High-Powered, Hot-Blooded - Page 28

“You’re a strange woman, Annie McCoy.”

She smiled. “Part of my charm.”

It was more than charm, he thought, reaching for her hand. He laced his fingers with hers, then pulled her close. She came willingly, leaning across the console. He stretched toward her, then pressed his mouth to hers.

Annie had never experienced makeup sex, but she’d heard it was terrific. If the fire shooting through her the second Duncan’s lips touched hers was any indication of what it could be like, it was something she was going to have to look into.

Her body was energized from their argument. She’d enjoyed battling with him, knowing she could stand up for herself. While he could easily overpower her physically, emotionally they were on equal ground. And they would stay that way. A feeling in her gut told her Duncan fought fair.

She tilted her head, wanting more from the kiss. He tangled his free hand in her hair and parted his lips. She did the same, welcoming his tongue. He tasted of Scotch and mint. Heat from his body warmed her. She leaned closer and wrapped her arm around his neck.

They kissed deeply, straining toward each other. She ached inside—her breasts were swollen and there was a distinct pressure between her legs. If the car console hadn’t been between them, she would have had a tough time keeping herself from pulling off his jacket and tearing off his shirt.

But instead of suggesting they take this somewhere else, he straightened, putting distance between them.

In the dark, she couldn’t see his eyes and wasn’t sure what he was thinking.

“You’re a complication,” he said at last.

Was that good or bad? “I’m also a Pisces who enjoys long walks on the beach and travel.”

He laughed. As always, the sound made her stomach tighten.

“Dammit, Annie,” he muttered before kissing her again. When he pulled back, he said, “I’m taking you home before we do something we’ll both regret.”

Regret? She had no plans for regrets. But not being sure of his response, she stayed silent. Wanting Duncan was one thing. Wanting Duncan and having him flat-out say he didn’t want her back was more than she was willing to take on.

Courage was a tricky thing, she thought as she fastened her seat belt. Apparently she needed to work on hers.

Annie survived the next two parties fairly easily. She was getting the hang of meeting businesspeople and explaining that yes, she really did teach kindergarten and loved what she did. She’d made friends with a couple of the wives, which was nice, and had met several more business reporters. The world of the rich and successful was less intimidating than it had been at the beginning, as was Duncan himself. The only regret she felt was that he hadn’t kissed her again.

She told herself it was probably for the best and in her best moments, she actually believed it. Duncan had made it more than clear that theirs was a business relationship. Anyone who didn’t listen only had herself to blame if it all ended badly. She had been warned.

“What’s in the box?” Duncan asked, after they’d left the marina hotel and were driving back toward her place.

She’d brought it out with her on the date and had told him she wouldn’t discuss it until after the party.

“Christmas decorations,” she said. “For your place. A small thank-you for all you’ve done.”

He glanced at her. “What kind of decorations?” he asked, sounding suspicious.

“Nothing that will eat you in your sleep. They’re pretty. You’ll like them.”

“Is that an opinion or a command?”

She grinned. “Maybe both.”

“Fine,” he said with a sigh. “Come on. I’ll even let you put them where you think they should go.”

Before she realized what he was doing, he’d gone north instead of south on the freeway. Fifteen minutes later, they pulled into underground parking at a high-rise condo building.

Annie told herself to stay calm. That his bringing her home didn’t mean they’d gone from a fake couple to a real one. They were friends, nothing more. Friends who pretend dated. It happened all the time.

She followed him into the elevator where he pushed the button for the top floor. A penthouse, she thought, feeling her stomach flip over. She shouldn’t be surprised.

Tags: Susan Mallery Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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