter’s still semi-erect shaft. She knew enough about the elements of mating to know this wasn’t right, but she couldn’t form the right words to question it. Why hadn’t he remained inside her?

Hunter seemed to sense her confusion, and he touched her cheek, his eyes soft as he looked down at her. “Jericho and I don’t keep condoms here. It’s not as if we ever expected to have a woman here.”

“Condoms?” she echoed.

“They’re sheaths that go over our…” He looked down and she quickly got the idea. “They protect you from pregnancy—and diseases.”

“Diseases?” She was beginning to feel very stupid about this mating business.

“You don’t have to worry about diseases,” Jericho growled. “It’s been a long damn time for both of us, and there was only one woman we didn’t wear condoms with.”

His response didn’t really answer her confusion, and now she wondered about this other woman. Maybe later she’d have the courage to ask about her.

“I’ll go start a shower and be back for you in just a second,” Hunter said as he backed off the bed.

She watched as he walked nude across the room and disappeared into the bathroom.

“Are you all right?” Jericho asked as he pulled her into his embrace.

She nodded and snuggled deeper into his arms. “I don’t like having to wait to take you inside me.”

He laughed softly. “I guarantee I don’t like it any more than you. We have all the time in the world, though, and I want it to be perfect for you when it happens.”

She sighed in contentment. She liked the promise of having time. It made it sound like he had no intention of being parted from her.

Chapter Sixteen

Kaya stood in the small bathroom as Hunter rubbed her dry with a warm towel that Jericho had held in front of the fire while she and Hunter showered. When he’d finished, he pulled her close, warming her with his body heat.


He pulled away and looked questioningly at her.

“Jericho didn’t…that is he didn’t have any pleasure.” She frowned slightly as she wrapped her mind around what it was she was trying to ask.

“I’d say he got a lot of pleasure from watching you,” Hunter said. “But ultimate satisfaction, no he didn’t. Not yet.”

Her brow wrinkled in consternation. “Isn’t there anything I can do to give him pleasure?”

“There is,” he said carefully. “But I think it might be best if we took things slowly.”

“Tell me,” she insisted, latching onto his first statement and ignoring the last. “I want to please him.”

Hunter sighed. “A man likes it very much when a woman takes him in her mouth. He could achieve satisfaction without hurting you.”

Her pulse jumped in excitement. “Show me.”

Hunter shook his head. “I don’t think it would be a good idea.”

Tags: Maya Banks Wild Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024