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Frayed Obsession (The Frayed Trilogy 1)

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Chapter Ten


It feels strange entering the penthouse with Grace two steps behind me. I’ve brought women back here before, but they never stayed longer than necessary. This won’t be any different, except her purpose here doesn’t have anything to do with temporary pleasure.

I take in the muted blues and greys, the sharp angles, and simplistic furniture. There are no personal touches. Just the fine points of an expensive interior designer.

Strangely, I want to know what Grace sees. Does she see the empty spaces, the furniture that never gets used? It’s never felt like home, and I spend more time at the office than I do here.

Only one place has ever felt close to that, but I haven’t been back to the house since—

A quietoomphsounds from behind me, and I turn to see Easton steadying Grace with a hand on her shoulder and an annoyed look on his face. Grace’s eyes are wide and focused on something behind me, just as I hear the soft padding of paws headed our way.

The large German shepherd stops beside me, and my hand automatically drops to his head, but it seems like I’m not the only one distracted. After barely a scratch behind the ears, he’s on the move, as curious with the girl as I seem to be.

I need to get a grip.

I can’t forget why we’re here, whyshe’shere. For all I know, she was involved in everything.

With nowhere to go, Grace stumbles sideways away from Easton and into the entry table, causing the lamp to rattle.

“Shadow,” I warn. His onyx fur shines in the light as he drops to a sit at my tone, not half a meter from Grace, who’s now a worrying shade of white. “He won’t hurt you. Probably.” A squeak escapes her throat, and I almost smirk.

I’d had half a mind to let him continue his pursuit. Any injury to her would have been self-inflicted in an attempt to escape. Shadow might be big and have a vicious bark, but he’s soft at heart, and I thought it best to avoid any more injuries for now.

Shadow tilts his head to the side as he studies her like he can’t quite work her out any better than I can. “Let him smell your hand.” The words leave my mouth before I even realise I’m speaking.


“So he can get your scent and decide if he trusts you,” I say.

If only it were that simple…

Admittedly, this is more for Grace’s benefit than Shadow’s, and just when I think she isn’t going to do it, she timidly reaches out her hand. When she pauses midway, I can practically see the debate playing out in her head. Her hand trembles, and she doesn’t take her eyes off Shadow, but she moves it closer. Shadow takes a few sniffs of her hand, and his tail starts swishing lightly across the floor.

Of course, he likes her.

Grace’s shoulders relax slightly, just before Shadow goes in for the kill and takes a long lick of her palm. She pulls her hand back so fast I’m surprised she doesn’t hurt herself, and her eyes fly to mine for just a second, not willing to let Shadow out of her sight for more than a moment.

“I didn’t know you had a dog,” she says, so quietly I almost miss it.

Her brows crease in confusion, and I feel like I’m getting a peak through the mask she wears like a shield.

How did she not know about Shadow?Given I’m usually out the door by five o’clock for our morning run. Mason takes him out a couple of times during the day when he has a break, and I’ll take him for a quick walk when I get home, but by then, it’s often late into the evening.

Maybe she hasn’t been watching me as closely as we thought. But then, that doesn’t explain everything else and how she knows so much.

A throat clears, and I’d almost forgotten we weren’t alone. The reminder of why we’re here is like a bucket of ice water being tipped over my head, and I feel the cold instantly fill my veins.

Turning on my heel, I let out a sharp whistle, and Shadow is by my side immediately. I don’t bother to check if Easton and Grace follow, but knowing East, they won’t be far behind.

In the middle of the living room I’ve never used, I stand and wait. A moment later, Grace is standing in front of me. My pulse races, and it takes everything to keep my composure. I’ve wanted—needed—this information for eight months, but I’m not sure how to process that I might actually be about to get it.

Shadow leaves my side, and Grace visibly tenses when he heads in her direction, but he gives her space and lies down by the end of the couch.

“Sit.” The image of her standing tall before me when she’s about to name my parents’ killer infuriates me.

Although I don’t know if it’s her courage, despite the fact she can barely stand, that gets to me, or that a part of me hurts knowing she is in pain, no matter how hard she tries to hide it.

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