High-Powered, Hot-Blooded - Page 50

“If you’ll excuse me,” Annie said, moving around her.

“Wait. Please. I…” Valentina set her drink on a small table and sucked in a breath. “I don’t know how things are between you and it’s really none of my business. I gave up any rights to Duncan a long time ago. I was stupid. I thought I could do better. I was wrong. It’s not just that he’s the best man I know, it’s that I never stopped loving him.”

Tears filled Valentina’s blue eyes. One trickled down her cheek. She brushed it away impatiently.

“I want a second chance. I know it’s practically impossible. He’s not going to forgive me easily, but I have to try. Have you ever been in love? Have you ever known down to your bones that you’d finally found the only man on the planet who would complete you?”

Annie nodded slowly. She wanted to point out that love wasn’t about being completed. It was about giving, not getting, but that wasn’t the point.

“I love him,” Valentina said. “Before, when we were together, he held so much of himself apart. I think it had something to do with his past. I was young and impatient. Now I know better. He’s worth waiting for, fighting for. I made a mistake and he paid the price. I’m back for a second chance. I’m back to convince him how much he means to me. To me, he’s my husband. He’ll always be my husband. I want a chance to make our marriage work. Can you understand that?”

Annie nodded because it would hurt too much to speak. Valentina had said the only words that would have convinced her to give up. She couldn’t argue against a chance of Valentina and Duncan making their marriage work. If they were successful, maybe he could let go of his fear of being left. Maybe he would learn to love again. Better Valentina than no one, she told herself. In time, she would even believe that.

The mall might be closed at three in the morning, but the Internet was always open. Annie clicked on a link, then stared at the picture of the painting. It was small, maybe twelve-by-twelve, with a plain black frame. The artist, a famous sports painter, had chosen boxing as his subject.

The colors were vivid, the expressions fierce. There was something about the way the two men stared at each other that reminded her of Duncan.

“Annie, what are you doing up?”

She smiled at Kami, who looked sleepy as she stepped into Annie’s room.

“It’s late,” Annie said. “You have classes.”

“I could see your light was still on.”

“Oh. Is it bothering you?”

Kami sat on the edge of the bed and shook her head. “No. I’m worried about you. You were acting weird when you got home. Are you sick? Is this about Duncan? Did he hurt you?”

“Duncan’s getting back together with his ex-wife.”

“Since when?”

“It hasn’t actually happened yet, but it probably will. I can’t stand in the way of that. Not that I would be. I mean, he’s just dating me because of our deal.”

Kami wore her long dark hair in a thick braid. Her oversize T-shirt and PJ bottoms made her look young, but her eyes were wise. “He’s not going out with you because he has to. Not anymore. He got his good press a while ago. Besides, what about the freezer and the food and the presents under the tree?”

A few days ago, a box of presents had been delivered. Well, presents for the girls. There hadn’t been anything for her. At the time she’d told herself that he would give her something later. Privately. Now she wasn’t so sure.

“She’s still in love with him.”

“So? She left him. The bitch had her chance. Now it’s yours.”

“While I appreciate the support, she’s really not a bitch. I wish she was. Then I could hate her.” And fight for Duncan. “They deserve a second chance.”

“What about you? You’re in love with Duncan.”

“I’ll get over it.” She clicked on the Buy It Now button and tried not to wince at the price. She wanted to give Duncan something special. Something that would make him happy.

“You should tell him you love him,” Kami said. “He needs to make an informed decision.”

Tags: Susan Mallery Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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