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Rejection (The Mate Games 2)

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Seven years ago

Tonight my fate would be sealed forever with Sunday Fallon. I’d never met the girl, but my father had assured me she’d be the perfect mate, that she was meant for me. It had been agreed by our packs from the time she was born that she was destined to be mine, and now that we were nearly of age, we’d solidify our betrothal with this ritual run.

My nerves sang with anticipation as I caught her tantalizing scent on the air. It had to be her. Nothing had ever smelled so good. My wolf howled happily inside of me, eager to be free and to chase his mate through the meadow.

“What do I do?” I asked, staring at my father, who stood next to me at the base of the hill beyond.

He placed his large palm on my shoulder, and I knew it was the Alpha and not my father who answered. “Now you go and claim what’s yours. But go slow. She might be skittish.”

I didn’t want to scare her. I never wanted to do anything but care for her and make her feel safe. As her future Alpha, it was my job to protect her and the family we’d make together. I wouldn’t let her down.

My hands shook as I readied myself to climb the hill and meet her at the top. Nervous energy burned through me at all the possibilities that lay ahead. What would she look like? How would her skin feel on mine? Would she be proud to call me hers?

I had no reason to believe she wouldn’t. Girls had been coming around trying to get me to go for midnight runs with them since I’d hit my growth spurt a few years back. But knowing I had a mate, that she was waiting for me, I’d turned them all down, saving myself for her. Why give my attention to anyone else when the one fated for me was waiting?

My parents were fated mates, destined for each other, twin halves of the same soul. They told me the same was true for Sunday and me. The Seer had prophesied it.

Releasing a deep breath, I took the first step that would lead me to her. My heart raced with each stride until it felt like it had crawled up into my throat. I’d never been so nervous in my entire life.

She was already waiting for me when I reached the top, her chocolate hair falling in big loose waves down to shoulders bared by the thin straps of her white sundress. She must have caught my scent because her body stiffened and then she slowly turned her head toward me, her ocean-blue eyes widening as they met mine. My entire being called to her, the pull between us already intense and untameable. I’d never wanted anyone the way I wanted this creature.

“Sunday?” I asked stupidly because I had no other word left in my brain.

She nodded, her tongue darting out to wet her lips. “And you must be Kingston.”

Her tone was sweet, innocent, and it caught me totally by surprise. I rubbed a hand over the back of my neck. “My parents weren’t exactly subtle, were they?”

Her smile damn near knocked me on my ass. “I like it. Not just any guy could pull off a name like that, but it suits you.”

Was it wrong of me to want to pull her into my arms right now and kiss her? That was exactly what I wanted. Not just to feel her soft body pressed against mine, but to taste those berry-colored lips. She was so fucking beautiful. More perfect than I’d even dared imagine... and I’d imagined a lot over the last seventeen years.

“You’re so pretty,” I whispered.

She blinked up at me, her cheeks turning a soft pink. Ducking her head, she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. “So are you.”

I couldn’t stop my smile. “I promise I’ll take care of you. Always. You don’t have to be scared.”

I wasn’t sure if I imagined it or not, but her breaths sounded shaky. Like she was fighting against some intense emotion and struggling to regain control. Then she looked me in the eye, and the sweetness turned hard. “I’m not scared.”

It was my turn to blink. This little wolf had bark. I liked it, but I didn’t know what to do with it. My mother had always been so soft-spoken. How was I going to tame her?

“We’ll have a good life together, Sunshine. I swear it. I’ll do everything I can to make you happy.”

I glanced down at my pack, all of them now in their wolf forms as they watched and waited for me to shift and make my claim known. All she had to do was accept me.

They howled in unison as I undressed, closing my eyes and turning my face to the moon. “Accept me, Sunday. Be mine?” My voice was a harsh whisper, but I knew in my heart she was meant to be mine. We were fated. There was no way she’d say anything other than yes.

Then my entire world shattered as a single soul-crushing word left her lips.


Present Day

I rolledthe blunt between my fingers, staring at the smoke as it curled up into the night and the paper burned away. Fuck, I hadn’t even brought the thing to my lips. I was too wrapped up in the uneasy feeling balled up in my gut. Something was happening. Something strange. It had me tight and tense, on alert so high my jaw hurt from the pressure of my clenched teeth.

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