Loyalty Card - Page 13

“You two are getting married?” Higgins is confused.

“Oh, great. There he goes again.” I take the shells back and then grab Higgins’ arm before he can start questioning Nick anymore. “Thanks for dinner,” I yell over my shoulder.

“When did you discuss marriage?” Higgins asks.

“We didn’t. Nick is just making a joke. Apparently, his grandma and him think it’s funny.”

“I know I said I wanted you to find yourself a nice man, but I don’t think he’s it. He’s hiding something and no good comes from a man who’s got something to hide.”

I drag the corner of my mouth between my teeth. Higgins has some good advice, but I can already feel a part of me wanting to know those secrets. Behind those green eyes, what’s Nick really feeling?

Chapter Nine


“I like her,” Gran announces when I get home.

“Yeah, me too.” I give Gran a kiss.

“You don’t sound like it.” She tugs on my sleeve as I turn to go down the hall to my bedroom. “What’s going on?”

“Gran…” Fuck, I don’t want to worry her, but I need to prepare her in case we have to take off. I sit down on the table and take her hands between mine. “Chasing after Birdie might not have been the best decision in my life. Her boss was at the apartment complex and he had a lot of questions about us.”

Gran’s face grows tight with worry. “You think he knows something?”

“No and that’s the problem. He knows everything about this town. He called this house the Alison place and asked about our furniture situation.” Gran’s hands shake between mine. I tighten my grip. “Don’t worry, though. I’m going to get all the evidence we need to take my uncle down.”

“I don’t know if I’m up for a move.” Her voice sounds querulous.

My heart cracks a little but I don’t let any of that show. “The only move we’re making is to take you back to Pleasant Acres where you can play bridge with the cat lady. Let’s get you to bed.”

Gran lets me help her up and I half carry her to her bedroom. She’s so light. I’m worried. Once inside her bedroom, she shoos me out. I leave the door slightly ajar so I can hear if she needs me and make my way down to my own bedroom. I arrow for my laptop and get to work. I’ve got all the books, but I haven’t been able to find out where my uncle Jim is siphoning the money from. Or where he’s depositing it. I know Dad thought putting his own brother in as the chief financial officer was the best move, but it only made it easier for him to rob Dad blind. I know Dad must’ve figured it out or Jim wouldn’t have had him killed. So where’s the answer? Where’s the clue Dad left me? It has to be here in the books. All I can do is keep looking.

I scroll through spreadsheet after spreadsheet, comparing totals from one quarter to another, making growth charts to see if there’s any anomaly. I check the time on my phone and find three hours have passed without any success. Pushing away from my desk, I wander out into the hall. A quick peek reveals Gran safe asleep in her bed, the doors are locked tight, and the house is quiet as a tomb. I hate it. I throw myself down on the sofa and pull out my phone, thumbing through it until I reach the texts Birdie sent me.

Ur creeptastic.

literal serial killer material

I laugh to myself. At least she’s got some self-preservation. I slide down the cushions and read the rest of the texts. Next time we see each other, I need a picture. Texts can only sustain me for so long.

“You really work too hard,” Birdie says.

I jerk upright. “Birdie?”

The woman of my dreams flips her wild mane of hair and pins me in place with her brilliant green eyes. “That’s my name. Like it?” She stops about an inch from my feet. My eyes drop to her toes painted with some kind of glitter that catches the light. Slowly I make the trek upward along the inner seam of her jeans until I hit the junction of her legs.

“Eyes up here,” she says.

Reluctantly, I do as she asks. Her hand reaches out to cup my chin. “You’re tired, aren’t you? Poor baby.” She moves close enough that I can reach out and palm her hip.

“Yes, I need you to take care of me.” I smooth my hand over the curve of her ass, hardly believing she’s letting me do this. The denim feels hot under my hand.

She slides her hand into my hair. “What exactly do you need? Why don’t you direct me in great, explicit detail.”

Dry-mouthed, I nod. “Gladly. First, we’re taking off your clothes. Second, I’m sucking on your tits. Third, I’m going to eat this ass until—“

Tags: Ella Goode Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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